
Anorexia And Bulimia Research Paper

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The most common outward symptom someone would describe a person with anorexia would be skinny, thin, or even malnourished, for bulimic’s skinny or thin may be used but not all bulimics are in fact some bulimics may be at normal weight or even above average weight. But being unnaturally thin is one of the major signs of many different types of eating disorder especially anorexia and bulimia. As well as being severely skinny a person that is struggling with anorexia or bulimia can show many different outward signs of eating disorders that may or may not be as noticeable as just being skinny. With anorexia, the body doesn’t get the energy it need because of lack of food so it slows down. (WomensHealth Anorexia pp. 1) When this …show more content…

Because of this it no longer has what it needs for the less essential parts of the body such as the hair it will begin to thin out and break as well as the nails they will become brittle and easily breakable. (WomensHealth Anorexia pp. 1) Anorexia can also cause the skin to become dry and delicate making it easier to bruise. (WomensHealth Anorexia pp. 1) Bulimia can have less effects of the outward appearance of someone making it harder to tell if they are struggling with an eating disorder. But some of the tell signs of bulimics can be callused knuckles from excessively induced vomit. (Wing and Zhang pp. 3) Another sign of bulimia can be erosion of teeth enamel. (Wing and Zhang pp. 3) Although outward symptoms of these eating disorders can be disturbing and worrisome they aren’t as scary as whats happening on the inside of the body. While both of these disorders can have simple complications such as constipation (Wing and Zhang pp. 3-4) The complications can get …show more content…

Anorexic’s can experience low blood pressure, osteoporosis, anemia and even kidney failure. (WomensHealth Anorexia pp. 1) Having anorexia and bulimia for a long period of time while untreated can even lead to death. While eating disorders can be very serious and have long lasting effects of the body and mind ` with the proper treatment anyone can cure themselves of these disorders. Treatment option will depend on the severity of the disorder. Inpatient treatments are meant for the people who have a severe life threatening disorders. Special inpatient treatment facilities are an option for those who don’t have life threatening consequences like the ones stated previously but still have it severe enough for psychiatrists to be concerned for the persons health. (Herzog pp. 4) While being in an inpatient treatment facility the facility will treat whichever medical conditions you have with the appropriate treatment while treating the underlying mental problem with therapy. During an outpatient’s treatment they will use nutritional guidance to focus on teaching the person about healthy eating habits.

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