The topic of my research paper will be examining two nativist, or anti-Catholic, riots in the United States in the mid-19th Century. By looking at the motives and the course of events in both Boston and Philadelphia, this paper aims to show how those rioting exhibited similar attitudes toward Catholics in the United States yet the motives that sparked revolt differed. In terms of the organization of this paper, I plan on dividing the paper up into two halves: part one will examine Boston, and part two will examine the course of events in Philadelphia. Additionally, I would like to have a third part that analyzes the riots in a comparative, as well as a contrasting, light. For the first part of this paper, I will look at the riots that transpired
This source was somewhat helpful in researching. This source helps in looking at the social instability in that time, and how anti-war protestor’s ideals were spilling everywhere and the schools had to become
Student Demonstrations - The student demonstrations began due to the rise off tuition fees made by the government that soon lead to rioting and protests from the students. These demonstrations effected the Public Services greatly as the majority of Police Officers were on the streets trying to prevent the rioting from getting out of hand and too dangerous, while the Ambulance Service and Paramedics were on standby ready for any casualties if the situation escalated. The demonstrations showed both students as well as the Police in a bad perspective. A couple of ways in which the media did this was by only showing
During the past Winter, impoverished peasants united in the streets demanding change. This natural gas productive country was depleting its resources by the minute. Only the educated few spoke against the tyranny. Located in the usually serene central region of Niyguenta, riots surrounded the Capital of Tenkita. However, the protesters were pushed back by the Regime's loyal and highly paid Military Guards with rounds of teargas, and fatal
Thomas Jefferson wrote of the Catholic Church in France: ‘History, I believe, furnishes no example of a priest-ridden people maintaining a free civil government.’ Jefferson, in his own book of biblical stories, suggested that religion was a set of moral conventions that promoted social harmony. But with antipathy between America’s Protestant and Catholic populations at the time, social harmony had yet to be promoted. Howard Zinn writes that the prejudice apparent in the Civil War period included not only ‘racial hatred for blacks’ and ‘nativist fury against immigrants’, but also ‘religious warfare against Catholics.’
A 'riot' is commonly defined as a disorderly behaviour, which often involve violence and the destruction of property (Andrews, 2014, p. 292). Riots can be viewed from a Conservative point of view and from a Radical point of view. Conservatism and Radicalism are both political ideologies. Although ideologies are 'explanatory frameworks that help to make sense of society' (Andrews, 2014, p. 306), conservatism and radicalism contrast in many ways. Conservatism is associated with wisdom, limited politics, and natural hierarchy, legitimising the existing order. Radicalism is linked to progress, universal rights and popular sovereignty, suggesting alternative to the existing order (The Open University, 2016b).
The Jews were never allowed to become ordinary subjects. They were under protection of the crown, lived in their own city quarters and paid taxes directly to the crown.1 I think the results of the riots in 1391 was a precursor to the Spanish Inquisition. The riots were not solely founded on exasperation of the economy led by clergy, but a desire for religious hegemony. Conversos were the result of this desire for hegemony, forced to convert and then given no religious instruction, perhaps Spain realized that they had failed to create any kind of religious dominance, but had only allowed new heretics to call themselves Christians. The inquisition was a response to that reality. Religion and politics in the Medieval World are hard to separate,
Most people voted to show their political opinion in the 1960s, but there were people who were making themselves visible by utilizing guerilla warfare to try to get their message, government accountability, across. People have expectations of the government, and they are acting out by voting or through violent actions. They wanted power of the people, a democracy. “At the height of the protests the interim government had moved to suspend rights of speech and of assembly, an ironic first act following the democratic revolution’s first elections” (Page 97). Citizens began to protest and hijack the government which led to brutal massacres. The people demanded water and a clean environment, which involved the picking up of their trash on the streets. They wanted better living conditions and job opportunities. Even though this city was built on farm land and not stable for factories, they wanted available job
In Montgomery’s essay, he details the events that lead to and the after math of the riots in antebellum Philadelphia. Philadelphia’s politics were being driven by the economic situation between the unions, their workers, and the factories with religion playing the role of the dividing force between the working class. The riots were the result of an increase in Catholic population from Europe, which caused the native Protestants to become fearful of changes taking place at the public school in regards to the reading of the bible, namely which version of the bible students in public school should read.
In his speech on the riots, Cameron discounted social conditions such as poverty and unemployment as reasons for the 2011 riots, and focussed instead on criminality and morality ‘(Andrews, G. 2014). This essay will compare and contrast this conservative view of the riots with the radical view. A riot is an occasion involving violence directed at property, persons or authority. The current understanding of the term riot dates back to the fourteenth century, when it began to suggest violence and disorder among the population. By the eighteenth-century violence and disorder was on the rise in England, which resulted in Parliament passing the Riot Act of 1715. Conservatism is characterised for their resistant to change, although when it is necessary,
Another reason for why these times were much more violent can be attributed to the fact that people’s personalities would have been extremely different to ours today. They were naturally harsher, prone to violent behaviour and a lot more susceptible to the influence of religious beliefs, the latter of which was the cause of many wars throughout history, unlike the more peaceful religious institutions that we have today. In this essay I will discuss two specific times of violence, the Crusades and Joan of Arc, and then some other general points like murder and executions, for example. The next part of this essay will be an example of how religion was a cause of violence, during the “Crusades”.
“Despite the initial successes of the Reformation in the strongest and most populous parts of the Confederation, the Catholics mobilised their forces to strike back. Secular authorities in the Catholic areas took over many of the rolis of the bishops in such matters as justice and finance, and in some cases even the appointment of priests.
Fifty-Three people dead, over 3000 injured, and over 8000 people arrested. One of America’s most famous cities is crumbling right in front of the country’s eyes (Newkirk, 1). Cars line the street, engulfed in flames. Store windows and doors, completely smashed, covering the sidewalks with dangerous shards of glass, people running on top of it, as if they did not notice it digging into their feet. Angry mobs blocked intersections in South Los Angeles, tearing drivers from their cars and beating them (Banks, 1). Over one billion of the city’s dollars lost to arson and looting (Newkirk 1). The LA riots are some of the most iconic and deadly violent protests in United States’ history. Protests-when they go berserk-cause an immense amount of destruction and loss of both money and lives. Even though protests are protected under the First Amendment Right as the freedom to assemble, safety should always come before freedom.
Being a social worker will not be an easy job but it will be a rewarding job. The reason I chose this field of study is because I have had a few different family members whom have children and failed to care for. One family member, in particular, has been in and out jail for drunk driving, drugs, and domestic abuse on several different occasions. She has three children and only has full custody of one of them. The other two children live with their dad and they come and stay with my grandpa every other weekend. The one she has custody of is the little boy that is 10 who lives with our grandpa, who just recently found he has cancer and is only expected to live two more years. My grandpa does not have any legal custody of him but has taken care
The protests began when activists gathered in Gezi Park to protest against its demolition. At first, it was just some angry citizens holding sit-ins. But the numbers quickly grew. Within a week the activists’ tiny-sit spread into 70 cities. Many of the protestors were not
So to speak, studying how the protests were represented requires not only analyzing texts or processes of production and interpretation, but also “analyzing the relationship between texts,