
Antisocial Personality Disorder Essay

Decent Essays

Psychologically; “personality disorders have been defined as a persistent pattern of deviant behaviors within an individual which remains unstable” (Dorland, 2007). Of the wide range of personality disorder, “millions of individuals around the world are suffering from the diagnostics of Anti-personality disorders” (Antisocial Personality Disorder, 2010). According to the medical encyclopedia, it can be described as a mental condition causing a long-term history of abuse, manipulation or violations of others. APD diagnostic patients are seen to be incapable of fulfilling responsibilities, weather at work or at home. This onset is normally detected during early adulthood; from the age of 18 and up. Psychologists from around the world, day by …show more content…

They usually find it difficult to meet their obligations and are usually very irresponsible. “Those who are diagnosed with APD lack remorse and rather shows pleasure after doing harm to others” (DSM-IV-TR Diagnostic Criteria for Antisocial Personality Disorder | Psychiatric News, 2017). These symptoms must occur in the absence of schizophrenia for them to be counted as manifestations of antisocial personality disorder. Affected females are usually less violent than males. “Although females are less violent, they too exhibit aggressiveness and irritability rates; not as high as males though” (Alegria et al, …show more content…

This can be achieved by bonding therapists and the average everyday people with these patients to developing a therapeutic alliance whereby the client will be ready to work with the therapist and interact with those around them. Interpersonal therapy can be used to help the patient to learn positive socializing methods. The patient can then use their learned method to help them better interact with those in their environment. This goes a long way when receiving the needed social experiences. Another method that has been used is cognitive therapy which is used to make the clients see the harm that come as a result of their actions. This helps the patient to realize that their actions effects not only them but the loved ones around

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