few states have implemented laws that make it illegal to smoke in the car when there is a child within the car. Should this become a federal law where it is enforced in all states? What about making it illegal for a pregnant mother to smoke? Or parents smoking in a house with children, should this be illegal too? How far should lawmakers go with the creation of anti-smoking laws for the protection of the unborn, infants and children to an individual's personal freedom?
Well I think that we are all in agreement that protecting children from second hand smoke is right thing to do. But I think that the real questions with this is, when does it become the parent's responsibility rather than the government's, both local and federal.
Medically secondhand smoke causes a lot of medical issues such as cancer, heart disease, coughing, mucus, chest discomfort, reduced lung function, asthma attacks, and low-birth-weights. Ethically there is a violation of people’s
Federal Restrictions and Guidelines in Smoking and Politics by A. Lee Frischlet and James M. Hoelfer
“We affirm that environmental tobacco smoke is a significant public health risk to young children and that parents need to know about the risks of smoking in the home around their young children. We agree to co-operate on education and public awareness efforts aimed at reducing children’s exposure to environmental tobacco smoke.”
Government passed a law making cigarettes illegal would have numerous results. First, making cigarettes illegal means people will smoke les cigarettes. Therefore, smoking people can be healthier, leading to a longer life span. Second, illegalize smoking would also causing black markets. Because cigarette is addictive, people who smoke would do anything to get cigarettes, black market would cause crime rate to rise. Third, government will receive no taxes from cigarette industry due to the illegalizing of it. This will cause the government get less money can provide poor service. Forth, because of the illegalization, tobacco farmers will lose their jobs. Furthermore, there would be idle
Think of someone who you love that smokes, now think of that person getting a fatal diesease that could cause heart attacks,strokes, or cancer. These dieseases are harsh realties for many smokers. The stamp out smoking website released and advertisment that made a major impact. The ad is all black and the main message is smoking kills so why bother starting? This question has caused many smokers to think twice before smoking.
Children do not deserve to be exposed to such toxic things so young. They are innocent victims to their parents' bad habit and life choices. Children are vulnerable and clearly do not know what these chemicals do to their bodies so they are defenseless against the dangers of secondhand smoke. Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) also states, "Secondhand smoke contains more than 7,000 chemicals, hundreds are toxic and about 70 are known to cause cancer." I believe that it is not okay to for parents to think that exposing children to secondhand smoke is not a problem. This mentality that there is not a problem is the problem with secondhand smoking. I am not asking parents to stop smoking just to take is outside away from childrens' developing bodies.
Children 's lungs are still developing at young ages and adult’s occurs harmful effects on the heart. There are millions of children breathing smoke in their home with second hand smoke and second hand smokers don’t realize that their children are especially at more risk to their health than they are. Smoking in vehicles with under age of 18 should ban the law and children whose parents smoke around should also be illegal because in a small enclosed space such as a vehicle with a sunroof has more toxic air which expose breathing more rapidly. According to the author Leada Grove, created an article from AL.com wrote that “80 percent of smoke is invisivble and opening windows does not remove its harmful effects. The level of toxic air in a vehicle where someone is smoking is up to 10 times worse than levels that is considered hazardous”. Approximately 250,000 children and adults (non smokers) have died from health problems that exposed to secondhand smoke. Some states in the U.S. had established the secondhand smoke law that is illegal, however other states are still under construction to establish this law. All states should make this law a new law for all second hand smokers because as of right now our country have gained a major health issue and money wise for the government.
I whole heartedly feel the government should intervene and ban public smoking, with no exceptions. Now when we talk about the government doing something like banning all smoking in public; the questioned in posed “is the government over stepping it boundaries?” the answer to that is; I don’t think so. True enough people have a right to smoke, and I’m not saying
New Jersey has to continue the prohibition of smoking in public access restaurants, bars, parks, and clubs. Nonsmokers can consume second hand smoke which is dangerous. The risk of smoking in a building can result in a fire and lead to traumatic events. The smell of smoke can deter people from coming in. Smoking bans are very important to preserve intact, so we don’t have these risks to society and businesses. For a long time people have had different views about smoking in public places. Smokers feel it is their right to smoke where and when they want, and nonsmokers feel like their rights are getting violated.
California has led the country in anti-smoking laws with the passage in 1976 of The California Indoor Clean Air Act of 1976. It declared smoke a hazard to the general public and limited the areas in which people could smoke in public buildings and outdoors spaces. California code Section 5148 prohibits smoking in the workplace; this includes any enclosed space at a place of employment.
Cigarettes are the number one cause of death in the U.S. and yet they are still on the shelves. People know the damage tobacco does to the body, and yet they still continue to smoke, chew, and sniff it. Cigarettes and tobacco products needs to be criminalized. Smoking is the number one cause of cancer in the United States. About 50 million people smoke cigarettes in the United States.
Keep in mind, these people don?t smoke themselves, but they are still put at risk by the actions of others. The Saskatchewan Instite?s webpage goes on to state that half of all children exposed to second-hand smoke are exposed at home. While this is an important fact, its importance lies in opposite, half are exposed in places other than at home. In America 25,000 people are killed every year in car accidents, while 53,000 die from second-hand smoke (from Office on Smoking and Health, Center for Disease Control and Prevention, http://www.cdc.gov/tobacco/sgr/sgr_1988/). Action must be taken to protect these people from a threat over which they have no control.
Children do not deserve to be exposed to such toxic things so young. They are innocent victims to their parents' bad habit and life choices. Children are vulnerable and clearly do not know what these chemicals do to their bodies so they are defenseless against the dangers of secondhand smoke. Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) also states, "Secondhand smoke contains more than 7,000 chemicals, hundreds are toxic and about 70 are known to cause cancer." I believe that it is not okay to for parents to think that
I will be creating a law stating that smoking should be banned from all public places. I am creating this law because I think it's important that people feel free to go out in the community without having to worry about breathing in secondhand smoke. By enforcing this law it will also encourage people to stop smoking since they will no longer be able to smoke public places. By doing this, it will increase business for all the restaurants and bars that used to allow smoking. People will be more likely to go there now because they will know longer have to breathe in secondhand smoke. The social goal I believe this law is based on is Economic Equity because I believe that if you asked a random group of citizens they would agree that smoking should
It is estimated that 36.5 million adults smoke in the United States of America (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention B). A cigarette contains 7,000 chemicals and 70 of those can cause cancer (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention B). When someone decides to smoke a cigarette, they are not only choosing to allow those toxins into their body but are imposing all those same toxins on anyone around them. Secondhand smoke is the combination of smoke from the burning end of a cigarette and the smoke breathed out by smokers and is considered more dangerous then smoking the cigarette (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention B). Every year 480,000 people in the United States of America die because of cigarette smoking, which is the leading cause of preventable disease and death. Why has this deadly habit become such a casual part of the American life? This habit is not only harmful to the person smoking, but is hurting everyone around them. It may be their decision to smoke and cause damage to their own bodies but when they decide to smoke in public they are infringing on the rights of everyone around them right to protect their health. Smoking should be made illegal because it is not only harmful to the smokers but also causes harm to fetuses in utero, developing children and any other adults who may breathe that smoke in.