
Anthony Trump Persuasive Speech

Decent Essays

Give me Greatness or not Hillary Ladies and Gentlemen all I ask for is your attention for a couple of minutes of your time to talk about how great Donald J Trump is compared to a murder,lying person Hillary clinton. The Clinton Family is a wonderful, deceitful bunch of people, the husband Bill Clinton lied about cheating on his wife Hillary Clinton that has lied about how she didn’t delete those emails on purpose and how she can’t keep her mouth shut on top secret stuff like Delta force. Finally she allowed for the death of U.S ambassador J. Christopher Stevens by not allowing for extra defense at his compound in benghazi. Now all of that background information really wants me to have her as president and do we really want somebody that can’t even think in an act of crisis. I can see why some people might want her for president she is very persuasive, smooth sounding voice and she would be the first female president, but she isn’t even close to being the right person for the job i mean I’m all for a woman for president but no just her. Hillary will expand access to affordable health care to families regardless of immigration status by allowing families to buy health insurance on the health exchanges regardless of their immigration status. Hillarys idea does make since to an extent because people that come over to America Legally should have the right to health …show more content…

Trump in the driver seat. Every day Trump is growing more and more followers, the funny thing is that Hillary clinton has wasted millions on ads about how she is so amazing and that Trump is a terrible leader,but yet trump has the about the same amount of supporters. Hillary whole political career is a bigger joke than Trumps big concrete reinforced wall. How can you vote for someone thats career is made from lies? Is america ready for what will happen when hillary is president? Join Trump and let's make America stronger and more glorious than

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