
Annotated Bibliography : ' Dark Figure ' Of Crime ' Essay

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Assessment 1
Annotated Bibliography - The ‘Dark Figure’ of Crime.

[1] de Castelbajac, M. (2014) ‘Brooding over the dark figure of crime’, British Journal of Criminology, 54(5), pp. 928–945. doi: 10.1093/bjc/azu047.

[2] Fohring, S. (2014) ‘Putting a face on the dark figure: Describing victims who don’t report crime’, Temida, 17(4), pp. 3–18. doi: 10.2298/tem1404003f. (Journal)
This journal article identifies issues in regards to victims of crime and non-reporting. Through reading this article, it is apparent that there are many disparities in official crime statistics, between crime in deprived communities compared to wealthier areas. Research from this article indicates that those who do not report, often come from areas of high deprivation.

Many victim support groups rely on the police to refer their service users. However, if the police are not involved with a victim they may find themselves being unable to access support services. The article argues that these victims will be at greater risk of re-victimisation.

This journal article is reliable because it comes from a university researcher, this suggests that the information is credible. This is argued as the individual will have knowledge of research processes. The information is of worth as it is recent.

[3] HMIC. (2014) Everyone’s business: Improving the police response to domestic abuse. Available at:

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