Anthocyanins have a positive charge on the molecule that enables to absorb light and thus have colour. Anthocyanidins are anthocyanins without sugar in their structure. They are pelargonidin, cyaniding and delphindin. As pH changes, the colour of anthocyanin also changes. In the acid conditions, the molecules have positive charge on the oxygen atom due to the acidity of the cell in which these compounds are formed. This common form at a pH of 3.0 or less, maintains or shifts the hue towards red. However, as the pH is increased toward a weak acid or even neutral solution, the oxonium which is the positively charged oxygen form is changed to the quinine form. The quinine form has a violet colour. In an alkaline medium still another change takes
In this project, C. Elegans are hermaphrodite worms that will be used since they are easy to maintain in lab, as well as have short life cycles. The gene that the project attempted to knockdown in C. Elegans with RNAi treatment is the unc-22 gene. RNAi disrupts gene expression in the presence of double stranded RNA (dsRNA) that is complementary to target gene sequence. The unc-22 gene codes for a muscle protein called twitchin in wild-type worms. The Unc-22 is required for muscle regulation and maintenance in C.Elegans. To verify that the RNAi treatment worked, would check the unc-22 mRNA levels in the worms, in addition to phenotype observation.
We have also discovered that when mixing an acidic compound with the indicator it had an green or a fuschia. When an alkalis compound was mixed with the indicator it would result in a green or a reddish type of
2. MATERIALS AND METHODS Anthracene (99%) was supplied by HIMEDIA. Methanol (HPLC grade) was purchased from RANKEM. A standard solution was prepared by dissolving anthracene in methanol. A 50% methanolic solution of anthracene (25 mg L-1) was prepared by diluting the standard solution using double distilled water.
The investigation is showing how enzymes work inside a mammal's stomach. Rennin is the enzyme found in young mammals and has more effect
The mole is a convenient unit for analyzing chemical reactions. Avogadro’s number is equal to the mole. The mass of a mole of any compound or element is the mass in grams that corresponds to the molecular formula, also known as the atomic mass. In this experiment, you will observe the reaction of iron nails with a solution of copper (II) chloride and determine the number of moles involved in the reaction. You will determine the number of moles of copper produced in the reaction of iron and copper (II) chloride, determine the number of moles of iron used up in the reaction of iron and copper (II) chloride, determine the ratio of moles of iron to moles of copper, and determine the number of atoms and formula units involved in
Formal Laboratory Report #1: Antacids By Alex Broussard Co-Authors: Kevin McBean, Medgeen Joseph, Annette Elguezabal University of Central Florida March 14, 2015 Introduction: Antacids are popularly used for combating symptoms of an upset stomach [1]. Antacids are comprised of basic compounds, and when ingested, this increases the pH of our stomach acid (through an acid-base neutralization reaction), effectively eradicating pain and discomfort brought on by an excess of acid. All this is grand, but are all antacids made equal?
• It was visibly obvious to point out the place where the objects were sitting on the circle. Ferricyanide Solution • At the instant when the circles were placed into the solution, the colour of the paper turned blue. • The colour of the solution was green.
The build up of stomach acid may cause irritation and excess pain to individuals. Luckily, antacids being a weak base can help relieve the symptoms and pain. Antacids, such as Gelusil, Medi-Firs, Alka Seltzer, and Alcalak are neutralizing agents of acids that become helpful to the human body when heartburn occurs. Heartburn, also known as acid reflux is a common medical issue that occurs when hydrochloric acid (HCl) from the stomach moves backward along the digestive track to the esophagus (located within the throat). This reverse flow of fluids causes a burning sensation due to and possible sour taste that is characteristic of acids [1].
In figure 1, the Betacyanin are treated with different levels of sodium chloride. Most of these graphs with different concentrations seem to have a deceleration curve. The concentrations of 0%, 1%, 5%, and 10% seem to have a deceleration curve and that maybe due because they reached a point of equilibrium so they start to level off. You can also see that the absorption is proportional to the concentration, because it increase due to it concentration and that may be due to the ethanol that the beetroots where in. Since the beetroots sat in ethanol while the time being it made the membrane more permeable, allowing the salts to either increase the diffusion of the betacyanins or decrease it.
this pigment “changes its structure and its reaction to light depending on the acidity of its environment.” For this experiment, I only needed a few typical household items. This is a list of everything I used: • One small, red cabbage • Cheese grater • Boiling water • Four
Two mechanisms are known as to how 8-oxoguanine is generated from reactive oxygen species and their interactions with guanine bases. The type I mechanism involves the transfer of electrons up to 200 angstroms away from guanine to a photosensitizer, which interacts with the guanine base and produces a highly reactive and relatively unstable guanine cation. This guanine cation then undergoes hydration and oxidation to produce 8-oxoguanine (Kawanishi, 2005). The type II mechanism involves a few more steps beginning with the transfer of energy to molecular oxygen in order to produce a more stable O2 molecule. The O2 molecule is a very specific molecule that then goes on to usually attack only guanine, pointing to guanine-specific DNA mutations in genomes.
Betalaines are the red pigments of beetroot. They are water-soluble and exist as internal salts in the sap vacuoles of plant cells. Betalaines are made up of red betacyanins and yellow betaxanthins. Betacyanines include about 90% of beetroot betalaines. The most important betacyanin is betain. This makes up 75-95% of the total colouring found in the beetroot. Jm
Effects of commercial antacids on excess amounts of hydrochloric acid in the stomach Gilliam, M., Morton, D., Osornio Padron, J., Simmons, A., Bahle, T. Lab Section Wednesday: 08/31/16 Introduction: If there is a high amount of hydrochloric acid in the stomach, and an antacid is consumed, the antacid will absorb excess acid in the stomach. This reduction of hydrochloric acid is absorbed by antacids that neutralize stomach acid (Vodopich). The purpose of this experiment is to determine how commercial antacids perform in absorbing acids. The hypothesis is that the antacid in Tums will reduce the amount of hydrochloric acid inside the stomach.
column will stick longer to the polar silica. Henceforth the non-polar ones will pass more quickly through thecolumn. Reversed phase HPLC In this phase, the column size is the same, but the silica is modified to make it non-polar by attaching long hydrocarbon chains to its surface - typically with either 8 or 18 carbon atoms in them. For example, a polar solvent is used as a mixture of water and analcohol such as methanol.
Carotenoids possess a significant amount of nutritional value. Therefore, it can be profitable to find the most effective procedure for extracting carotenoids. The purpose of this experiment was to extract carotenoids from green vegetables through gentle saponification. The experimenters sort through information provided by literature articles about saponification. The procedure for this experiment included carotenoid extraction, isolation, and quantification. Saponification also acts to filter out unwanted chlorophylls in the green vegetables. The chlorophylls skew the results of the experiment by increasing the turbidity of the test tubes. A spectrophotometer is used to measure the absorbance readings and directly correlate the absorbance