
Annotated Bibliography On Gun Control

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References Boilard, Steve D. "Gun Control." THE ENCYCLOPEDIA of the DEMOCRATIC PARTY, edited by George T. Kurian and Jeffrey D. Schultz, vol. 3, Sharpe Reference, 1997, pp. 128-129. Boilard, Steve D. "Gun Control." The ENCYCLOPEDIA of the REPUBLICAN PARTY, edited by George T. Kurian and Jeffrey D. Schultz, vol. 1, Sharpe Reference, 1997, p. 127-128. "Democratic Party." Britannica Academic, Encyclopædia Britannica, 28 Jul. 2016. Accessed 8 Nov. 2017. Grolier. "Green Party." FLASH FOCUS Political Parties, vol. 2, Scholastic, pp. 190-192. Hoenisch, Steve. "Drug Policy." THE ENCYCLOPEDIA of the DEMOCRATIC PARTY, edited by George T. Kurian and Jeffrey D. Schultz, vol. 3, Sharpe Reference, 1997, pp. 117-122. …show more content…

"Drug Policy." The ENCYCLOPEDIA of the REPUBLICAN PARTY, edited by George T. Kurian and Jeffrey D. Schultz, vol. 1, Sharpe Reference, 1997, pp. 116-117. Hoenisch, Steve. "Health Care." THE ENCYCLOPEDIA of the DEMOCRATIC PARTY, edited by George T. Kurian and Jeffrey D. Schultz, vol. 3, Sharpe Reference, 1997, pp. 129-135. Hoenisch, Steve. "Health Care." The ENCYCLOPEDIA of the REPUBLICAN PARTY, edited by George T. Kurian and Jeffrey D. Schultz, vol. 1, Sharpe Reference, 1997, p. 128-133. Klobuchar, Lisa. Third Parties. Compass Point Books, 2008. Libertarian National Committee. Libertarian Party. 2017, Libertarian National Committee. "2016 Platform." Libertarian Party, 2017, Libertarian National Committee. "About the Libertarian Party." Libertarian Party, 2017, Libertarian National Committee. "Gun Ownership." Libertarian Party, 2017, Libertarian National Committee. "Healthcare." Libertarian Party, 2017, Libertarian National Committee. "Immigration." Libertarian Party, 2017,

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