
Anthropology Is The Study Of Humanity

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Though Anthropology is the study of humanity, early anthropologists only focused on men during their ethnographic research of various cultures, leaving out women and children. Anthropology has adapted allowing modern anthropologists to focus on all members of society. Considering men were the focus of the discipline for so long, you would not expect there to be a gap in such a fundamental aspect of human evolution, men as fathers.
In Embodying Culture, Tsipy Ivry, writes that, generally, an Israeli man’s involvement in his partner’s pregnancy is stems around medical decisions, such as having an amniocentesis. Noting, “the very emergence of men in the scene of pregnancy is a sign that a drama is happening or is about to happen.”(2010, p. 260) In Israel doctors do not tell their pregnant patients and partners to speak or sing to their fetus. Though in North America and Japan it is encouraged, as to create a bond with the fetus, specifically for the father, as he does not have the instant bond mother and baby have.
Ivry discussed her experience of how the men in her birthing classes who “sacrificed” missing a sports game and other social gatherings to attend pregnancy classes with their wives are celebrated as “heroic acts of devotion.” (2000, 195) Ivry also discussed how the women felt that their husbands were not as involved with the process as they wanted them to be.

This is a very good example of the different levels of expectations for mother and fathers. It is a common

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