I completely agree about annotating; it makes organizing your writing much simpler. The part of the reading about analyzing the elements of an argument really stood out to me. Making a diagram of the elements of an argument make it easier to analyze and view everything. It also ensures that you do not leave anything out. I also found the part about arguing for a purpose interesting and helpful. I had never thought about there being more than one reason to argue a point before. Knowing these things will certainly influence my writing and arguing, as well as my view on other peoples
The process I used when writing previously changed during the first few weeks of this class. Already I have altered the way I write my drafts, and the way I read other people’s work. Lamott’s “Shitty First Draft” made me come to the realization that one draft isn’t always the best approach. Therefore, I took multiple steps in examining my draft and critiquing it accordingly. Additionally, I started brainstorming topics, and this led me to create a roadmap for the list of destinations and topics I wanted to touch on and the message I wanted the reader to take away. This is just the beginning of the year and I already have a sense that as I progress through the semester my work will be continually get better.
I decided to read for my second book Teaching Argument by Jennifer Fletcher. I enjoyed reading this book and the strategies and key points that Fletcher decided to give. Some things that I will take away with me from the book are the idea of teaching ethos, pathos, and logos. When I was in school, teaching writing was completely different then teaching writing today. With FSA, students need to learn how to write an argument essay, and not just one way only. I just in my internship was grading students on making claims and counterclaims, and what they understood from ethos, pathos, and logos. I am finding that this book really helps teachers to teach argument in the best way, giving teachers great strategies to teach students how to fully understand
I am Steven Gerads from period 3, and I submitted the wrong assignment for the Annotating/Kami assignment. Turnitin.com is not allowing any late/resubmission anymore. If there is anyway I can resubmit the correct assignment I would gladly take the opportunity, but If not I will take this score since it was entirely my mistake.
I found the article on “Argument” helpful because; the topic is understandable, did a good job to defined the topic, the order of relevant, provided specific examples how to improve my writing of college papers.
To begin, the reading selection was a great piece for me to help recall all the past knowledge I have on writing. Throughout the years I have taken multiple English and writing courses that have exemplified most of what corresponded with the book. However,
As we continue through our time at CCU there are a number of writing skills presented in The Bedford Handbook(2014) by Diana Hacker and Nancy Sommers that I have found helpful regardless of the style of paper we may be assigned to write. I believe that most of the skills go hand in hand with one another, but two I would like to work to improve on is active reading and annotating.
Based on what previously cited, it is plain, that reader's annotations is really an expression of his personality traits. Indeed, we show very plainly that the considered annotation features in our study may appear insignificant in themselves, but, they are nevertheless all very significant as indications of the annotator's personality
I enjoyed the Argument Analysis visual graphic organizer the most. My proclivity when writing essays is to jump right into writing instead of organizing my thoughts first. I was able to receive a starting point to my essay through the visual outline. It will be good for me to use as a direction for my essay. I enjoyed reading the examples it gave when they assessed the author's essay. I plan to refer back to the outline so that I can retain the information and suggestions it
Overall, I believe that I acquired a conceptual and practical knowledge of argumentation. The rhetorical situation worksheets that we were given in the beginning of the semester was a great refresher on all that I was taught on argumentation. It also helped me to understand the format that the professor would like us to introduce the articles and it’s Kairos before we analyze them. These worksheets definitely helped when it came to writing our first paper. However, although the worksheets made it easy to know what to put in the paper, it was not easy to actually put the paper together and make it flow. Therefore, when I wrote the paper it felt choppy in some places due to the fact
I also stated that the ELA teacher passed off the discussion to students merely soliciting their comments on the story’s “situations." The students responded to “situations” and back up their claims with proof within the story, however; there was no real direction or specific question initiated by the teacher. Moreover, when students responded, they seemed as though they were conflicted with story details on whether the story was reliable versus unreliable narration. In addressing these dilemmas, the teacher could have employed the use of the annotating strategy. According to Reading Rockets, “annotating involves the teacher providing information to fill in any gaps in information, reasoning, and assumptions due to the author not
Illich is making a bold proposal: he wants to follow the example of the U.S. in abolishing the governing of churches by government by separating school from state. One way to implement this proposal would be to forbid employers from evaluating candidates for jobs according to where they went to school.
A 101 year old woman called Anatolia Vertadella, gave birth to a 9-pound baby after a controversial ovary transplant. Because of her age, this translplant was widely criticized by medical professionals.The procedure drew a lot of heat from medical experts due to Anatolia’s age – it was illegal, but still done in a private clinic in Turkey where the European laws on ovary transplants do not apply.
In the eight weeks of my English151B class, I have improved my writing skills to write a well-organized and focused essay by avoiding run-ons, fragments, using proper verb tenses, and punctuation marks.
Another place I greatly improved in was my ability to write a counter-argument to an audience with an opposing viewpoint. The third essay that I wrote was Analysing Visual Arguments (AVA). In this paper, I dissected an advertisement for the World Wildlife Fund. I did very
Reading these pages and the documents were interesting and they definitely helped me realize my mistakes in my writing. I always get nervous whenever I write an essay and it stresses me out if I made a lot of mistakes.