
Anne Moody 's Coming Of Age

Decent Essays

“Moody, Anne. Coming of Age in Mississippi. New York: Dial, 1968. Print.” Anne Moody was a determined, educated, and an inspiring civil rights activist who was born in Gloster, Mississippi. Born on September 15th, 1940-passed away February 5th, 2015 Anne Moody dedicated her life to making the United States a better place for not only African American’s, but pleaded for equality amongst all races as well. Awarded best book of the year in 1969 by the National Library Association, Anne Moody writes her autobiography “Coming of Age in Mississippi” is an effort to inform her readers about her journey throughout life as an adolescent living in the rural grounds of Gloster, Mississippi, to her times of adulthood working as a subsequent civil rights activist in New York. Anne Moody shares with us the chilling details on why she became a civil rights activist and growing up as a colored female during a time of racial segregation, and humiliation; Along with many other personal experiences, such as losing her childhood friend, and living in a one parent home that puts an intense strain amongst her family’s’ poverty. Coming of Age in Mississippi’s overall message that Moody wanted her readers to receive is how her anger from growing up in a poor and segregated environment pushes her to do all that she can to change the unfair treatment that African Americans were forced to live with. Rather than living as a victim under racial inequality she chooses to take a stand, and become an

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