Throughout history, dark times call for people to be resilient and a major part of survival is positivity. Studies have shown that increased optimism can have major benefits such as a reduced risk of cardiovascular problems, less depression and an increased lifespan (Verywell - Benefits of Positive Thinking). During the Holocaust, the attempted genocide of the jewish people, victims had to be resilient such as Anne Frank. Anne Frank was hiding out in an attic in Amsterdam during the Holocaust and made a diary to divert her feelings and stay strong during her hiding. Another person, featured in Man’s Search for Meaning, was named Viktor Frankl, who always found the rare momentous occasions where he was given mercy joyus. The Diary of Anne …show more content…
Little details that uplifted him often seemed petty if taken out of context, but, meant a lot to him in his situation and kept him from losing his sanity and hope. “The wish of the senior warden of our hut in Auschwitz had come true: we had come, as quickly as possible, to a camp which did not have a “chimney”—unlike Auschwitz.” (Frankl). He then exclaimed that him and the other prisoners “laughed and cracked jokes” (Frankl), in spite of just arriving at a concentration camp. He was also envious of those who were assigned to factory jobs, as they had shelter inside the factory, rather than the dreary conditions that those who worked outside had to deal with. He was also glad to get rid of his lice, “We were glad when there was time to delouse before going to bed.” This was good and bad, as he had to stand in the middle of his barracks in the freezing cold night, but, just the opportunity to get rid of their lice before he went to sleep gave him a little hope and made him just a bit happier. The final experience of positivity he experienced was with a chef, a fellow prisoner, giving out equal amounts of food to each prisoner. “He was the only cook who did not look at the men whose bowls he was filling; the only cook who dealt out the soup equally, regardless of recipient, and who did not make favorites of his personal friends or countrymen, picking out the potatoes for them, while the others got watery
Anne Frank is a Jewish girl who had to go into hiding because of the anti Jewish culture of Germany in July 1942. Anne's family and another family decide to go into hiding. They hide in the secret annex and survive for for two years. But they get caught and sent to concentration camps. Dispute the horrendous treatment Anne faced she still stayed optimistic, caring, and playful.
Anne Frank was a young girl who lived during the holocaust who lived during Hitler’s reign in Amsterdam. Only one problem: She was Jewish. In July of 1942, Margot Frank was called to report to a concentration camp. The Franks were forced into hiding in an annex behind Mr. Frank’s business. The Franks, along with the Van Pels and Mr. Pfeffer, hid in the annex for about two years. During her time in hiding, Anne confided in a diary. In her diary, she wrote “Despite everything, I believe people are really good at heart.” I agree with Anne. In my opinion, everyone is good at heart; they just show it in different ways. People do what they think is right. Even though there is evil in the world, I believe that deep down, everyone is good at heart.
Everyone in history has faced a time where there life was flipped upside down. The Jewish lives were flipped upside down when Adolph Hitler rose to power. He killed millions of Jews and used them as a scapegoat for no apparent reason. In The Diary of Anne Frank by Frances Goodrich and Albert Hackett, the Franks were just one of the millions of Jewish families whose lives were suddenly struck with complications. When the franks tried to escape Hitler by going into hiding Miep Gies stepped up and risked her life to help the Franks. Miep was always trying to give great news and hopefulness to the franks to get there spirits up, that represents optimism.
The Holocaust is a big part of WWII. The Holocaust is a genocide, meaning killing a large group of people. Many people went into hiding such as Anne Frank. In the play, The Diary of Anne Frank, by Frances Goodrich and Albert Hackett, Anne and her family went into hiding to prevent being deported. Dialogue is shown in Anne Frank by showing things like internal motivation, external motivation, conflict, setting the temporarily state of action, and what the characters are drawing the same characteristics to.
Jews have perished because of their beliefs since the beginning of time but never have so many Jews been persecuted worldwide as they were in World War II. Anne Frank’s diary reaches a place within all of our hearts because it reminds us how easily the innocents can suffer. Sometimes we may choose to close our eyes or look the other way when unjustifiable things happen in our society and Anne’s tale reminds us that ignorance, in part, claimed her life. Sadly, her story is but one of many of those who died in the Holocaust and as with other Jews, her fate was determined by the country she lived in, her sex and her age.
Half the inmates died due to starvation and lack of nutrition. They were only given a very small ration of soup and a piece of bread. As he was trying to survive in the concentration camps; his greatest fear was not to lose his father through his harsh times and challenges while in the camp.
The Holocaust, a morbid atrocity that made people question humanity, was the cause of millions of deaths. One of those victims of this brutality was Anne Frank, a young Jewish girl who hid from the Nazis along with her family. Although she was merely ordinary, Anne Frank kept a diary which became a significant, historical artifact in the modern world as it details her account of concealing her identity from the outside world. Her story, told in an innocent perspective, allows individuals to reflect the dreadful events of the Holocaust and acknowledge how far we have come since then. Even though she died along with millions of other victims from the Holocaust, her spirit still exists thanks to her articulately written words in her diary which is now considered one of the most famous works of literature. Anne Frank’s legacy still lives on today because her story provides a primary source of a dark period in history, insightful contemplation of humanity, and motivation for people to stand up against unjustified persecution.
Miriam Korber and Alice Ehrmann have many similarities as far as their experiences during the Holocaust. They both see unthinkable horrors in the form of “hunger, cold, illness, filth, death, humiliation, and despair” (Korber 245). Unlike the six million Jews killed by the Holocaust, Alice and Miriam both survive, which led me to examine how their different experiences and personalities help them survive. They both face their emotions directly and use their diaries to vent which may be part of the reason they survive. On the other hand, Anne Frank always has hope and is naive to some of the horrors that others are experiencing. In this horrible time Anne Frank has privilege compared to Miriam and Alice who don’t have a support system or
“Despite everything I believe that people are really good at his shows heart.”, writes Anne Frank. Despite her dire circumstances, Anne Frank wrote optimistically about people’s hearts. Anne and her family were forced into hiding when Adolf Hitler was appointed Chancellor of Germany. Along with her family another Jewish family, the VanDaans, stayed at the Secret Annex with hope of outlasting the war and hate in which Hitler has instilled upon Germany. As a gift from her father Anne has received a diary, in which she writes down her experiences and thoughts as she hid in the Secret Annex. Anne’s optimistic idea about people's hearts is false, some people always stay hateful always placing blame on other, bad people’s reactions to something will never be result in good, however some people might argue that people are just trying to good with bad methods.
It can be difficult to remain positive when all seems hopeless, but one young girl defies all unfavorable odds and contains her positivity amidst adversity, overcoming the doubts the world once believed to be certain. In the play, “The Diary of Anne Frank,” by Albert Hackett and Frances Goodrich, a growing adolescent, Anne Frank, faces the many hardships that come with practicing Jewish faith while hiding out in a secret annex with her friends and family during the war. Along her journey, she also comes across a couple of unexpected surprises, such as discovering a love interest, and she realizes that with a little bit of faith and positivity, one can overcome anything even in the darkest of times. Despite the countless obstacles she faces,
“It's a wonder I haven't abandoned all my ideals, they seem so absurd and impractical. Yet I cling to them because I still believe in spite of everything, that people are truly good at heart.” (Anne Frank) Anne Frank was one of the many children who fell victim to the Holocaust during the World War II. Anne’s story is nothing short of a tragedy; she died at the early age of fifteen from Typhus while being held by the Nazi Regime, in the concentration camp Bergen-Belsen. Before dying, Anne and her family went into hiding and lived secretly in her father's office building in the Netherlands. While living in the “Annex,” a secret hiding place, she developed many interests such as reading and writing. Anne is famous because she is one of the best-known victims of the Holocaust, her story has been shared with millions in a publication of her diary, and through her writing’s she introduces many people to the massacre and its horror.
As historians have went through a young Jewish girl's diary, they found the quote, "In spite of everything, I still believe people are still really good at heart." This diary was written by Anne Frank, a 16 year old girl, at the time of the terrible tragedy, the Holocaust. The public can now learn what it was like being a part of the Holocaust, first hand. During this event, a man by the name of Adolf Hitler, tortured people of Jewish descent. Fighting through her daily struggle, of fighting and disagreeing with family, Anne Frank stayed positive. In her ordeal, she felt as if almost, everyone had some type of good in their souls. The quote, "In spite of everything, I still believe people are really good at heart," changed many perspectives
Discordia, the Roman goddess of strife and discord, is sinister, mean and full of mischief (Lindermans). Her greatest joy is to cause trouble. She is also known as Eris in Greek mythology. Discordia started the Trojan War by tossing a golden apple of discord, which bore a label “For the Fairest”, in the middle of a wedding between King Peleus of Thessaly and Thetis, with the goddesses Athena, Hera and Aphrodite in attendance (Allen & Saunders). Being conceited and competitive, the goddesses wanted to know who the fairest was, and a man named Paris was chosen to make the decision. The goddesses bribed Paris with wisdom, power, and the love of the most beautiful woman on earth. Paris ultimately chose Aphrodite as the fairest, thereby gaining
Level II: Conventional morality (or morality of conventional role formality): People have internalized the standards of authority figures. They are concerned about being “good,” pleasing others, and maintaining the social order. This level is typically reached after age 10; many people never move beyond it, even in adulthood.
Anne Frank is an amazing Example of Hope. This young lady is somebody who all People ought to gaze upward to and try to be similar to, or through a standout among the most tempting time times of our reality's history, World War II, Anne kept up her Hope that things would show signs of improvement and that some time or another her life would be restored to its old self. Rather than harping on the terrible occasions going ahead around her, Anne pours her Innermost contemplation and concerns into her journal, which in the long run turns into an astounding bit of proof for descendants to find out about this horrendous world occasion. Anne had every last bit of her freedoms and property tore far from her by Nazis, and in addition losing every last