
Anti Homeless Policy Research Paper

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Anti-Homeless Policies in the United States
Abigail Love
IUPUI – Masters of Social Work Application Writing Sample

Homelessness in the United States is a multifaceted problem, there are many factors to consider when examining this homelessness including access to health care, economic conditions and public policy as well as a host of other issues. Problems with homelessness that need addressed are the stigmatizations of being homeless and how this perception has led to anti-homeless policies, how reforming anti-homeless policies can lead to shifting society’s perception of the issue of homelessness, and finally why social workers must be at the forefront of the campaign to facilitate meaningful change to reduce the human suffering …show more content…

Many of the anti-homeless polices that have been previously mentioned focus on improving the quality of life for the community rather than reducing the causes of homelessness and for these reasons it is imperative that these anti-homeless policies be reformed. Reforming these polices can be tricky due to the way they are framed. For example, no one is going to advocate that public urination should be allowed. A more effective argument would be to advocate for increased public spending on public restrooms. This is just one example of how allocating public funds away from criminal justice and towards public services could help improve the issue of …show more content…

These stigmatizations have had a powerful effect on policy makers to implement policies that simply reduce the visibility of this issue. Social workers must work to bring this issue back into the spotlight and challenge the validity and constitutionality of anti-homeless policies. The current state of homelessness in the United States is an extreme social injustice and we as social workers must do all we can to fight for those who cannot fight for themselves and to ensure that basic human needs are seen as a right in our

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