
Antikythera Journey

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Lily #2
Journey of the Antikythera Mechanism

“Harper! Come here! Guess what!” Called Harper’s mom, Camille, from the kitchen. Harper, always one for a good surprise, came bounding in. She made her grand entrance by sock-sliding on the hardwood floor, then falling backwards with a thud. “I’m okay Mom!” Harper yelled from the floor. “What were you gonna tell me?” “I got a call to investigate something up in Greece, and I was going to have you stay home with dad, so you could celebrate your birthday, but, the trip got extended, your dad and I talked, and I was wondering if you wanted to come with me?” Camille gasped with excitement. “That sounds awesome! When do you leave? Is Dad coming?” “My flight is booked for May 29th, two days from …show more content…

Bell boy seemed very pleased with her pronunciation, and amazed that this young American girl had taken the time to learn the language. “να έχεις μια όμορφη μέρα!” (Have a good day!) She called out as the bell boy was leaving. He turned around and gave her a wide smile and a thumbs up. Harper smiled to herself as she closed the door, she made someone happy! Harper flopped on her bed with her book. Although it seemed like her mother had absentmindedly fallen asleep on the closest bed, she knew that her mother knew her well enough to know that Harper would like the bed with the view. And what could she say? Camille was right about her daughter, as always. The sun was pleasantly shining right onto Harper’s bed and she flipped open her book to where she left off on the plane. Even though her dad wasn’t there, it was the best birthday gift she’d had in a long time. Harper woke up the next morning, with sunlight streaming in through the curtains and her book collapsed over her chest. With a glance at the clock, she found that it was already 9:20! Harper rarely slept in, but at least this time she had the jet lag to blame. Her mom bounded out of the …show more content…

But then, the crash of the waves brought her out of her thoughts. The beach! Harper could go to the beach! She rushed up the stairs two at a time to her hotel room. Harper dug out her swim suit from inside the suitcase and shimmied it on. She flexed in the mirror and thought to herself, maybe all the monkey bars she’d been doing at recess had finally paid off! The temperature was perfect at the beach, and the ocean had been warmed from the sun. She stretched out her towel, and put her sunglasses on. Perfect. Hours on the beach flew by, and Harper spent them by building sand castles, bodysurfing in the waves, reading her book, walking along the beach, and sleeping. Harper looked at the clock in disbelief when she saw that it already read 5:00. She also saw a missed call from her mom. Oops, Harper thought to herself, but her mom had only called once, so it probably wasn’t a big deal. “Hi Mom!” Harper said over the

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