
Antibiotic Resistance In Primary Care

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How will rising antibiotic resistance impact primary healthcare?
It was in the middle 1800s when the medicine started gaining a shape, scientists are nowadays still struggling to smooth. Once the Germ Theory was accepted the importance of microorganisms was revealed. It is since then that science tries to understand and combat the little enemies living inside us. Bacteria are the smallest microorganisms being known by their astonishing dividing capacity. They divide by binary fussion meaning that one cell grows and splits into two cells. The process is exponential and provides rapidly increasing populations. Bacteria, as well as fungi and viruses all form a big category, spread infinitely , known under the name germs and are the microorganisms …show more content…

Worst side-affects include patients not being able to receive chemotherapy, which is the treatment of diseases with antimicrobial agents, and increased mortality following routine operations. This is because the risc of infection during or post the operation will outweigh the benefit of the treatment as the success of intervations relies on the use of antibiotics, namely prophylactic antibiotics, which are supposed to protect against the risk of infection. With increasing antibiotic resistance, these antibiotics will no longer provide protection until new treatments are …show more content…

Who is responsible for the massive number of people loosing the fight with antibiotic resistance every day? Who will come up with the change we are all expecting to see? Well, unfortunately it is too late to prevent the occurrence of something as unfortunate and undesirable as the situation we are put it. By the end you finish reading this sentence the number of deaths caused by the antimicrobial bacteria would have already increased by tens, if not hundreds. Pharmaceutical companies seem to be our only way out of this vicious circle. Unless new substances are discovered, which can both cure diseases and fight the antimicrobial bacteria back, medicine will start to face serious impediments. There will be an huge increase in the costs health care systems have to pay for treatments and tests. On top of that, primary health care will need to hire more health care providers including carers, nurses and doctors. Beside the costs of hiring extra staff, high amounts of money will need to be allocated for trainings and development. The sad thing is that even with extra staff the patients will have less chances of getting better and survavil rates will decrease. Some, actually most, of the health care systems will struggle to provide the increased amounts of money, in which case, the available sum of money will have to be divided to manage to meet all the

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