My name’s Kenneth Ngo and I’m from Bridgeport CT. I have one brother and one sister. Both of them goes to Kennesaw State University. My wonderful parents are from Vietnam, and they’re the best parents ever. I’m taking my core classes in Chattahoochee Tech and I’ll be transferring to Kennesaw State University to get my business degree. When I have free time, I love to watch movies, playing video games and going to the gym. My favorites playing soccer because I love to run and scoring goals and I love playing in a team. It’s such a beautiful sports to play. My subject for the Annotated Bibliography will be relate about sports because sports can make me feel happy, angry and sad.
Carco Niki, dir. McFarland USA Walti
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“A boy Juggling a Soccer” by Christopher Merrill’s about a boy practicing his soccer skills. The poet uses numerous of simile. For example, “the hot sun and sweat filling his eye as he jiggles this way. The theme of the poem’s that also work hard and one day something big will happened. The boy kept practicing and he wants to achieve something big I really enjoy this poem because I love soccer. I still practice my soccer skills because I want to get better and better.
. Miller, Michael. "Slowest Member on the Junior Varsity." Poetry Foundation. Poetry Foundation, n.d. Web. 25 June 2015.
Inspiring’s the word to describe the “Slowest Member on the Junior Varsity” by Michael Miller. It’s inspiring because in the line “When he move, he moves to the finish line (16-17).” It reminding of me when I was about to drop-off high school in my freshman year because my GPA was really awful. I decided to stay in high school because I wanted to high school with my friends and make my family proud. I had one thing in mind it was finishing high school. In the poem, he had one thing in mind that’s going the finish line. For me, the themes of the poem’s keeping moving forward and always do your best. The most interesting line’s “There’s standing tough and moving tough (14).” That line’s important because nobody should never give
The theme of the poem is
I think the theme is somewhat in the relation of “always keep an open mind and a compassionate heart” because the author has a persuasive tone and wants the audience to understand that athletes work so hard as seen in the quote “the whole-hearted effort that is seen on the ball field every afternoon”. Lee wants the audience to understand and be receptive of the accomplishment and drive these athletes go through when they are on the
Flick Webb possess hopes and dreams that unexpectedly vanished, and even now he still reminisces about the glory days. It is difficult to let go, and once still dwell on memories once had. Many athletes have that dream to become something great, some inherit a bright future; however, many do not. In John Updike’s poem “Ex Basketball Player,” Flick Webb was once that star basketball player, who didn’t inherit that bright future, as a consequence works at a mediocre job. In “Ex Basketball Player,” Updike utilizes imagery to dramatize conflict among Flick’s past success with his present failure.
Updike’s poem, “Ex-Basketball”, is a poem that remembers the heyday of Flick, while at the same time illustrating a descriptive picture for the reader. He commences with a description of a journey down a street that could represent Flick’s life; full of turns and promises but dead ends because of a lack of training. Moreover, John Updike composes this poem with figurative language, correct diction, and imagination using valuable elements to create an excellent effect on the tone and meaning of this poetic style poem. I could say that the theme of “Ex-basketball” focuses on the fact that if one does not work hard on achieving their goals, they will not succeed in reaching their dream. In fact, the outcome of not reaching your goals can lead to frustration and disappointment in life. Evidently, Flick shows a reflection of people who once were successful in sports when he was in high school, but has drastically different future than one might think.
Archbishop Mitty is a school that is focused on helping others, sports, and technology. Many of my interests correlate with Mitty’s ideas and philosophy. I myself am very passionate about helping others because every time I get a chance, I always try to do a good deed in my community. I also participate in many competitions that involve in helping others. While living in Singapore, I was part of the Save the Environment club. This club’s main goal is to campaign for water conservation. We introduced different techniques to communities to help them conserve water efficiently. Due to our team’s efforts, we were awarded with a trophy for being the most effective team. I am also very interested in basketball. I have been playing basketball for
From my first T-Ball team to my senior year track club, the comradery and confidence I have gained from competing on numerous sports teams has made an enormous impact on my life. Growing up, I went to a very small Catholic school. With less than 100 students in the entire school district. In third grade, our family moved to Manteno. Where each grade level had at least 120 students. Baseball and Basketball were crucial for me in my early years. It was how I became acquainted with most of my friends growing up in Manteno. If it wasn’t for competing on a team, I would have stayed timid for the rest of my life. With the confidence sports have gave me, I have been able to challenge myself to experience the world and all
Life is hard. Everybody comes across a hard time in their lives where they have to work for their goals. Some people just give up, but if you keep going your hard work can pay off in the long run. The story, ´´The Marble Champ,´´ by Gary Soto, Lupe, the protagonist, learns that hard work pays off. Lupe is a shy girl and a straight-A- student, but she is no good at sports. When she finds a sport (marbles) she could maybe be good at, she never gave up in her hard work to achieve her goal. Lupe also experienced feeling good about herself. After practicing and lots of hard work things also got easier for her. Lupe was glad that she achieved all of these things because of her hard work.
Searching for the perfect topic in any essay is always tough. So when I began to think about a research topic, I had no idea what to write about. I started to think about all the things that I love doing and have a passion for such as, hunting, fishing, and sports. Although with this research paper I wanted to pick something that is intriguing to me, but I don’t know a whole lot about. When it comes to hunting and fishing, I’m pretty well informed. Although in sports, there are endless opportunities. There are so many little things that you can go into and expand your knowledge upon. Just recently the Harlem Globetrotters hosted an event involving their 90th year anniversary that was aired on T.V. I have always enjoyed the
It wasn’t that long ago when I became in love with the game of baseball. I still remember the day that my neighbor met me outside in the front yard just as we always did. It has been approximately two years ever since that Friday after school he asked me if I want to go to a Angel’s baseball game. I decided to go nothing better to do that day, when I got there it was such a rush seeing all the people that came to watch a baseball game. I followed my neighbor down the line, eagerly I waited to try to obtain a baseball players autograph. My friend gave me a baseball to try to get autographed, and later that day I luckily got my first baseball players autograph. His name was Dino Ebel the bench coach for the Angels,
Maybe I could slide out unnoticed, or melt into a puddle in the corner of the gym. Every year our gym teacher made us play basketball for 4 weeks, and every year I’d find an excuse to hide in the locker room, come to school late, or walk around collecting balls that had wandered off the court—any excuse not to actually shoot a ball. It was frustrating to play basketball. The other guys had great moves. They seemed to be naturals. I was embarrassed every time it was my turn to play. I kept fumbling the ball, and sometimes it even got away from me. Then one day, my friend Mike took me to the park, and he insisted we practice. He told me it didn’t come easy to him, but he practiced every day until it became easier. Each day, Mike and I would practice dribbling, passing, and my least favorite, shooting. I wasn’t good, but after weeks of practice, I had confidence and felt much more relaxed on the court. I was ready to be more than a puddle in gym. Just as my hard work and dedication paid off, Lupe Medrano’s continuous practice helped her succeed in the short story “Marble Champ” by Gary Soto. “MARBLE CHAMP” IS THE STORY OF A YOUNG GIRL LUPE WHO IS DETERMINED TO BE THE CHAMPION AT MARBLES, DESPITE STIFF COMPETITION. Lupe’s refusal to quit despite her poor athleticism and her ceaseless practicing helped her to become a true marble
Over the years I have received numerous medals and awards for outstanding athletic and academic achievement. Yet, I believe that my most meaningful accomplishment is something completely different: my resilience. Coming from a socially, economically and educationally disadvantaged background I have had to overcome hurdles that many
It was a cold day in November: an icy breeze blowing across a green soccer pitch in Jackson, Mississippi. Fans along the sideline cheering on the Jackson Elite FC. I took the field feeling the pressure of gameday bearing down like i had weights on my shoulders. This was the first time I had every started as a forward in a soccer game. The referee brings the ball to midfield and sets it down. I hear my parents cheering from the sidelines. The opposing team kicks off and the game is on.
“You made the honor roll I am so proud of you.” I looked at my my mother excitedly as she was reaching in for a generous and happy hug. I took a deep breath and found out that was the day I figured out that I can actually accomplish things. Every morning I would wake up go to school and try my hardest to do my work in school and I knew that if I kept my grades up I could play volleyball. By keeping my good grades and continuing my volleyball career that is when I got and award for most valuable player. So you can see that if I could accomplish one thing if I put my mind to it and accomplish another.
Then I began to spill out the emotions of never being able to compete in college sports. My competitive nature will always be a part of me, and now I would have to find something to replace my participation in organized sports. As I was writing this, other ideas began to flow. Attending such a close-knit school for four years, the next ideas inevitably began effortlessly pouring out: missing my peers and teachers, being
I walked off the floor with sweat dripping from my hair. So many thoughts flew through my head that I couldn’t focus on anything. My junior year of basketball felt like it ended as quickly as a blink. It was as if in seconds we went from the stars of the state tournament to the embarrassments of it. I tried to forget the disappointment of it but it still will not leave. My desire and love to win games comes from the more apparent hatred of losing them. Junior year we had a chance to win a state championship, but we lost that chance. That was when I realized that I had one chance left to win. Senior year our basketball success would only be as rewarding as we would make it. The pressure placed on ourselves was substantial, and we faced trials on the road to success. In the end, we stood alone, crowned as the champions, not letting our chance slip away.