
Anthem: BCBS Plan

Decent Essays

Hello team, As we know the IN HHW/ Anthem BCBS plan will go live as of 01/01/2017. As we all know this is one of many new plans and I just wanted to point out some key points. When you are looking for benefits before the official ORM is posted please refer to KQ. They will be listed as · Hooiser Healthwise Package A: Adult and Child · Hooiser Healthwise Package C: Chip Package A – Adult (21 and older) • One exam and cleaning per year • Bite-wing x-rays once every 12 months, one complete set of x-rays every 3 years • Restorations such as fillings and stainless steel crowns • Periodontal care includes deep cleanings and surgical treatment for gum disease • Partials, full dentures, immediate dentures, and repairs to partials …show more content…

Please be aware of the plan name so we can assist in a timely fashion. Please be aware we will start to see an increase in call volume and expect ghost callers from both Anthem and the State of Indiana to ensure we are giving the correct

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