
Annotated Bibliography on Incarceration Rate: Is It Such a Good Thing

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Incarceration Rate: Is It Such a Good Thing Annotated Bibliography Clear, Todd R. Imprisoning communities: How Mass Incarceration Makes Disadvantaged Neighborhoods Worse. New York: Oxford University Press, 2007. Print. This book written by Bert Todd R. Clear, a distinguished Professor at John Jay College of Criminal Justice, was published in 2007 at the Oxford University Press being a summary of a number of sources. Clear is an accredited source because he is the founding editor of the journal Criminology & Public Policy and an author of eleven books, numerous articles, and book chapters on criminal justice. The intended audiences are for people that are in interested in the justice system but you do not need to be knowledgeable to understand the context of this article. This text is very argumentative, Clear makes the claim that mass incarceration effects poor neighborhood in negative ways. The date that this book was written is not that many years ago so will still have usefulness towards the research. The book explores the effect of mass incarceration on low-income areas, poverty places, and poor demographics. It explains that the high incarceration has a direct correlation to social problems of individuals that happen within these communities. It shows statistics of these poverty places having an increase in percentage of being sent to prison. I plan to use this in my research by providing the audience information on how individuals and citizens of communities

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