
Anthony Pinnn Rap Music

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Throughout the book Noise and Spirit: The religious and spiritual sensibilities of Rap Music, Anthony Pinn describes the sacred elements inherent to hip hop. In his discussion of gospel and blues music, he claims gospel occupies a 'sacred' space since it directly addresses religious themes, while blues contains 'seductive rhythms' and contemporary themes (Pinn 8, 9). While Pinn believes 'secular' and 'sacred' divide is messy and many musical forms occupy both religious and contemporary spaces, I was curious as to why some forms of hip hop were deemed 'sacred' while others were determined 'secular' (Pinn 17). Through this essay, I will propose my definition of these terms in context of hip hop and provide a justification for why rap is often …show more content…

According to Pinn, the purpose of spirituals was to express African culture and disseminate black consciousness (Pinn 7). Similarly, gospel music is often sung in congregations, rooted in religious symbolism and evangelism, and changed the aesthetic of black worship since the 1970s (Pinn 9). However, unlike spirituals and gospels, which occupy the 'sacred' space (Pinn 4), rap music is considered 'secular' by many. Rap artists, as Pinn states frequently, are heavily influenced by religion and have recently adopted the role in providing a social consciousness for postindustrial youth (Pinn 11). While rap contains sexism and vulgar language that cause many to believe it should not be deemed 'sacred', many gospels and religious texts promote the same messages of sexism and homophobia, but are still deemed 'sacred' and embraced by many (Pinn 18). Additionally, the 'sacred'/'secular' divide cannot be made given the invocation of religious themes or prayer, since many rap songs contain transparent spiritual influences (Pinn 3). Conversely, rap's tendency to provide criticism of capitalism and discrimination does not sufficiently merit rap's 'secular' characterization, since spirituals of enslaved Americans lambasted the concepts of ownership and hardships inherent to the plantation

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