Through the fiery depths of Anne Bradstreet’s burning home and the intensity of god’s hands from Jonathan Edwards. The Puritanism way is highly respected. Throughout Anne Bradstreet’s poem from 1612-1672 she talks about her life and how her house is suddenly burning down. As her mind tosses around she starts to explain things about her life to herself. She realizes the positive things in life. She wants to make it known that god is good to her and no matter what she will always have a home and that being a Puritan means that god is there for her. Anne Bradstreet is very similar to Jonathan Edwards because as he writes he talks about how being a Puritan will save you and that not following god is the wrong choice because by following god you are safe and that god is so powerful that if you do anything wrong by him you shall be punished. These stories are similar but also different in many ways. …show more content…
They both talk about how great he is and how powerful he is. They both strongly believe in what the powerful god is capable of. Both Bradstreet and Edwards have similar writing styles and are strong believers of what people should do and shouldn’t do. As Bradstreet’s house is burning she expresses how she feels. As she thinks about what is happening she talks about it, when she feels like she is being selfish she tells herself to remember that no matter what she will always have a home and that she shouldn’t think that way because even without her home she’s at least still alive and that eventually she will get everything back. As for Edwards he expresses that god’s hands are like fire because how powerful he is. God is perfect and although he is perfect he can still get angry with people that make poor choices. He wants to encourage other Puritans to do what is right because god can punish for anything that is wrong. Both describe the power of
Anne Bradstreet’s feelings about her home represent the most material conflict. When her home burned down she wrote the poem to voice these feelings of hers. She describes the awakening to the “shrieks of dreadful voice” and going out to watch “the flame consume” her “dwelling place”. But she comforts herself with good Puritan dogma. The burning of the house is God’s doing and his doings should not be questioned. In looking over the stanzas where she
Poems from the time of the Puritans usually were based on their religion. Anne Bradstreet and Edward Taylor both portrayed a Puritanical message in their poems. Edward did so more so than Anne. They both conveyed different types of love. Anne wrote about her husband and how much she loved him. While Edward wrote about his love for God and how he wanted God to use him for His glory.
Anne Bradstreet and Edward Taylor are two of the most distinguished and fervent Puritan poets. Yet this similarity has proven to be one of the few, if not only between these two. One cannot help but find it intriguing that poets who belong to the same religious group and style would write so differently. Many of these differences are not even subtle or hidden beneath the text itself. The differences themselves hold implications and ideas that differ between each poet.
During the 1630’s, there was a group known as, the Puritans. The Puritans immigrated from England to America, for the sole purpose of religious freedom and their belief that the church of England needed reform. Puritan author’s, Anne Bradstreet and Jonathan Edwards, conveyed their messages and beliefs in their writing . For these two authors, they were working around the same foundation, Puritanism, for the intended messages. Admittedly, there is a disconnection in belief between the two. Edward’s writings take Puritanism to the extreme whilst Bradstreet’s works show a more traditional view in the religion while staying true to it.
Anne Bradstreet, as a poet, wrote as both a Puritan woman in her time and as a woman ahead of her time. Zach Hutchins analyzed this tension in “The Wisdom of Anne Bradstreet: Eschewing Eve and Emulating Elizabeth”, and makes a primary argument that three of Bradstreet’s poems provide evidence that Bradstreet rejects the Puritan views of a woman while keeping her own personal faith. Hutchins fither his argument by declaring that readers should not view Bradstreet as a symbol of rebellion or submission, instead as a symbol of wisdom.
The Puritan life, although simple, demanded diligence both mentally and spiritually which put stress on even the most faithful of followers. Although the common practice entailed brushing religious struggles under the rug, few writers bravely wrote of their religious doubts and endeavors to become better Puritans. Author Anne Bradstreet shows in her work “Here Follows Some Verse upon the Burning of Our House, July 10th, 1666” that religious struggles are often met by Puritans and it takes brave souls to admit their difficult time with their religion. This poem shows a woman dealing with a religious crisis and how even though she struggles her faith still holds strong in the end. Bradstreet’s poem displays a crisis of faith in her content
In the 1600’s, Puritans living in both England and New England held their views on God rather tightly and lived their lives as good Christians. Puritans were selfless individuals who had escaped and came to America in search of religious freedom and peace. In literature during that time period, it is made very clear that everything the Puritans had accomplished or acquired was a result of God, and that they were forever in his debt. One of the great poets from this time era was Anne Bradstreet who wrote about her children, husband, and parents. Anne Bradstreet blended her domestic life with theological imagery in every poem she did, explaining that her grandchildren were merely lent to her but
Puritans Anne Bradstreet and Jonathan Edwards expressed their beliefs through many of their works. Although in some ways they are the same, they also contrasted with each other. One thing they can agree on is that God is the way of life for the
Puritan literature captures not only their beliefs as a religion, but their beliefs as individuals. All Puritan literature is utilitarian, meaning it is useful, purposeful, and reflecting a non-ornate style of writing. One of the most prominent of early English poets was Anne Bradstreet. Her poems reflect the utilitarian style, but do so in a way that is entirely unique to herself and her emotions. Anne Bradstreet opens the bridge between her faith and her personal experiences in her poetry. In her poems “Upon the Burning of Our House” and “In Reference to Her Children” she reflects utilitarianism by recounting the conflicts between her love of her worldly things and her devotion to God’s eternity.
Faith has played an incredibly large role throughout all of American history. This is shown especially in early America when the Puritans settled in North America. Writing in this time period shows just how prominent faith is in this time period, as much of it directly alludes to the Bible. Throughout the time period writing and beliefs evolved. This is highly noticeable when comparing American poet Anne Bradstreet, and clergyman Jonathan Edwards. Bradstreet’s works include poems such as “To My Dear and Loving Husband”, and “Upon the Burning of Our House, July 10th, 1666” and while Edwards wrote many sermons, the most famous is “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God”. These works differ in many ways, but many comparisons and contrasts can be made in regards to writing style and beliefs presented in these works.
Quite atypically for a renowned American poet, Anne Bradstreet was an English-born writer who moved to America in 1630 after enduring an arduous journey (“Anne Bradstreet”). Bradstreet was a devoutly religious Puritan, following the precedent of her father and husband, the most prominent men in her life. Her dedicated Puritan beliefs greatly molded her writings. Many of her poems contain references to sin, redemption, and immortality among other recurrent Puritan topics (“Anne Bradstreet”). Anne Bradstreet’s published poetry collections were the first published works of poetry by an English-American (Eberwein 161-163). Anne Bradstreet was a groundbreaking writer as the first English-American poet of her time; her life experiences, Puritan
Would you consider any similarities in the poems written by a puritan woman i late 1600’s compared to the sermons of a puritan preacher of the early 1700’s? Anne Bradstreet, and Jonathan Edwards are two puritan authors whose writing style may seem very different but when going in depth you may find a few similarities that can be made between the two authors and their works. Going through their passages you will see many more differences than similarities. Both of these two authors would have many religious views in common, they would also in some cases have similar writing styles, and lastly they would have used some of the same literary devices to get across their message. The passages being compared are “To my dear loving husband” by Anne Bradstreet, “Upon the burning of our house, July 10th, 1666” by Anne Bradstreet, and lastly “Sinners in the hands of an angry god” by Jonathan Edwards.
"We were meant to be perfectly imperfect." We were meant to have scars, we were meanf to have flaws. Flaws aren't always beastly, they are a unique piece of you. Don't walk around ashamed of your insecurities for those may be the best qualities someone sees in you. Not everyday is a bad day, and the truth is a bad day only last 24 hours. And always remember, It's not selfish to love yourself, it's not selfish to make yourself a priority, but it's selfish to make people feel like they shouldn't. To make someone feel better, if you think they looking bomb asf, tell them they look bomb asf. You never know how good your comment will make another feel. But what you need to know is you shouldn't enforce someone to change, that's selfish. Authenticity
Gold is the number one mineral produced by the Philippines in value terms. Although total local production was low relative to world production, it ranked 2nd to Africa in gold production per unit land area in 1988 and ranked 29th as top gold producer in 2002(Israel and Asirot 2002). In the year 2002–2007, the Philippines’ gold production increased by 8.2%. This contributed an average of 2% gross domestic product (GDP) in the same period. The country was ranked 18th in the GFMs Gold Survey list of top 20 Gold Producing countries in 2007 (Teves 2008). The 2008 and 2009 data of the Philippine mining Almanac showed a significant amount of gold production by the
Discrimination in education goes further than the theory of the school to prison pipeline. Discipline in schools raise several questions but one in particular, are minority children punished more harshly than white children for the same infractions? Most parent’s response to that question would be home school. Common among white Americans, is showing an increase among African American kids. The government play a huge role in education, however what role does the government and the Obama administration play in the matter of discrimination in schools? School discipline, the law, and racism, how do they contribute to discrimination of education in the public school system?