
Antone's Intellectual Assessment

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During an informal assessment of articulation skills, Antone's speech was highly intelligible and judged to be within the average range and adequate for communication. Therefore, no formal testing was needed. An informal assessment of Antone's conversational speech did not reveal the presence of any dysfluencies. The results of this evaluation indicated that Antone has overall language skills that range from mildly delayed to within the average range. Expressive language skills are within the average range. Receptive language is a weak area for him and he performed better on comprehension tasks in the morning than in the late afternoon. On one assessment (OWLS-2) administered at the end of the school day he was highly distracted and received a receptive language score in the severe range. However, the CELF-5 was administered a few days later in the morning over two sessions, and Antone performed better on this assessment with repetition and encouragement to respond. His scores on the CELF-5 were in the normal range for both overall language and receptive language. Antone's Articulation, Voice, and Fluency were judged to be adequate, and oral peripheral exam indicated structures and functions of the oral cavity were adequate for speech (Ex. 6F). …show more content…

He passed all his classes during the Fall 2014 semester. It was noted on his IEP that “Antone is a talented artist. His math reasoning skills are a relative strength. He works very hard on his assignments and is never disruptive in class. His language and speech skills are within the average range” (Ex.

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