
Annotated Bibliography: The Matthew Effect-Relative Age Effect

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Annotated Bibliography Rose, Greg, Dr. "The Matthew Effect - Relative Age Effect | Article | TPI." MyTPI. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Apr. 2016. This article summarizes Malcolm Gladwell’s ideas in cut off dates and its correlation to player success. For example, the article shows the growing evidence occurring in professional sports today. It also explains that many athletic development experts believe birth plays a huge role in determining who succeeds and who fails. Later in the article it says success is given to people who are successful thanks to the advantages they are given. Later it talks about relative age effect, this explains that some kids born earlier have an unfair advantage over those who are born later in the year. It insists that instead of grouping kids by age they should group them by skill and how well they complete the task. …show more content…

It also gave reliable information giving facts that came from doctors and experts who knew about the topic and how it was effecting kids today. While the author was giving these case studies all of the information they showed was accurate to what Gladwell was arguing. One example was when Gladwell said that players who are less talented are given less attention and training which is why there is a such a huge gap. These dates give the older kids more time to develop and kids born later are never given time to catch up and this disadvantage stays with them for life as they move on. If all kids were grouped differently received the same coaching and opportunities, we would see a bigger spike and today’s youth

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