
Anne Sexton's Poem 'Her Kind'

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Anne Sexton suffered greatly from depression and made it clear to her readers that it was no secret. She was a strong woman and played several roles during her lifetime. Anne was a daughter, wife, mother, and an isolated poet. ‘Her Kind’ was a poem written by Anne in the sixties and is filled with symbolism; taking her readers on a journey through many identity shifts. The first stanza has ‘I’ in it repeatedly, allowing her readers to grasp the fact that she is the poet and the speaker. This is important to note because she is making it clear that she has been ‘Her Kind’, referencing her mental illness and the struggles she faces being an outcast woman within a society that urges conformity. “I have gone out, a possessed witch, haunting the black air, braver at night; dreaming evil, I have done my hitch over the plain houses, light by light: lonely thing, twelve-fingered, out of mind. A woman like that is not a woman, quite. I have been her kind.” In the first stanza, it is important to point out that with dark language and imagery, Anne takes on the persona of a witch. Additionally, witches are naturally unpopular, especially during the time this poem was written which is important to note as the poem continues. Anne states that that she is twelve-fingered, which is symbolic because she is exaggerating the fact that she is an especially strange witch due to this …show more content…

She mentions waving her nude arms to villages in passing, and though she was clothed, it’s important to point out that nudity is very intimate and personal. When referencing the wheel cracking her bones and fire biting her thighs, she is being tortured by a medieval device and can feel her ribs cracking while the burning flames beneath her reach her thighs. She boldly condemns society for threatening the women who are unconventional and less valuable in their

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