ANTIMICROBIAL ACTIVITY OF SOIL BY SITUMBEKO LIWELEYA (s213459531) Research Proposal Submitted in fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of BIOMEDICAL TECHNOLOGY | | FACULTY OF HEALTH SCIENCES | at Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University | MODULE- RESEARCH METHODOLOGY, SUPERVISOR- PROFESSOR N. SMITH |
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Infections caused by resistant microorganisms often fail to respond to conventional treatment, resulting in prolonged illness and greater risk of death.
World Health Organisation (2012) discusses the problem of antimicrobial resistance
Synthesis of medicinally important compounds is very difficult and thus the cost of medicine is also high because of the non availability of source materials especially aromatic compounds
Gopalakrishnan (2011)
AIM OF RESEARCH * The main aim of this research is to determine whether or not soil bound microbes’ exhibit antibiotic activity against known bacteria of medical importance.
OBJECTIVES OF STUDY * To develop a new antimicrobial agent. * To reduce the ever expanding problem of antimicrobial resistance in treatment of bacterial infections.
Gram stain * Gram stain will be used to identify the gram bacterial membrane reaction for easy identification.
* Nutrient agar will be used for the culturing of the soil supernatant to favour growth of most bacteria. * Muller-Hinton agar will be used for testing antimicrobial activity * Blood agar useful for pure culture isolation and determination of haemolysis with fastidious microorganisms.
Cheesbrough (2000)
Biochemical reactions
Biochemical reactions will be used for the
For the Gram stain, I used a microscope slide, wash bottle of water, clothespin, and the reagents crystal violet, Gram’s iodine, ethyl alcohol, and safranin to observe whether the organism was Gram negative or positve. The method was placing and heat fixing a loopful of the unknown organism on the slide. The organisms were then stained with crystal violet for a minute, rinsed off, flooded with iodine for a minute, rinsed off, decolorized with alcohol for 30 seconds, and then finally stained with the counter-stain, safranin, for a minute. I streaked the unknown onto a TSA plate and incubated at 35 C. With a pure colony, we performed a second gram stain procedure and inoculated it into a TSA slant. I used BCP Lactose broth and a loop to perform a BCP Lactose test. The broth was inoculated with a loopful of the unknown and incubated
Dulce Alcantara English Ms.Price Labels are Destroying Us! Stereotypes are starting to be part of our everyday life. We find ourselves hearing disturbing things or words about many cultures, religion or even people. Sometimes we even find ourselves in those situations, and we forget how wrong it is to be talking so foul about these innocent people. Many other people believe that its not really considered as “labels” but factual evidence.
The pre-treatment frequency of bacterial species in the cultures from both groups is detailed in Table III. Streptococcus spp. made up 15 per cent of isolated bac-teria in gr0up A” and 55 per cent in gr0up B (Table III). Haemophilus influenzae was 10 per cent of isolated bacteria in gr0up A and 0 per cent in gr0up B”, and Moraxella catarrhalis was 5 per cent of isolated bac-teria in group A and in group B. Staphylococcus aureus was 0 per cent of isolated bacteria in group A and 15 per cent in group B. S viridans was 10 per cent of isolated bacteria in group A and 0 per cent in group B. S epidermidis was 35 per cent of isolated bac-teria in group A and 10 per cent in group B, while no growth of bacteria made up 30 per cent of group A and 2O per cent of group B”, as shown in Table
Antimicrobial resistant has been called one of the world's most pressing public health problems. Every time a person takes antibiotics, sensitive bacteria are killed, but resistant ones may be left to grow stronger and multiply. Although antibiotics can help treat bacterial infections, a possible side effect is that they can strengthen certain bacterial strains. Antibiotics are supposed to be used for bacterial infections, but are wrongly being used for both viral and bacterial infections. When we use antibiotics on viral infections, deadly bacteria multiplies and becomes stronger. We can fix this problem by using antibiotics for bacterial infections only.
The problem is that antibiotics resistance has become a very big problem in todays society. Antibiotics are no longer effective against certain super-bugs such as MRSA.
There is a very real danger that medicines currently used to treat infection will become completely ineffective if they are used too often and
The aim of this experiment was to find bacteria within the soil that produce antibiotics that are effective against the ESKAPE pathogens. We found that the CFU/g of the bacteria cultured were largest when they were found close to or directly within the soil of plants likely due to the nutrients they provide. Of the thirty-three bacteria found to produce antibiotics, sixteen were found to be effective against gram positive bacteria, fifteen were found to be effective against gram negative bacteria and one was found to be effective against both. Using gel electrophoresis, we identified that the 16s rRNA gene that was enhanced through PCR was about 1400 base pairs long. Furthermore, through gram staining, we identified that sixteen of the antibiotic
Gram staining is a technique used to determine if the bacteria is Gram positive or Gram- negative. Gram staining procedure uses crystal violet stain, iodine moderator, alcohol decolorizer and safarin counter stain. In Gram- negative bacteria the primary stain will be washed out with the decolorizer and it will be stained with the counterstain. Whereas in Gram-positive bacteria the primary stain will not leave the cell wall. This difference comes from difference in the structure of the cell wall that retains the stain.
In American Gothic Literature, writers seem to peer into the darkness of the supernatural. Fore some Romantic writers, this writing lead their imagination to the threshold of the unknown. As romantic writers took their minds away from the hold of reason, Gothic writers brought their minds towards a shadowy region where the demonic and insane reside. Gothic writers would put their stories in settings such as medieval castles or decaying estates. Stories would have narrators were usually men who were insane or women who are beautiful but dying.
The war against bacteria and their ability to evolve at a much faster rate than humans can create antibiotics (a medicine that hinders and disrupts bacterial growth and or destroys it) to fight against them has the human race at a disadvantage. With more and more bacteria being found to have strains of drug-resistant chains is creating a health crisis around the world as global health officials try to find a way to protect their populations against this up and coming threat, and the issues it poses for the future of medicine and treatment of infections. Due to increased use of antibiotics in unneeded situations, bacteria are having more chances to let mutations that are immune to antibiotics be spread through other bacteria. This is causing more cases of antibiotic resistant bacteria and increasing the number of them. Drug resistance results in higher costs due to longer hospital pays and more expensive antibiotics, need for supervision, patient education, and new drug developments.
The Gram stain uses crystal violet as a primary stain, ethanol-acetone as a negative stain, and safranin as a counterstain. A small amount of the culture was heat-fixed to a glass microscope slide. The culture was flooded with methylene blue, and allowed to sit for one
make ourselves more resistant to harmful pathogens. One concern is that this bacteria may not survive
The overuse of antibiotics has been a problem for well over a decade. This misuse leads to many nonvisible problems arising within the human population. As the use of antibiotics increases, the number of antibiotic resistant bacteria also increases. When bacteria become resistant to an antibiotic, another antibiotic must be used to try and kill it and the cycle becomes vicious. Michael Martin, Sapna Thottathil, and Thomas Newman stated that antimicrobial resistance is, “an increasingly serious threat to global public health that requires action across all government sectors and society” (2409).
Modern-day advances have allowed scientists to develop methods to control pathogens. The more common methods include the use of antiseptics, antibiotics, and vaccines. By definition, antiseptics are chemicals used to kill pathogens. A few widespread antiseptics include soap, vinegar, and rubbing alcohol. Antiseptics are primarily used for the external destruction of pathogens, while antibiotics and vaccines target internal pathogens. Nevertheless, there are and can be difficulties concerning the use of antibiotics. “As antibiotic use has become more common, antibiotic-resistant bacteria have evolved.” This resistance due to evolution is called antibiotic resistance. It results in the antibiotics having no effect whatsoever on the bacteria, rendering the antibiotics useless. When antibiotic resistance occurs, scientists must resume their search to create a new medicine to can kill the mutant bacteria.
In my research, I’ve noticed a change in our path to great health as the tables have turned for us. Antibiotics have always been a drug to turn to when we want to fight bacteria, but now the bacteria are growing stronger and fighting back to the point where they’re winning and we don’t have any solid guarantee of stopping them. In fact, we don’t even have a cure for these bacteria- or superbugs. So, when we send more antibiotics into the system with the intentions of diminishing the body of these bugs, it only makes matters worse as it can only increase the immunity of the bacteria towards the drug.