
Annotated Bibliography Analysis

Decent Essays

Annotated Bibliography
By Serge Andre
Date: 7/7/2015

Global and multicultural education are two concepts that parallel each other based on theory. These ideas focus on the fact that society has undergone an awakening determining that education is a right and not a privilege. Education as right means it is available for all people despite income, social class, gender, and physical or mental impairments. The idea of education has also evolved beyond how it is provided, it has changed to also include how education is presented. Education is presented with the belief that all people possesses a commonality and must be able to function in a competing environment with mutual respect. Education is emphasizes the strength and humanity …show more content…

(1991). Global education: From thought to action ; yearbook of the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development. Alexandria, Va.: ASCD.

Tye article on global education, allows the reader to understand global education by providing an analysis of what global education is and how it can be useful. The author defines global education and provides clear examples on how it appears in schools. One major aspect of his analysis is that he demonstrate the appearance of a global education and inherent problems that exist in schools without the global perspective. The author states that it is important that global education creates people more socially aware capable of interacting with members outside of their community creating a cross cultural discourse.

Merryfield, M. (1995, July 1). Teacher Education in Global and International Education. Retrieved July 7, 2015, from

Merryfield examines what is global and international education. She states that educators most work to promote cultural pluralism, interconnections, and international competition. This article is important because it discusses how global education should be presented in a content specific manner in order to maximize its

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