
Another disease, which is linked to the unhealthy nonorganic diets, is high cholesterol. There are

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Another disease, which is linked to the unhealthy nonorganic diets, is high cholesterol. There are two types of cholesterol, one good and one bad, however, when the bad cholesterol is high, it can lead to various heart diseases. One of the most effective ways to prevent high cholesterol is to eat a low fat, low salt diet and also a lot of fruits and vegetables. However, due to nonorganic foods as explained before being 25% less nutritious, the amount that needs to be eaten to help prevent it, need to be increased which leads to an unhealthy diet. With an organic food diet, less food can give more benefits leading to a healthier life avoiding high cholesterol. Doing so the cost of having to actually buy less food for more nutritious value …show more content…

In these farms, livestock such as chicken were shown to be injected with hormones to grow twice, even three times their size only to be beheaded in a cruel manner and prepared to be packed and ready to be sold at stores and restaurants. Some of the owners of these farms said they were against the means by which they had to work however, due to corporate farms in a sense owning the farmers; they had to abide by the ways they were told to make the stuff. The goal of a corporate farm was to have maximum output with minimum input. The documentary also touched on how organic food production, unlike corporate nonorganic food production, was hormone and pesticide free, which was a major reason as to why some people in stores only bought organic food. They felt safe eating it and found it as a healthier and easier way to avoid some diseases associated with nonorganic foods. Although the benefits of an organic food diet are clear, there are many people who disagree with making a switch to organic food because they believe it is just a fad. In the article Organic Food from the Opposing Viewpoints in Context database, the main idea of the article is that organic food is not beneficial in all these but just a fad. They believe that if someone were to eat a large amount of food, whether organic of nonorganic, without exercise and proper care, the end

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