
Anti-Semitism During The Holocaust

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"It all happened so fast. The ghetto. The sealed cattle car. The fiery altar upon which the history of our people an the future of mankind were meant to be sacrificed."-Elie Weisel. Imagine you wake up one morning and everyone around you was being beaten, killed, put in jail, all because they are Jewish, Gypsies, Handicapped, Slavic people, Homosexuals, Jehovah's Witnesses, and many others. So many people suffered during the holocaust, and it all started when the Anti-Semitism Nazi leader Adolf Hitler decided that they were an "Inferior race" and a threat to German racial purity and community. It effects today by giving us remembrance of the sinister things that happened during Hitler's reign of power. Anti-semitism did not start with Adolf Hitler. Even though the use of the term goes back to the 1870's, there is evidence of cruelty towards Jews in ancient times. The ancient Romans destroyed the Jewish temple in Jerusalem and forced Jews to leave. The Enlightenment, during the 17th-18th centuries emphasized religious toleration. In the 19th century European rulers enacted legislation that ended restrictions on Jews. …show more content…

Hitler later on joined NSDAP also known as The Nazi's. He was imprisoned for his role in the "Beer Hall Putsch" of 1923. While in prison, Hitler wrote a memoir in which he predicted a European war which would exterminate the Jewish race in Germany. Hitler was obsessed with the idea of superiority of the "Pure" German race, that he called "Aryan". In the 10 years he was released from prison, Hitler took advantage of rivals and their weaknesses to enhance his party's status obscurity to power. On January 20, 1933 he was named chancellor of Germany. Then after president Paul Von Hidenburg's death in 1934, Hitler made himself "Fuheer", and became Germany's supreme leader (

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