Name: Rhianna Dix
Student ID#: 000713382
Research Question: Is breastfeeding or bottle feeding better for a baby?
Thesis Statement: Research suggests that mothers should breastfeed their babies because breastfeeding helps babies build up natural antibodies to fight illness, breast milk is more easily digested than formula, breastfeeding can develop a stronger connection between mother and child, and breastfeeding can help mothers lower the risk of many different types of cancers and diseases.
Annotated Bibliography:
Reference Citation (APA style required)
Breastfeeding Benefits Your Baby's Immune System. (2006, January 01). Retrieved October 17, 2017, from
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Bottle-feeding: A Heated Debate (Infographic). (2014, September 10). Retrieved October 17, 2017, from
Summary: create a logical summary of the information presented in the source
This article outlines key points about how breastmilk is easier to digest than formula. The article states that breast milk is easier to digest because it is custom made by mom for baby. Baby's saliva gets transported into the mother's body when breast feeding and lets the mother's body know when the baby isn't getting enough of a certain nutrient and the mother's body will adjust so the baby is getting the perfect mix.
Credibility: create a logical analysis of the credibility of the source’s author (if no author listed, evaluate the credibility of the publication)
UnityPoint Health is a reliable source because it is a health care insurance and hospital company. UnityPoint Health was founded in 1993 and has been thriving ever since.
Relevance: analyze the relevance of each source to your chosen topic
This source will support the point made in the thesis that infants can digest breast milk easier than
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This article references many statistics and studies done on the short and long term effects/advantages of breastfeeding on children. The article then explains the short and long term effects breastfeeding has on the mother. The article also includes bigger reason to breast feed such as economic and environmental reasons to breastfeed. The article ends with a section of contradictions about breastfeeding, making the article more credible. This source can be used to support any one of the four points made in the thesis.
Credibility: create a logical analysis of the credibility of the source’s author (if no author listed, evaluate the credibility of the publication)
Arthur I. Eidelman, MD trained in Pediatrics and Neonatology at the Yale University School of Medicine and is board certified in both Pediatrics and Perinatal and Neonatal Medicine with an emphasis on infant nutrition, breastfeeding, human lactation, neonatal infection, as well as much
Very few experts disagree with the fact that breastfeeding is the optimal choice for the infant. However, decreasing breastfeeding rates raise many questions as to why mothers are not choosing the best nutritional choice for their children. Despite breast milk being the obvious choice for infant feeding due to the health, psychological, and economic benefits, many mothers still decide to feed their infants formula due to lack of knowledge and support, difficulties with breastfeeding, and social embarrassment. Changes need to be made with formula companies, medical professionals, and the public opinion of breastfeeding in order to give nursing mothers the support they deserve.
Breast-feeding is nutritionally, emotionally and physically superior for a mother and her child. “Human breast milk is not standard nor is it interchangeable with cow’s milk. It is a dynamic fluid that changes in composition to meet the needs of the baby as it grows” (“Giving your Baby... Diet.” par. #10). Breast milk contains growth factors and antibodies which stimulate the growing baby and protect it from illness such as diarrhea, ear infections, rashes, allergies, asthma, skin problems, pneumonia, respiratory illness and other serious illnesses. Breast-feeding also improves a baby’s chance of remaining healthy. These antibodies are not found in formula. They can not be sustained. Breast-fed babies are also neurodevelopmentally more
This essay is about the breast feeding vs bottle feeding controversy. Are you depriving your infant of nutrients they need if you chose to bottle feed? Will your child be unhealthy if you chose not to breast feed? Some women feel like breast feeding is always better, some women feel like bottle feeding is just the same. Breast feeding is usually always best when available; however bottle feeding is just as good these days.
Breastfeeding is one of the best methods for providing infants with a healthy start to life. Breast milk helps the body fight off various bacteria and viruses that one’s child might be at risk for catching. Breastfed babies are thirty-six percent less likely to die from sudden infant death syndrome and are fifty-five percent likely to become obese later in life, compared to babies who are not breastfeed. (Workplace and Public Accommodations for Nursing Mothers, 2016) Not only is the child benefiting from breastfeeding, the mother is as well. Women who breastfeed are more likely to revert to their
“Some mothers have to give up breastfeeding even though they want to breastfeed. To give up breastfeeding can be a sensitive issue in a time when breastfeeding is promoted as the healthiest for mother and child” (Larsen & Kronborg, 2013, p. 848). The debate over whether breast-feeding is better than bottle-feeding or vice versa has been a debate for many years. With more and more research that is continuously being developed, the option to breast-feed or bottle-feed is ultimately up to the parents of the child. Although the decision could be based on factors such as a physical incapability or financial burdens, the end result should always be what is going to be best for the baby. As research continues to grow, there has been proven evidence of the positive and negative aspects that come with breast-feeding and bottle-feeding.
Thesis: Breastfeeding provides unique nutrients for the baby, protects from disease, has health benefits for the mother, and provides a unique bond between mother and baby.
There are many misconceptions today about feeding formula to babies and it being equal to breastfeeding. Breast milk is complex and species-specific; it targets growth and development of infants and provides disease protection. Both breast milk and formulas contain similar nutrients, but formulas are not an exact copy of breast milk. Formula may maintain growth and development, but it doesn’t contain hormones, live cells, immunologic agents, or enzymes, all of which are contained in breast milk. Breast milk contains four-hundred nutrients that cannot be recreated in a laboratory. Formula compositions don’t change to meet the infant’s changing needs. Although many formulas are similar to breast milk, they have drastic differences in
Whether to breastfeed or to formula feed is one of the many decisions parents have to make when caring for a newborn baby. The decision may seem simple in which parents base there decision on comfort, convenience and finance but little do most parents know the decision being made can have damaging long term effects than that of the present. There is plenty of research that state the significance of breastfeeding that go far beyond the extent of bonding between mother and newborn. Although, that too is important. Breast milk is known to contain antibodies which can help the newborn in developing a strong immune system which influence all the body systems. Research has shown that breast-milk can help prevent long term diseases such as
Any infant enters the world completely relying on their mother, whether it’s to provide security, comfort, or their first meal. Breastfeeding, although pretty self-explanatory, is the act of a woman feeding a baby with milk from her breast. It is recommended that a baby be breastfed for the first time within an hour of their birth and exclusively breastfed for the first six months of life (Belsky, 2012). However, there is a stigma attached to breastfeeding in some areas of the world, especially the United States, so a common alternative is formula. There are many benefits not only the infant can gain from being breastfed, but also benefits the mother can obtain from providing this nutrition for her child. This paper will discuss
From the moment that a child is born, the parents need to make difficult decisions, but the one choice that should be clear is to breastfeed. The controversy issue between breastfeeding and formula feeding is causing parents to question themselves and really have to decide what the best choice is for the child. Breastfeeding has been shown to be superior over formula feeding for many reasons. Breastfeeding is the preferred choice physically, nutritionally and economically for the mother and child.
Throughout most of human history, breast milk has been the one food that infants have thrived on. Breastfeeding is recognized throughout the world as the preferred method of feeding infants due to its health benefits and nutritional quality. Recommendations by leading health organizations echo the importance of breastfeeding by setting forth guidelines.
It has been challenging to rate the strength of breastfeeding research due to the inconsistency of definitions related to breastfeeding (such as the exclusivity, frequency, intensity and duration) and inability to conduct randomized controlled trials, which would be deemed unethical. Despite the inability to obtain high-quality evidence due to practical limitations, meta-analyses continue to indicate that breastfeeding is associated with an increase of health benefits to both mothers and infants.
“Breastfeeding is an unequalled way of providing ideal food for the healthy growth and development of infants; it is also an integral part of the reproductive process with important implications for the health of mothers” Statement taken from the world health organization publication on the nutrition of exclusive breastfeeding.
For thousands of years, breastfeeding has been the main source that women have had to feed their babies. In today’s society, however, breastfeeding has become a controversial issue due to the increased sexualization of the female body, especially women’s breasts. This same society has failed to consider the benefits that breastfeeding mothers offer to society and, most importantly, the benefits breastfeeding offers to children. It is important to consider and remember that breastfeeding is natural and nursing mothers should be free to nurse everywhere because it is their legal right, it is the first source of nutrition for their children, it eliminates excess waste in the environment, and it benefits society.
You were all babies once, right? Do you know how your parents chose to feed and nourish you? One major decision that every parent has to face with the arrival of a new baby, is how will they nourish him or her, breastmilk or formula?