Overview of Mobile Development in Africa 1. What are some of the advantages of mobile devices that help residents of sub-Saharan Africa to better receive information and facilitate communication? There are several advantages of mobile devices that help residents of sub-Saharan Africa to better receive information and facilitate communication. With the low-cost, rapid adoption of mobile phones, search costs to visit markets to compare prices and products have decreased dramatically. Residents can call markets or friends to obtain information about said prices and products immediately, instead of waiting for information via radio broadcast or conducting a person visit – which can be both time and cost intensive. In this way, they are also becoming active (instead of passive) participants in knowledge accumulation and transfer, as they can retrieve and communicate information from and to various sources. Additionally, this increased communication can improve business efficiency, especially in terms of smaller firms. Often situated in rural areas, these smaller firms in sub-Saharan Africa have limited supply options. With improved, efficient communication, they can better manage their supply chains, engage in new activities, and even streamline production processes. This is pertinent in terms of enriched productivity, stimulating both firm and economic growth in the long-run. By extension of this productivity facet, and the growth of mobile devices, there is a higher demand
The use of mobile devices has become so commonplace today that you can hardly step out your front door without them. We have become tethered to technology. Our dependence upon this technology is not the problem, how and where we choose to use it is.
Similar to the complexities of the Boeing 747 “super jet”, “No single person can comprehend the entire workings” of a cell phone. The cell phone found in the pocket of the majority of citizens of the world today include GPS, Wi-Fi, 3G or 4G networks, LTE, high-resolution cameras and millions of downloadable user-made applications to choose from. In fewer than 30 years, the cell phone went from a rare device only attainable by the wealthiest of the population, to a device that a large percentage of the population now owns. Whether on the streets of downtown Toronto, or a small village in poverty-stricken East Africa, it is becoming increasingly rare to find a person who does not own a mobile device.
The Iphone 7/7 Plus are the pretty much the same as the Iphone 6: the only thing that changes is there is no longer a headphone jack. People are furious with Apple’s new phone design. According to “This is What the New Iphone 7/7 Plus Actually Does” from Buzzfeed, states “In January a report said that the next phone would lose the jack.” But why? Not only do we lose our way of listening to music but they expect us to pay $150 extra for Earpods. Earpods are the new bluetooth headphones. Apple also has people upset with the taking away the front camera. Now they take away our right to selfie? On the other hand there are some positives to this outrage. The new phone is now waterproof. Another thing is it catches more
Despite what some scholars may argue, I believe that Africa already possesses the know-how it needs to advance and ICTs, while useful is many ways, do not bring about meaningful economic improvements in the lives of the
The cellphone made saving and spending money easier. In countries and cities where there are no banks or financial help centers, the cell phone is able to help people secure their money. People are also able to invest, start businesses, and know that their finances are in good care (Higgins 1). For example, a family in Tide Land were hurting for money, and the dad just could not find a job, but he was given a cellphone by the government in which he used to secure the money which he had made while he was employed. Through securing the money an opportunity arose for him to be able to invest in a small company. Through the investment he made over the phone, he was able to furnish a house for his family, and he ended up becoming a partner of the now large company. The cell phone saved this
Ever since cellular phones first came to be in the 1980’s, people have been using them to carry out conversations, ask questions, or meet new people. Once cell phones reached a height of internet capabilities, smartphones were created. Cell phones from then on ended up changing society entirely. This research study could explain the effects of cell phones from their creation to today’s society and how they would influence the future generations. This study would also focus on the evolution of how cell phones become even more involved in our lives and how they truly influence us. This study would be beneficial to our generation by teaching them how technology is expanding, and the lives of humans will get easier as time goes on. Furthermore, this study would be beneficial as a report on how cell phones came to be in our history. This would expectedly heighten the awareness of society to how different our lives could be according to technological development. To the future researchers, this study could be used as a base for data in future development into how society adapts.
Mobile technologies and PC devices have played a key role in innovation and the business growth of small scale businesses in Nigeria. In 2016 over 68% of the nation's population had access to mobile phones and 93.75 million connected to the internet (Quartz Africa). Even as lower smart-phone prices drive a digital revolution in Nigeria, Nigerians still pay a significant amount of their income to make phone calls or surf the internet.
Mobile phones have become a necessity for life, and without this thin gadget, many people would feel incomplete. We now use mobile phones in our everyday life as a phone, voice recorder, diary, alarm clock, watch and for making and confirming appointments, dealing with clients etc. Mobile phones are for many, fundamental when organising their lives. Mobile phones are not simply an electronic gadget, and it is difficult to define in one way about the usage of mobile phones. With the advances of technology, mobile phones are becoming a way of life. Mobile phones are not used as just communication tools but are also considered as devices which have strong communication networks along with the other functionalities such as audio solutions, FM
Technology has had a huge effect on the way people communicate. A lot of people have gotten rid of their old wired phones in favor of only having a cell phone. A study in June 2010 showed that more than one in four homes only has cellular service, up from 13.6 percent in 2007 (Blumberg, 2011). It is not just urban areas that have seen an increase in cellular
We not only repair your device but at exactly the same time, we offer you the center of recovering your treasured data.
To a certain point, there are some barriers to ICTs framework policies on poverty reduction programs in the developing countries. The major one is the infrastructure, which is important to access the technology. For example, Elijah (2006, p. 14) explained that in Nigeria, lack of electricity and inadequate technical support are constraints in to access ICT. The author added to this that 75% of rural Nigeria is still in dark
Mobile phones are the communication device that can connect people with others in any places. Students nowadays rely on mobile phones as their communication devices with friends and parents. Some of them think mobile phones as a learning tool. Are they really essential as a learning tool? This essay will argue that mobile phones are a necessary tool for education but also they are not necessary tool for education. Firstly, it will explain why mobile phones are a necessary tool for education. Then it will explain why they are not.
Since the beginning of the industrial revolution, the world has become a smaller place. The time used to travel to far distances has diminished; with the growth of new technologies, traveling and communicating have become simple daily tasks for many people. Through the growth of global communication, people have become closer to others across the globe, and business has gone world wide. One invention that came along with the technological revolution is the cell phone. Cell phones allow us to be reachable anywhere at anytime, letting us communicate even during travel. As time becomes more valuable for people, the importance of accessibility to communication also increases. With cell phones, the communication and
ICTs, Africa and you: How do you see the development of the sector in the last 5 years?
The significant development of telecommunication is not only benefiting people who live in the major cities but also to those who live in the developing areas. The people in rural areas can obtain profit from the communications. A London School of Economics professor, examined mobile phone developmental effects and concluded that mobile telephone has a positive and significant impact on economic growth, additionally he emphasized that the impact for the developing countries may be twice as large as in the developed countries (Waverman, Meschi & Fuss, 2005, p.21 cited by Overa, 2006). This condition is happened probably due to the people in the developed countries have been benefited for a long time since they have been using mobile telephony from the 1990s, while in the developing countries they have just recently benefited as a result of the booming of cell phone in the 2000s. Therefore, the impact on economic growth is bigger than in the developed countries.