The quote I chose was, "Put God first and you will never be last" by anonymous. There could be numerous of meanings to this quote but I chose this it because with god nothing can go wrong. It also creates a message to people to always have faith in the man above because he is the creator of the earth, to some people, and is the one person who dictates what happens and what doesn't. The word of god is disseminate and many people also try to promote his word to other countries and outer civilizations.
This quote is important to me because I am going through a very serious injury that is currently costing me my junior high school football season. It is a moment that isn't irrevocable even though I wish I could go back in time and erase it all.
This quote had a big influence on me as a reader for the reason that we as individuals may have wounds from our past.
The Quotes I have chosen that speaks out to me the most is by Ronnie Lott and Jerry Rice. “If you can believe it the mind can achieve it” ~ Ronnie Lott. “Today I will do what others won't,so tomorrow I can accomplish what others can't”~ Jerry Rice. The Reason I picked these two quotes was because both quotes inspire me to do good put in hard work and not to give up till the job is done. The way it applies to me is it helps to show me that if you want something you need to go and get it done yourself with hard work, determination,Grit, and Perseverance. The quote by Ronnie Lott meaning of it to me is anything you want to happen it can happen the right mindset you can accomplish anything you set your mind to whether it be to win a state championship
“ Don’t walk through life just playing football. Don't walk through life just being a athlete. Athletics will fade. Character and integrity and really making an impact on someone’s life.”
Tobias Wolff's short story, "The Rich Brother", is a parallel story to the biblical fable of Able and Cain. The biblical story of Able and Cain is that of the first story that puts man against man. Cain and Able are children of Adam and Eve, where Cain is the eldest and Able the younger of the two. In the biblical story Cain and Able end up giving gifts (sacrifices) to appease to their God. This in turn, creates tension between the two because Able's sacrifice of the lamb is much favored by God than is Cain's offering of his crops. Cain becomes outraged because he believes that Able has purposely tried to embarrass him, ultimately, leading Cain to become so enraged that he ends up murdering his only brother in cold blood. Throughout,
This quote demonstrates the book’s theme of perseverance because of its powerful motivation to overcome the pain and give it your all.
I choose this quote because the problems from his past keep causing problems for his future if he doesn’t figure out how to work through them.
I chose Jimmy Dean's quote because it encompasses several life lessons. For example, it has taught me that I should be hopeful and optimistic for my future, despite any obstacles I might encounter. Growing up, I played competitive softball. During one of my first few games, my team was falling behind and everybody was
It is human nature that every day we are forced to overcome an obstacle, an obstacle that we may see as a failure. It is the lesson that we take away from that failure that contributes to our success as individuals. Our success stems from our willingness to overcome failure. One quote that helps to reinforce this idea comes from Vince Lombardi who said, “The difference between a successful person and others is not the lack of strength, lack of knowledge, but the lack of will.” After facing a tough loss early in the season, the Middletown Lions football team had to rally and overcome our failures to get back on track for a successful season.
“Don’t ever underestimate the importance you can have because history has shown us that courage can be contagious and hope can take a life of it’s own.” Michelle Obama
“When something is important enough, you do it even if the odds are not in your favor.”
I choose this quote because it reminds me to never give up. When I think about it, it reminds me when I will be doing something hard like playing a level in a game or a shot that is difficult, to keep doing it over and over again until I can finally master it. Also, I think this is an important quote from Bo Jackson to say because he probably had to set his goals high. He played two professional sports, football and baseball. He probably had to try really hard when he was a good football player in the NFL and wanted to be a player in the MLB. He set his goal high, practiced and practiced and didn’t stop until he got to his goal. He also is one of the few rare players
MLK’s quote “Darkness cannot drive out darkness, only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do”, that really got to me because I can relate to this quote. This happens on a everyday basis. For example, if somebody kills somebody that person will go back to retaliate and kill somebody from the other side or opponent. I also, think that this is a great motto for our world today. If we lived by this motto the crime rate would definitely decrease.
In the novel To Kill a Mockingbird, the author Harper Lee, portrays the theme of how being emotionally involved, can blind someone from the reality of the situation. This theme is supported throughout the Tom Robinson trial and when Judge Taylor says, “People generally see what they look for, and hear what they listen for” (Lee 98). Judge Taylor is saying that no matter what the reality of a situation is, people are always going to be biased and see it in their own perspectives. Just like in Maycomb, people will always rely and consider others
I find this quote to be very true in everything I do, from shcool, to sports. This was really evident when I tried goalie this spring, as it was a lot of mental stress because youre the last person that can keep the ball out of the goal. In this posistion you had to have a short memory so that you didn’t stay caught up on the stupid mistakes. Because if you did then the would overpower you and you would end up doing worse because of it. Eventually you just had to figure out how to keep it out of your head and rather focus on things like humor and irony. This is very important in life with everything because if you focus on the bad it will end up consuming you and it’ll be
Morris gets his halo headpiece inserted. Blood drips down his face, he is in agony.