The Summary Is About Antigone Who Lost Her Brother Who Died In The War And She Wants To GIve Him The Right Burial For Her Brother. Antigone Loves Her Brother And Wants To Let The People Know That. She Lost Her Father In The War, Her Mom Hung Her Herself, And Now She Lost Her Brother Like Her Father In The War.
Creon Says That He Wants Antigone To Face Her Punishment.
Between Antigone And Creon They Were Arguing About Her Brother’s Burial But, Creon Doesn’t Want To Bury Him He Wants Him To Be Eaten Or Decayed. Also, Antigone Wanted To Bury Her Brother The Right Way Not Leave Him To Be Eaten By Hungry Animals.
Why Is Creon Burying Antigone’s Brother In A RIght Burial. Antigone Can’t Listen To Creon Because Creon Can’t Listen To What Antigone Saying And Would Not Give Antigone’s Brother A Proper Burial.
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Power That Both Corrupts And Metaphorically Blinds The Characters In Antigone. (Themes Of Antigone) (Power). His Knowledge About What He Is Going To Do With Antigone.
The Guard Quote Was That He Found Antigone Doing To Right Burial Because She Broke The Law That Creon Said Not To Do.
Why Is Creon Not Being A Nice King And Has To Be A Pain In The Head King Who Wants To Let The Hungry Animals Eat The One That Antigone Loved The Most Her Brother.
Why Can’t Creon Be A Good King But, Instead Being A Tragic Hero With A Weakness Of Caring About His Son Marrying Antigone Who Is A She-Devil Not Obeying The Law.
The Chorus Were Threatening Or Talking About How Antigone Is Going To Suffer The
Creon tried to shut Antigone down by arguing that what she did was wrong, but it was useless. Antigone stood her ground and remained loyal to her family and beliefs. Some of Creon's counterclaims were the fact that it was the law and she should’ve followed it no matter who it was that she was burying. Antigone returns this by saying that Creon doesn’t have the power to change what the gods want. In the passage, Antigone states, “Nor did I think your edict had such force that you, a mere mortal, could override the gods, the great unwritten, unshakable traditions.”
Creon declared only one brother will be properly buried because he was a former king. While the other can rot. Antigone was not okay with this so she buried him anyway. It was no surprise that Creon was not happy
Creon has more to offer than just his nobility, he has flaw. Creon arrested Antigone's sister Ismene for no reason at all, just because he thought that she did something, and when he had no proof of it whatever. He thought that he had enough courage to pull ismene into the house and accuses her of something she didn’t do. Creon thinks that sense he’s the king then everyone needs to talk to him in a certain way. He gets mad when people talk to him like he’s just a person but he doesn’t realize that their trying to tell him something important and he won’t listen to
In the process of Creon inforcing his law, he lost his wife and his son as well. Therefore Antigone was right in burying her brother because she was loyal to her family and did what she believed was expected of
One of the differences in Antigone and Creon’s views is that Antigone chooses to honor her family while Creon honors the city and his people over his own kin. Antigone makes the decision to bury her brother even if it means death because to her “it will not be the worst of deaths” such as a “death without honor” (i.81). Antigone displays her respect for her brother Polynices and emphasizes how he deserves a proper burial no matter what his actions caused. Creon chooses the city of Thebes and his people over his own family when he creates the law that forbids anyone to bury Polynices. He states that “as long as [he is] king, no traitor is going to be honored with the loyal man” (i.175).
Antigone is talking to Ismene and telling her all she has heard about the injustice that she has heard that Creon has created. She is very frustrated and wants only to bury her brother so he may have a peaceful afterlife and not go to the underworld or be stuck in purgatory. Creon’s edict stating Polynices cannot be buried under any circumstances is harsh because Creon most likely would have revolted against his brother if he was banish from Thebes just so he wouldn’t have to share the throne. After Antigone gathers up
The larger issue between Creon and Antigone are whether family members should be above the law. I personally think that Creon is wrong but his point of view is that if he allows Antigone to get away with trying to
Throughout the novel Creon is witless because he directly and indirectly kills his family, also, he ignores the interests of his people. Creon begins his massacre with his niece, Antigone. After she is found by one of the guards burying her brother, the traitor Polyneices, Creon banters with her for quite some time. But, he reaches his “just” resolution of burying her alive; he puts her in a cave and seals it shut. Later in the novel, the messenger comes back with news that Antigone is dead, this is how he phrases it,“Antigone was there, hanging by her neck from a linen noose...”(pg 68).
In the play Antigone, Creon starts off as the loyal king of Thebes. He is loyal to the gods and loyal to the welfare of Thebes. However, over the course of the play, Creon degenerates into a tyrant. His degeneration is showing his character development. Creon’s pride about the human law also develops throughout the play, creating conflict with the divine law. When Antigone rebels against his law, he becomes stubborn, and makes myopic decisions and grows into his hamartia. Besides his hamartia, Creon’s position as the king makes him a power hungry man. His power madness degenerates him into becoming a ruthless and vindictive man, even to his family. However, over the course of the play, Creon begins to see that because of the laws of men, he was being blinded of what’s
Even though Antigone exhibits a blamable pride and a hunger for glory, her disobedience is less serious than those of Creon. It is evident that Antigone’s actions are driven by a love for her brother, and a desire to please the gods. While Creon’s actions are
In pages 138-140 of the play “Antigone”, a Sentry brings Antigone to Creon and explains to Creon that this is the person responsible for the burial. Instead of denying the claims, Antigone takes full responsibility for the crime. Furthermore, she states the reason behind the burial, which was to give honor to her brother. Creon of course did not agree with Antigone and stated that she went against his laws as king and therefore must be killed. Meanwhile, Antigone has already come to grips with the fact that she will be killed for this crime and is not afraid, she stated that she would die happily knowing that she gave her brother his proper burial. Moreover, the fact that Antigone was not scared of that punishment surprised Creon. Creon was even more surprised that Antigone openly put the Gods over him which leads to much of the scenes confrontation. The dramatic effect the writer created was writing Creon and Antigone argument in an interrogating style. The interrogation style argument added tension to the scene, showed Antigone stubborn personality, and heighten the conflict between these two characters.
The play centers around a young girl, Antigone, that is determined to bury her wronged brother even though it will end in her imminent death. Creon, the king, has deemed it illegal for anyone to bury Antigone’s brother’s body, even though it is the female family member 's duty given by the gods to perform the burial. Antigone stuck to her oath to bury her brother and is caught by Creon and sentenced to death. One of the main themes in this play is family. Each character 's ending will be tragic due to their loyalty to their family, which is illustrated in Antigone’s death because of her unwavering loyalty to her brother and commitment to his burial. Creon 's son, Haemon, shows up briefly in the play, but has a pivotal role. Haemon is
Finally, Creon is a dynamic character. He undergoes changes in emotion throughout the work. He realizes his mistakes when Tiresias forecasts the future. Thus, Creon attempts to correct himself by releasing Antigone. But he is too late. He is forced to live, knowing that three people are dead as a result of his actions. This punishment is worse than death. Although Creon’s self-righteousness and inflexibility did not change until the end of the play, his motivations traveled from patriotic ones to personal ones. This created a major portion of the
In the beginning, the author introduced Antigone and her sister, Ismene, and their argument about their recently deceased brother. The argument involved Antigone wanting to bury her brother and Ismene encouraging her to obey the King's orders. Antigone ignored her sister's advice and chose to
At the beginning of the story, Antigone expresses her idea, to violate Creon’s rules in which prohibited people to mourn and burying his corpse which was left on the battlefield to rot and be eaten by wild animals. Ismene, Antigone’s sister did not approve of her plan and