
Anna's Ambition In Lady Macbeth

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Lady Macbeth was known for being the most ruthless woman in all of the land. Before she was married to a king, she was Anna MacPhail daughter of a Noble-man. Her mother Lady Macphail was a sweet, kind, amazing woman. Her father, Macphail, was honored in all of Scotland for his bravery in the war between Scotland and Britain. He was charming, charismatic, and kind; every woman wanted to date him, and every man wanted to be him. Then there was her sister Mary; she was considered to be the perfect child since birth. Mary was 2 years older than Anna meaning that she was always in charge. Whenever the girls were given a task to complete Mary would go above and beyond to be ahead of Anna. For example, when Anna would bake a for their mom’s birthday, …show more content…

Year after year Mary would find a way to one-up Anna in everything that they did. This created an evil ambition in Anna because all she ever wanted was to do one thing better than Mary so that she could finally receive her father’s approval. One day Anna decided that she was to pick all of her mother’s crops and go into town to sell them. Her reasoning for doing so was that her father loved two things fighting and her mom. By helping her mom with this huge task her father would have no choice, but to praise her for actions. Especially, since no asked her to do so in the first place. Anna, had it all planned out she had a wagon to wheel the crops into town, she even stayed up all night just to make sure she wouldn’t oversleep and miss her opportunity. It was 5:30 the sun was just starting to wake up, and she tip-toed out the back door as quiet as a mouse. She then started picking and placing her crops gently into the wagon. Finally, she was all set to go to town, for once everything seemed perfect. She arrived into town at 7:00 the exact time she planned after she set up her stand people started buying her crops one after one. By 8:30 all of the crops were gone and she had made by 10 American dollars, which was the most profit that her families ever made from

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