
Annotated Bibliography On Breastfeeding

Satisfactory Essays
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Name: Rhianna Dix
Student ID#: 000713382
Research Question: Is breastfeeding or bottle feeding better for a baby?
Thesis Statement: Research suggests that mothers should breastfeed their babies because breastfeeding helps babies build up natural antibodies to fight illness, breast milk is more easily digested than formula, breastfeeding can develop a stronger connection between mother and child, and breastfeeding can help mothers lower the risk of many different types of cancers and diseases.

Annotated Bibliography:

Reference Citation (APA style required)
Breastfeeding Benefits Your Baby's Immune System. (2006, January 01). Retrieved October 17, 2017, from …show more content…

Bottle-feeding: A Heated Debate (Infographic). (2014, September 10). Retrieved October 17, 2017, from
Summary: create a logical summary of the information presented in the source
This article outlines key points about how breastmilk is easier to digest than formula. The article states that breast milk is easier to digest because it is custom made by mom for baby. Baby's saliva gets transported into the mother's body when breast feeding and lets the mother's body know when the baby isn't getting enough of a certain nutrient and the mother's body will adjust so the baby is getting the perfect mix.
Credibility: create a logical analysis of the credibility of the source’s author (if no author listed, evaluate the credibility of the publication)
UnityPoint Health is a reliable source because it is a health care insurance and hospital company. UnityPoint Health was founded in 1993 and has been thriving ever since.
Relevance: analyze the relevance of each source to your chosen topic
This source will support the point made in the thesis that infants can digest breast milk easier than …show more content…

This article references many statistics and studies done on the short and long term effects/advantages of breastfeeding on children. The article then explains the short and long term effects breastfeeding has on the mother. The article also includes bigger reason to breast feed such as economic and environmental reasons to breastfeed. The article ends with a section of contradictions about breastfeeding, making the article more credible. This source can be used to support any one of the four points made in the thesis.
Credibility: create a logical analysis of the credibility of the source’s author (if no author listed, evaluate the credibility of the publication)
Arthur I. Eidelman, MD trained in Pediatrics and Neonatology at the Yale University School of Medicine and is board certified in both Pediatrics and Perinatal and Neonatal Medicine with an emphasis on infant nutrition, breastfeeding, human lactation, neonatal infection, as well as much

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