‘’ How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world.’’ This inspirational quote was from the one and only Anne Frank. Annelies Marie Frank was a young German girl , a diarist who was one of the most important jewish victims of the Holocaust. She was a strong intelligent girl who dealt with a lot growing up. For instance growing up through the worst of times when Jews were being abducted by the Natzis. Therefore transported by freight trains to extermination camps and the ones who survived were sent to be killed in gas chambers.
Early Life Annelies Marie Frank was born on June 12,1929 had an older sister named Margot Frank ,father named Otto Frank therefore her mother Edith Hollander. Anne grew up as a liberal jew who lived in a community of jewish and non jewish citizens. She grew up in two homes the first one was Marbachweg 307 where the family rented 2 floors. Henceforth the second home was at Ganghoferstrasse 24 in a free community which was called Dichterviertel.(Early Life) Anne’s parents were lieutenants during world war 1 ,years later became business people. Frank was raised as an upper middle class girl who wasn’t poor but wasn’t entirely considered “rich “. (Social Class) Natzis Abduction
During the early 1930’s the
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Anne Frank provided us information on how it felt to be a victim of the holocaust. It’s been 63 years since the tragedy of the holocaust over 6,000,000 to 11,000,00 died. This generations of children probably don’t know what the holocaust is,but if we introduce these kids to Anne Frank’s book’’The Diary Of A Young Girl.’’ They will understand how some parts of history were atrocious times,but even though they were it’s still great to know what your country was like back then. ‘’ I don't think of all the misery but of the beauty that still remains.’’ - Anne
Annelies Marie Frank or better known as Anne Frank was one of the famous victims of Hitler. Anne Frank wrote the famous Diary that has been by her father Otto Frank after the war about the life of eight Jews in hiding. Anne Frank was born in Germany in the city of Frankfurt Au Mein on 12 June 1929 to German parents Otto and Edith Frank and three-year-old sister Margot. Four months after Anne was born, the Stock Market crashed and Germany fell into a deeper hole of debt. The Frank family owned a bank that went bankrupt due to claims of acts of fraud. In 1933, Anne, Margot, Edith, and Otto Frank moved to Amsterdam, the Netherlands to escape the nightmare they called home in Germany. Otto Frank started a business called Opekta a substance used
During the Holocaust, six million Jews were persecuted, and even more were oppressed by the Nazis. Throughout all of this suffering, Anne Frank still stood by her ideals she talked about and saw, such as hope, selflessness, and family. Anne had hope that she would soon return to a classroom someday, after the war is over. She also talked about selflessness, because of the people who risked their lives to keep her safe. Family also affected her because she had many people around her who acted like family, even if they were not consanguine. Throughout all these years, Anne still believed in these standards, even the toughest of times.
Anne Frank was a survivor of the Holocaust because of hiding in the annex for two years during World War 2, she survived past her 14th and 15th birthday and, survived a concentration camp that was liberated, that sent her and Margot to Bergen-Belsen.
There are many influential figures in our history, and they have changed our lives and the way that we see things. I believe that Anne Frank is one of the most influential figures in our history because she’s claimed to have penned one of the world’s most powerful accounts of Jewish life during World War II. When she went into hiding during the Holocaust, she journaled her experiences for an imaginary friend by the name of ‘Kitty’, and she always believed the world would change and become better; "that peace and tranquility will return once more” (Anne Frank). Early Life Anne Frank was born on June 12, 1929, in Frankfurt am Main, Germany (Source #3). The Franks lived in a neighborhood as an "upper middle - class German - Jewish family” (Source
Over 30 million copies of Anne Frank’s diary were sold, with over 70 language translations made into it. Anne Frank made such an important impact on the world, and how she changed millions of lives. Mr. Frank did not violate Anne’s rights by publishing her diary because it gave a way to look at the Holocaust from a victim’s point of view, Anne wasn’t the “right” person to represent the Holocaust, but not a single person would be, this is also the first and sometimes only representation of the Holocaust. First, it gave a way to look at the Holocaust from a victim's point of view. “The book gave a child’s face to the incomprehensible truths of the Holocaust” (Blakemore 1).
"I don't think of all the misery but of the beauty that still remains." By Anne Frank. This quote is by Anne Frank, she is a very important person who was in The Holocaust. The Holocaust is a very important moment in history. The Holocaust is the persecution and murders of Gypsies, the mentally retarded, the physically disabled, homosexuals, and the Slavic people. The Holocaust is also known as the persecution of Jews. The Nazis thought that this was the 'Final Solution to the Jewish Problem' so it exterminates all Jews in Europe. The Nazis has Jews get deported to concentration camps to be starved or gassed to death. The four main points will be the start of The Holocaust, the important people, concentration camps, and the ending of The Holocaust.
“Whoever is happy will make others happy too.” This quote was said by Anne Frank, a Jew that was hiding from the Nazis during the World War II. She was also a German diarist. She documented while the Holocaust was happening. Anne Frank had a happy life before the Holocaust but, when it got started, her life started to change. Anne Frank’s life was important before, during and after the Holocaust.
Have you ever imagined what it would be like to hide from the world, for two years in fear? Well, the majority of us would say “No.” Anne Frank was a girl who lived during the Holocaust and had to do this at a young age. Anne Frank was born on 12 June 1929, in Frankfurt, Germany, and died in March of 1945 in Lower Saxony, Germany. Her father, Otto Frank, was the owner of a business that aided in the process of making jelly.
“It's a wonder I haven't abandoned all my ideals, they seem so absurd and impractical. Yet I cling to them because I still believe in spite of everything, that people are truly good at heart.” (Anne Frank) Anne Frank was one of the many children who fell victim to the Holocaust during the World War II. Anne’s story is nothing short of a tragedy; she died at the early age of fifteen from Typhus while being held by the Nazi Regime, in the concentration camp Bergen-Belsen. Before dying, Anne and her family went into hiding and lived secretly in her father's office building in the Netherlands. While living in the “Annex,” a secret hiding place, she developed many interests such as reading and writing. Anne is famous because she is one of the best-known victims of the Holocaust, her story has been shared with millions in a publication of her diary, and through her writing’s she introduces many people to the massacre and its horror.
The year of 1933, was the beginning of one of the most horrific events of World History, the Holocaust. The Holocaust caused Jews to hide with other families, which contained teenagers. One of the most known stories of the Holocaust is the story of Anne Frank. Anne was in hiding with her sister, Margot and crush, Peter.
Anne Frank's life before she went into hiding was very nice. She was very fond of her dad Otto who was a very nice man. She had a pleasant. carefree and somewhat spoiled life of a young pre-teen from an upper middle class family in Amsterdam. She had a completely
Anne Frank was born in Frankfurt, Germany to a Jewish family on June 12, 1929 and died March 1945 in Bergen-Belsen. Her family consists of her mother Edith, her father Otto Frank and her sister named Margot who was often very ill.
Millions and Millions of Jews were killed during this event including a little girl named Anne Frank. She was born on June 12, 1929, in Frankfurt, Germany; Anne Frank lived in Amsterdam with her family during World War II. Trying to stay away from Nazi persecution of Jews, the family went into hiding for two years; during this time, Frank wrote about her experiences and wishes. She was 15 when the family was found and sent to the concentration camp, where she died. The Diary of Anne Frank was a big success and was read by millions. “Despite everything, I believe people are good at heart.” (Frank). I strongly agree with Anne because most people do the stuff they do to get attention, and the cause of that could be from their parents not giving them attention as a kid, so if you think about it it’s not their
The Holocaust has taken the lives of many Jews. One of the families that was effected by the Holocaust was the Frank family. On girl in particular, named Anne, used her orderliness to benefit her family and others in the Holocaust through writing in her journal.
The Holocaust was a time of horror and brutality. Anne Frank and her family were only a few of the many Jews terrorized. Anne was a brave and inspiring young girl in a time that was anything but pleasant.