Annotated Bibliography and Outline
Malik, S. (2012). A Study of Relationship between Leader Behaviors and Subordinate Job Expectancies: A Path-Goal Approach. Pakistan Journal of Commerce & Social Sciences, 6(2), 357-371.
The quality of an organization 's products and the performance of the managers are instrumental in the success of the organization. It is worth noting that the manager 's leadership style has a fundamental relationship to an organization 's success because the decision made by the managers determines the success or failure of the organization. The article presents groundbreaking information about the relationship between the leader behavior of the corporate managers and the job expectancy amongst the subordinates. Due
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It contributes significantly to the literature on the leader-member exchange (LMX) and the organizational citizenship behavior (OCB). Through the relationship identification model, the scholars propose an alternative mechanism for relating LMX to OCB. The mechanism is ingrained in the identification process rather than the reciprocal exchange process. The social exchange theory has been the traditional basis for understanding the relationships between LMX and OCB. The supervisors offer valuable inducements that include rewards stretching beyond the identified formal job description to the subordinates for the high-quality dyads. To ensure a balanced exchange relationship, the assistants go beyond the formal responsibilities and engage in OCB. Other than the traditional formal reward of the followers by the leader, it is necessary that the leader offers emotional support to the subordinates. This may make the members develop loyalty to the leadership than the organization. From multiple studies, the scholars have supported their argument and identified that the leader has a role that is reflected in the subordinates’ self-concept. The use of diverse and unbiased study participants adds to the relevance of the research in linking the LMX to the OCB through the identification theory.
Van Dierendonck, D., Stam, D., Boersma, P., De Windt,
There is a great importance put on business leadership, this is directly due to how a business not only functions but in how fruitful the company can become. A great leader essentially can take a business plan that is weak yet turn it into a success, whereas a poor leader stands a higher chance of ruining the best of business plans. That is why it is essential to develop effective leadership throughout a companies entire management program at all levels. How does one develop or retain strong leadership? Companies must be focused on hiring strategies that encompass very specific parameters, building from within whilst creating a strong foundation for employee development and succession planning. Leadership is essential in any organization. The style and theory embraced determines whether the company will or will not achieve their goals. in all cases theory must be embraced, as a companies theory, style, and strategy is greatly dependent on the industry the company is in (Sadler, 2014). “The behavioral theory is one of the widely used theories of management. It suggests that leaders are made and not born. It gives room for training to install leadership traits in leaders at the expense of denying them a chance. There are various leadership styles embraced by companies (Cyert, & March, 2005).” This paper takes a look at the management styles of two specific
This book identifies three standards of employees which each may require a different method of leadership form the same leader. These employees
“Rising through the Ranks,” written by Mike Wynn is one of the popular books on leadership, which explains the importance of leadership and the ways to become an efficient leader. Wynn describes the expectations of an organization from a leader. A leader should undertake certain tasks, such as “short-term, long-term, operational and administrative and ensure the completion of tasks through people” (Wynn, 2008). If a supervisor fails to employ a leadership stance, instead employs a management stance, there are higher chances of risk to lose the effort and loyalty of the people. Adopting a leadership style of supervision has more chances of success as the people always strive for their success as well as the success of their leader.
(2014). "Leader-member exchange and organizational citizenship behavior: The roles of identification with leader and leader's reputation. Social Behavior & Personality": An International Journal, 42(10), 1699-1711.
Many individuals within organizations make a distinction between leaders and managers, sometimes comparing managers unfavorably to leaders (Yukl, 2013). However, when defining what a leader is, many people struggle to provide a clear definition. Knowing how managerial activities and behavior are affected by the level of management as well as an understanding of the skills that are required at each managerial level can help consolidate the sometimes divergent perspective individuals have concerning leaders and managers. In addition, a review of leadership studies that have helped shape the modern viewpoint of leadership can assist in identifying some characteristics
Who was the best supervisor you ever worked for? Take a minute to consider why you chose this individual. What did he or she do different in your work life to earn this prestigious label? Currently, many organizations across the world have buckled or are experiencing less than stellar sales and service, along with low performance and profitability. This could be attributed to various factors; however, poor leadership management is generally at the top of the list of excuses. The role of a supervisor, manager, or leader can have an overwhelming effect on both a company and on the people who work there. This paper seeks to examine the role that the leader plays in both the business and in the life of his or her staff.
When looking back in one’s career, each manager in the organization leads and develops employees differently. A person can apprehend that each leader has their own leadership style with
An organization has the greatest chance of being successful when all of the employees work toward achieving its goals. Since leadership involves the exercise of influence by one person over others, the quality of leadership exhibited by supervisors is a critical determinant of
“Leader-member exchange theory maintains that communication which takes place between a superior and subordinate is critical to the growth of the organization – It positively affects the mutual relationship between the superior and subordinate” (p. 329).
A leader-member exchange relationship is between leaders and followers and the influences involved. the theory states that leaders form high-quality social exchanges with some members and low-quality economic exchanges with others that do not extend beyond the employment contract. With a high-quality relationship, the follower displays higher performance, satisfaction, commitment, and organizational citizenship behavior.
In many organizations leadership is the key to a company success, and many companies find out the hard way that managers do not always demonstrate the abilities to be leaders. Managers who do not demonstrate these abilities are individuals, who have been given a hierarchy position, follow the “corporate code” and do not think
I view a leader as a dependable person that motivates and encourages others to perform to the best of their ability. Being a leader means you lead by example so that others are inspired to follow (Stojkovic, Kalinich & Klofas, 2015). Leaders exist in our everyday lives, regardless if they assume the title or not Stojkovic, et al, 2015. Some of these leaders are family, peers, friends, co-workers and professors Stojkovic, et al, 2015. Modeling leaders and training in different areas at my past jobs have allowed me to excel in areas of communication, customer service and time management. These individuals gave me the drive to be a better person and achieve excellent results doing everyday tasks. As a result, I could count on these people for help if I am unsure of my job responsibilities and they would be more than happy to assist me. Confidence, passion, patience, integrity and transparency are some of the fine qualities of a leader (Stojkovic, et al, 2015). Therefore, strong trustworthy leaders treat others the way they would like to be treated (Stojkovic, et al, 2015). Furthermore, leaders clearly communicate their expectations in a clear and understandable manner to other people. Leaders try to create a safe environment that fosters creativity, ambition, social engagement and innovation among the employees (Stojkovic, et al, 2015). Therefore, frontline workers are allowed the discretion to make decisions regarding the job (Stojkovic, et al, 2015). I will
Leader is a person that holds a dominant or superior position within its field, and is able to exercise a high degree of control or influence over employees. Leadership is a relationship through that the behaviour and the attitude of group of people will be consequence by an influenced person. The process of leadership is not able to diverge from the activities of groups and effective teambuilding. Each of particular leaders has to apply the style of leadership that easily to approach and appropriate with the employees in organization. Leadership behaviors as the catalyst that can promote the elements and activities in the company work-well together. In order to maximize the effectiveness, the best business leaders always understanding the needs and issues of their subordinates and also update the new development of leadership theories. According to the book of Laurie J. Mullins which named Management and Organisational Behavior, it illustrates academic knowledge of the Leadership style which is the useful information can administer to this report. Based on the case study of Apple, the responsible of this report is analysis which is the leadership style of Steve Jobs was used when he is still running the business of Apple as the Chief Operating Officer. The purposes of this report are detected the managerial issues affecting
In the research carried out by Bass (1990), they found out that trait leadership theory believes some people are born to lead because of their personal qualities, while others are not. Trait theory also suggests that leadership is only accessible to the chosen ones and not available to all. In the past researchers focused on traits that were able to measure such as physical characteristics, aspects of personality and aptitudes. The current trait research has pointed the focus to more specific traits like stress tolerance, energy level, emotional maturity, integrity and self-confidence. Reviews of the trait research have found all of the above traits to be related to managerial effectiveness Bass (1990) and Marques (2010). When looking at the results of
Everyone is a member of different organizations in different occasions, and human activities are set up on relationships (Homans, 2009, p. 1), so that relevant researches about relationship began decades ago (Vangelisti & Perlman, 2006, p. ix). Leader-member-exchange (LMX) theory is a kind of leadership style, which pays attention to a dyadic relationship between leader and member (Graen & Cashman, 1975; Graen & Uhl-Bien, 1995, Breevaart, Bakker, Demerouti & Heuvel, 2015; Wilson, Sin & Conlon, 2010). This is a long time history that people began to research the relationship between a leader and follower, and how the relationship can impact on leaders and follower selves (Graen & Uhl-Bien, 1995). Most of previous researches of the LMX theory focused on members, and mainly claimed that high-quality LMX relations could cause followers’ high job satisfaction and good work engagement because of the plentiful and abundant work resources (Breevaart et al., 2015, p. 754), emotion management leader who pay attention to problems and followers’ expectations (Little, Gooty & Williams, 2015, p. 11), and the knowledge sharing (Hassanzadeh, 2014), etc.