Mia Parra
English 11 P.3
11 September 2013
Anti Gun Control
Due to recent mass shootings in the U.S. many Americans fear for their safety. Many Americans fear to go out to movie theaters, restaurants, and even their children 's schools. In the article "Will Sikh temple shooting spark U.S. conversation on gun control", Peter Greier claims "Americans are deeply split about the prospect of new gun laws, and tragic events such as recent mass killings do not change voter opinions." Gun control laws should be any more strict because it would be violating the Second Amendment and the right to bare arms to protect yourself against criminals.
To begin with, taking away a citizens right to bare arms is a violation of
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Being forced by law to leave her fire arm locked away in her car, she didn 't know this particular time would be the best situation to use it. Her lunch would be interrupted by a criminal with a gun. She watched as he shot each victim one by one. Including her own parents. Had she possessed her gun in this instance these tragic deaths may not have occurred.
However, not all guns should be aloud and open to the public. In most cases assault weapons are used in mass shootings. In California it is illegal to own any gun with with an AK/AK15. Assault weapons are unnecessary to defend yourself. Sometimes all it takes to defend yourself is just revealing your fire arm. For example Appalachian School was being targeted by a shooter when a few brave students showed enough courage to run out to their cars and grab their fire arms. These students were lucky to prevent any deaths from happening.
Furthermore, more gun laws would not stop a criminal from possessing a gun. Criminals already don 't obey the law. Background checks are an absolute must. Background checks should prevent a gun from getting in the wrong hands of the wrong person. Many criminals clan they like the gun control laws because it leaves the victim helpless and without a gun. If every home had a gun, less criminals feel power over victims by possessing a gun. By everyone having a gun, it equalizes the un equal.
In other words, these
Majority of lives have been lost due to gun violence. If concealed gun carry was allowed less crimes will happen due to the attacker would be hesitant to shoot people because , they wouldn’t know who had a gun.One news stories was the Trayvon Martin case. On the night of February 26,2012 Trayvon walk into a 7 - eleven in Sanford , Florida. Trayvon was buying a skittles and a can of Arizona. Trayvon was last known to be seen wearing a dark gray hoodie over his head. While on his way to his house Martin was being followed by a white hispanic. The white hispanic was later identified as George Zimmerman. Zimmerman follow Trayvon assaulted , shot and killed him. If Trayvon had a gun or people in the neighborhood had one this event possibility wouldn't have. Trayvon could been here if he had a
With guns people are able to keep their families safe and even be able to scare off burglars or attackers just by simply brandishing a gun. With a gun in the home you don’t even have to fire because burglars or intruders are more scared of seeing a gun and will leave as quickly as possible. In fact, 74% of felonies say that they would stay away from people’s homes when they are home because they are scared to get shot. Even studies say that children feel safer at school when armed guards are in the school with them. If there was an outlaw of guns, criminals would still be able to get guns as they do now and innocent families and people who can’t own a gun will be on a the threat of getting shot more. A background check and mandatory of time would help stop criminals and possible tragedies.
Over the past couple of years, being able to access a gun has been too easy for criminals. They have been able to easily pass background checks. This is why there needs to be stronger background checks to protect people from criminals. Also, gun laws do not need to be too strong so that no one can protect themselves. “In 2002 at the Appalachian School of Law [in Grundy, Virginia]. Hearing shots, two students went to their cars, got their guns and restrained the shooter until police arrested him”(Guns Save Lives). This is an example of why having guns could help. If there were laws that prevented these 2 students to own guns, the whole situation could have been worse. There could have been more deaths but instead, since they had guns, they were able to control the situation and protect themselves. Lastly, Americans have always had the right to bear arms. “The right to bear arms has been a long American tradition. From the time the colonists settled on North American soil, Americans have held weapons to protect themselves”(The History of the Right to Bear Arms). If there were always laws then America would not have been America. Changing this would just lead more people to be mad and cause more problems. It will be better off if the laws remain the same. Limiting the amount of gun laws will allow people to own a gun and protect themselves and having stricter background checks will make it harder for a criminal to acquire a
It has been statistically proven that those who have committed previous crimes or misdemeanors are more likely to commit future crimes with a gun (Barrett). While there are laws that prevent certain criminals from buying or owning guns, there are few. Also, many criminals find a way to steal legally owned guns. While this is not the owners fault since they were law-abiding citizens, the criminal was still able to get access to a gun, especially if that gun was previously owned by a family or friend. Stricter gun laws would make it harder for criminals to get guns which would help decrease the number of burglaries, thefts, and homicides that occur in the United States. Even though adding stricter gun laws towards criminals can help the crime and violence rate, it is still not going to prevent others from using it to commit a crime. People who are committing a crime for the first time are still a problem. They may have legally acquired their gun , but it is still being used for a crime. In 2012, 49 of the 62 guns used in mass shootings were obtained legally (Barrett). These are the people that lawmakers need to watch out
Unfortunately, many people possess guns would should not posses one. However I do not see it feasible to strengthen guns laws. I believe that there should be stronger penalties for people who are caught with a gun illegally and stronger penalties for people who are or threaten violence with a gun. This would make people think twice about smuggling a gun, or carry them when they are not supposed to. This might also influence Congress to pass a law for a stronger background check on people purchasing a gun, which would satisfy both sides of this argument. A stronger penalty for gun offenders might cause the amount of violence without a gun to rise a
Out of the, “143 weapons used in 62 mass shootings that occurred since 1982, 20 were assault weapons”. A restaurant got robbed, but the owner only had a single shot rifle. So before he could lose another round they had killed himm and took all his money for his family. if he would of had his assault rifle that the government took from him, he may have been able to save himself and keep the money for his family. Citizens Should be able to buy assault rifles, because if they were outlawed criminals could still get them on the black market,the 2nd amendment is not limited, and. Gun control laws have proven ineffective.
Malcolm X once said, “Sometimes you have to pick the gun up to put the gun down” (Malcolm X: "The Ballot). However, the news rarely accounts for when a gun has saved someone from potential danger. Every day, gun murders are broadcasted and dramatized on the news. Reports put emphasis on the guns, effectively making firearms look accountable for these evil acts. Indeed, devastation and destruction are what catch the public’s attention and get news channels high ratings. These broadcasts consequently convince the general population that controlling and even banning guns is going to stop the existence of violence. The United States does have the highest gun ownership rate in the world by a significant amount. On the contrary, the United States
Assault weapon is a semi-automatic firearm very similar to a military weapon. A semi-automatic rifle the trigger has to be pulled for every time someone shot; the rifle releases the used shell and sends a new round preparing the rifle for the next shot. A military rifle is just a little different from a semi-automatic rifle. One of the reasons private citizens should not be prohibited is because under the constitution, the Second Amendment states “A well-regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed” (Mount, Steve, 1995). The second amendment plays an important role in owning an assault type of weapon. If we can own a gun why not an assault weapon. People we feel safer from violence crimes when can defend our self. From the incident that happen in Newtown if a teacher or a principal had a weapon at the time they could have save many
The majority of anti-gun advocates voice their opinion that more guns would produce more crimes unfortunately for them there is little to no truth in that claim. In reality, when gun ownership increased the amount of murders diminished as well. When states passed concealed weapons laws there was significant drops in the number of multiple victim shootings occurring, the number of deaths, and the number of injuries at these shootings. In 1997 both Wales and England banned handguns and the instantaneous effect was a 50% increase according to crime research. They never saw a day lower than after the year they decided to ban handguns. It has been proven by many surveys that the banning of guns increases crime rate which in turn proves that gun control is not the answer.
On April 20th of the year 1999, two high school students, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold, went armed into Columbine High School with guns, knives, and a multitude of bombs. The result was the slaughter of twelve students and one teacher. The gunners also turned the guns
Public safety should not only be contingent upon assault weapon use but the actual public itself. Weapons will never cease to exist because today, the majority of cases involving firearms used are not legally bought or even registered, but are smuggled or stolen. There has not been much progression at the federal level regardless of nationwide news coverage on the recent mass killings, and not a lot of detail of what will happen in the future of a law that will ban weapons. In my opinion weapons should not be banned, because in reality this nation is not a harmless environment, and to be defenseless in a needed time is not a good
Gun Control has been an issue that has been brought to the public’s eyes in recent years. This main issue has been going on for many years, for example when John F. Kennedy was assassinated; it raised public awareness to the lack of control on sales and also possession of guns in America. Until 1968 guns were available over the counter in stores and through mail catalogs to just about any adult in America. This was an example of how loosely guns were regulated which bring us back to the issue of guns. The constitution tells us in the second amendment that we, as American Citizens, have the right to bear arms. But the government is trying to change that by regulating everything to do with owning a gun. My stance: Gun
Scholarly Essay: Gun Control There has been considerable debate recently in Canada over the issue of gun control. The Canadian parliament enacted the Firearms Act to enforce gun control by requiring gun owners to register their firearms. Just recently, the government of Alberta lead in a charge, including five other provinces and numerous pro-gun groups, complaining that the law is unconst...
On December 2012, a 20-year-old male brutally massacred 20 innocent children at Sandy Hooks Elementary School. How did he acquire a weapon was the first question that people asked. Ever since the rights to bear arms has been debated immensely in recent years. When the founding fathers created the Bill of Rights, they thought it necessary for every citizen to have the right to a weapon to protect himself/herself. This has made it so easy for people with malicious intents to acquire weapons. Although recent regulations have made it harder to acquire a gun, it is unlike that Americans will surrender this right. They believe that those with the right intentions should have access to a gun. This is one of the many rights that the American constitution has protected for centuries. Therefore, it would be a strenuous task to eliminate it from society. This controversy is what a democracy is all about: finding out what works best for the public.
With 2017 coming to an end, many people have called it the year of mass shootings. So should we be making more strict gun laws? According to Business Insider, there have been 307 mass shootings in the year 2017. That is almost more shootings than there are days in a year. No matter your political view everyone can agree that this is an issue, the one thing people are having a hard time agreeing on is how to resolve the issue. One side says we need more gun control, while the other side argues we need to arm more citizens.