When you idle, you release toxins into the air. When inhaled, these toxins can enter your bloodstream and increase the risk of lung and heart diseases, aggravate asthma and allergies, cause respiratory problems and, in extreme cases, cancer. To remind citizens about the dangers of keeping their engines running, signs with anti-idling messages should be placed in high-risk areas such as school and hospital parking lots. If this idling issue is exposed in public places, awareness for the problem will be thrown into perspective for many people.
A Public Service Announcement (PSA) can help reduce the number of distracted driving accidents by explaining the horrible effects of distracted driving and the best ways to prevent distracted driving. Currently, the main source of distracted driving is cell phones. Cell phones cause a person to text, call, and use social media while driving; all factors that can be a deadly distraction while driving. A cell phone causes much distraction for the driver and may cause the driver to have a car crash that not only affects themselves, but also the surrounding people. As a community, we should be educating people about distracted driving in order to prevent the problem and decrease the number of accidents. Public Service Announcements are important as they provide people with evidence, resources to limit distraction while driving, and helpful/important information. Teenagers, children, and even adults will be able to be informed. Even though educating people through a Public Service Announcement is important, it might not be viewed by most people and will not be effective towards the younger viewers. Teenagers and even adults might dismiss a Public Service Announcement because the announcement does not grab their attention or because the person might not care.
AT&T gains their audiences attention by appealing to the use of logic and emotions throughout the commercial. The commercial is meant to demonstrate the dangers of distracted driving and the possible results. The results are supported by rhetorical devices and strategies. The author communicates the dangers of distracted driving through their use of ethos, logos, and pathos.
Over the years we have come to be excited and weary for the new technological advances. However, the outcome of these advances is causing major controversial debates worldwide. A paramount complication with technology has been confronted such as; Distracted Driving and the effect on this based on PSA’s. One might say the public service announcements will affect the numbers of distracted driving, while others believe that public service announcements is doing nothing to diminish the numbers of distracted drivers. With more than a handful of public service announcements on distracted driving to give knowledge of the fatal consequences, it could be argued that PSA’s have been seen yet ignored.
Derreck is often mistaken as being older because of the lack of hair and his tried eyes. His black beard is often trimmed and he won't let the beard go beyond the neckline. The dark brown eye color is often mistaken as if his eyes were black, if someone sees him far away. He's a tall guy, reaching 6'7", and his body is healthy as he tries to go to the guy once a day for a couple hours.
Idling may cause air pollution that harms the health. Cars emit pollutants that form smog like nitrogen oxide and carbon monoxide. These pollutants may cause fatal human diseases, including: asthma, heart disease, chronic bronchitis and cancer. Moreover, idling cars emits carbon dioxide (CO2), a main forming gas of greenhouse effect. In New York City, idling cars produce 130,000 tons of carbon dioxide every year. Also, idling wastes fuel and money. You can save around 1/5 to 7/10 of a gallon of fuel for every hour of not idling ("Attention Drivers! Turn Off Your Idling Engines"). According to Sustainable America, Americans spend in average 16 minutes of idling per day, which equals driving eight miles
Thomas Davenport, built a electric cars. Americans, Ryker and William Morrison built a 6 passenger electric car. In 1897 taxi's in New York city were electric cars.
In this article, Peters and Peters discuses about the risk of multitasking while driving. Not only they propose a problem, but also tries to give the reader an alternative ways of preventing the cause of an accident. He gives us three-risk factors that can reduce the chances of getting into an accident. They suggest having a printed and audible warning to warn the drivers not to use the device unless the vehicle is not moving, an integrated system “which all device are either shut off or out of driver’s sight when the vehicle is in motion” and finally, “ marketing and dealer restraint”. If these warnings are available in the vehicle, there should be a less chance to be distracted and cause an accident and also, this can be useful thing to create in the vehicle to remind the driver not to multitask while
1). Texting and using a cell phone are the two most common distractions while driving (“Distracted” para. 1). It Can Wait campaign has started to stop drivers from using handheld devices (“Distracted” para. 3). Distractions affect one’s driving performance (“Distracted” para. 5). Drivers are distracted around half the time they drive (“Distracted” para. 5).15% to 25% of crashes on all levels are caused by distraction (“Distracted” para. 5). Texting increases the driving risk, even more than regular cell phone use (“Distracted” para. 5). When cops fill out crash reports, the states should keep track of them (“Distracted” para. 6). There are many distraction while driving that may cause the driver to take focus off the road (“Distracted” para. 8). Some distraction that everyone does is : changing the radio or a CD, talking to passenger, and observing the event outside the vehicle (Distracted para. 8). There are effects on telematics on driving behaviors (“Distracted” para. 9). Some say that the electronic device companies need to inform the public about the real use of these devices (“Distracted” para.
People need freedom, but there comes a point when some freedoms interfere with public health. When people drive cars with high emissions, those emissions go into the atmosphere, which contribute to air pollution and is bad for public health. One way to reduce this pollution is
Accidents today are primarily blamed on distracted driving, whether it be cell phone usage or not paying attention. One of the more serious types of distracted driving is when an individual is driving while using a cell phone or any device, whether they are texting, emailing, calling, or even playing games. This deadly habit is becoming popular with all age groups, not just teenagers. The Government, along with various organizations and Law enforcement agencies have suggested using Public Service Announcements or PSA’s to bring awareness to distracted driving. PSA’s can help get the point across as PSA’s have become more graphic lately instead of sugar-coating the topic of how dangerous being distracted while driving can be, however PSA’s can easily be
With help of permission from the government use display boards beneath the road traffic, signals, parking signals. Display board saying “Do you sleep while you drive, get a health check done”
Driving Us to Distraction Summary-Response Paper The essay, ‘Driving us to Distraction’ by Gilbert Cruz is about the dangers of hands-free technology while driving. The author argues that while driving and talking on a cell phone is deadly, using hands-free technology is not that much better of a choice. He supports his argument by citing a 2003 National Highway Traffic Safety Administration study that found cellphone use to be a serious hazard on the road and by mentioning a series of simulator tests conducted in 2007 by a psychology professor at the University of Utah named David Strayer.
Two images about kids sick, and a list of diseases will allow me to talk extensively about the consequences of breathing toxics every day around school. I will let the audience know that we try to protect our kids from dangerous people, from smoke, from junk food…, and schools are obsess about safety, but they don’t realize that they have the worse potential killer around schools: idler.
Over 7.5 billion population in this world about 800 million people are cigarettes smokers and according to a research about 60 percent people wanted to quit smoking and used many different ways to quit smoking. Today we are going to tell you the easiest method to get rid of this bad habit. Vaping is the most useful method to use for smokers who wanted to quit smoking. There are many methods so how vaping is the best method, vaping is like an inhaler that inhales and exhale the electronic vapor and gives you feel like smoking and of course the bad chemicals and nicotine that are giving you Lung infection and many other ferocious diseases. In an article written by WebMD1, People who wanted to quit smoking and used a vaping method than 60 percent
The stanza above demonstrates that tempuling is the icon of Malay enthusiasm facing God’s ordeal. The fact that tempuling is stranded, leaves sense that humans’ struggle in challenging the sea is actually beated by the storm. The power of nature, that is the hurricane, has somewhat impeded human’s effort in life. However, in the other side, it does not hinder Malay people’s enthusiasm in struggling the life they have been through. Never give up enthusiasm has become a strong foundation for Malay as pictured in the following stanza: