
Anna Quindlen Doing Something Is Nothing Analysis

Decent Essays
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In the essay ‘Doing Something is Nothing’ the author Anna Quindlen makes the statement that over scheduling of children is destroying their creativity. She also jokes “Palm handhelds will be sold in Toys “R” Us”(Quindlen 82). This statement inspires an interesting point. This article was written in 1992, 15 years ago. I argue that the change in technology has allowed for an increased ability to be creative even when children are not allotted time to do “nothing”.
A notable aspect of the changes in technology is the ability to write or draw without use of paper, making it much easier to access it on long bus trips to and from various scheduled appointments. A laptop or tablet fits into a bag no larger than the average purse, a smartphone is even smaller than that and can easily be held in a pocket. Even if it’s just a few haphazard strokes or random ideas typed out, this allows creativity on the go, even if you’re busy all day. …show more content…

To speak from personal experience, I have been inspired by the band Skiltron, a band I would never even know existed were it not for sites like youtube. I’ve been exposed to people and cultures oceans away from me, inspiring characters that are more than just the standard archetypes you’d see in US popular culture. I have read poetry that I would never even know was out there because of its availability over the internet.
One last good point of technology before I address an issue some may have with my claims, is the ease in which it allows you to share your works from anywhere. Most devices these days are capable of connecting to the internet through 3G or 4G networks, and even if your device is only capable of Wi-Fi reception; many locations (E.G Public Libraries, Fast Food Restaurants, etc.) offer it for free or low costs. This allows you to also receive input from anywhere. Such as the aforementioned international

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