Antonio Brown: 20 Facts You Probably Didn't Know Pittsburgh Steelers wide receiver Antonio Brown has made his cases arguably the NFL’s best wide receiver. An underrated player for most of his career Brown really elevated his game in 2014 when he became Ben Roethlisberger’s best option. Brown has been a beast in his NFL career, destroying almost every defensive player sent his way. His lightening quick speed and incredible hands make him one popular superstar, though you know a lot about the man, there’s a lot about Brown’s life that you probably don’t know. I’m just an infraction and here are 20 facts you probably didn’t know about Antonio Brown. Number 20 – Hidden Gem Hard to believe this but the NFL’s best wide receiver wasn’t even a hyped-up …show more content…
You’d think the greatest pro athletes love to drink and party whenever they can too but Brown doesn’t actually drink any booze claiming you need to keep your body clean. Number 10 – Family Man Brown has four children. His girlfriend Chelsea Chris has two. Ben Roethlisberger has been working so hard to get Brown to put a ring on Chelsea’s finger, should that happen, Brown will have six lovely kids to look after. Number 9 – Overcoming Adversity Brown’s path to the NFL wasn’t easy. He didn’t make it to Florida State University because of his poor grades. He slept on couches and didn’t have a stable home as he had to move around a lot while searching for proper homes, turns out he did just fine. Number 8 – The Number Story Brown wears number 84, a typical high number for NFL jerseys. But why does Brown wear it? He claims it is 8 x 4 which equals 32, because every team passed on him multiple times at some point in the 2010 draft. That’s motivation baby. Number 7 – The Next Michael Phelps We thought Brown was fast as a receiver but wouldn’t you like to see him swimming? Turns out Brown lives a life in the water and loves to hit over 30 laps in a swimming …show more content…
Number 5 – Scouts Are Overrated One reason Brown had problems finding his post secondary education and spot in the 2010 draft was because of his rough upbringing and living poorly. Some also thought his size would hold him back from being a star. We have one word for all those scouts who passed on him, whelp! Number 4 – Hungry Man If you ever meet Brown and offer to take him up to your house you better make sure to go grocery shopping. He loves to eat six boiled eggs along with bison and oatmeal for breakfast. Number 3 – Charity Worker Brown is an avid worker off the field as he always tried to offer the best for kids. He helps poor children in Miami, tries to feed them for school and he host a celebrity softball game for a children’s hospital , Brown you beauty. Number 2 - Bring It. Most NFL stars will tell you there’s someone they fear, for Tom Brady it’s Von Miller, for Michael Crabtree it’s Richard Sherman, for Josh Norman and Odell Beckham it’s each other, but for Brown he doesn’t have one. He called it a chess game, that explains beating Chris
Ezekiel "Zeke" Elijah Elliott is one of the best running backs to ever play American football. At only 22 yrs old he has already broken numerous records and win countless awards. Elliott's network is 40million .
Watson has thrown more touchdowns through six games than any rookie since the AFL-NFL merger, and the Texans have set a team record with four games in a row of at least 30 points with Watson starting. While he does that, the Browns continue their search for their quarterback.
The game-winning touchdown caught by Donnell Wilson had everyone talking Monday morning at school. The “catch” many not have actually been as amazing as described though. An assistant coach for the University of Nebraska stated about Donnell Wilson, “Has poor hands and only average speed” (Doc. 9)
Beside a final season with the Tampa Bay Buccaneers, Brown spent his entire career in the Bay Area. From an early injury in his career that almost derail it all (“...the doctors literally told me we don't know if we can get you walking straight, so playing football may
Do you think that Jerry Rice is the greatest wide receiver in the NFL out of all time? To mainly everybody yes he is. Do you want to find out read about him and say your opinion on what you think about him, Jerry Rice played for San Francisco 49ers, Oakland Raiders, and the Seattle Seahawks Rice was born October 13th 1962? He was an average wide receiver size seeing as he was six foot two inches. Jerry was very fast he ran the 40 yard dash in only 4.71 seconds. Rice wore number 80 because it was retired and the retired football player wanted him to play with his number and Rice was okay with the number 80. Rice is just like any other receiver but he had heart and also gave it from time to time so now you’re going to get information to let you know he is the best wide receiver of all time.
In a week – 15 games against the Denver Broncos last season. Brown gave shutdown cornerback Chris Harris in the worst game of his career. He caught 16 balls for 189 yards and two touchdowns. Harris hadn’t given up a touchdown in two years before that and it’s considered the lone
When Tillman was a freshman in high school he was cut from the varsity baseball team and the coach told him he should probably focus on baseball because he was so small it was the only sport he could be good at. He choose to quit baseball and focused on football. He turned into the guy the all star the guy who changed the games. When Tillman was drafted into the NFL he was drafted in the 7th round by the Arizona Cardinals the coach told him “hey you could be a really good special teams player.” Tillman responded with “Give me 8 games and I be starting.”
Even though Ivory is imaged stereotypically through his “black roots”, his overall character also challenges common stereotypes. As Ivory adjusts to the team, Coach Jones believes he possesses a highly achievable chance to succeed as the team’s quarterback. Distinctly, it is very well known to the sports world that it is uncommon for there to be an African-American quarterback. It has actually caused much controversy throughout college and professional football over the years. Ironically enough, this past Sunday, according to The Big Lead, African Americans are starting at the position of quarterback at a tremendously high rate, setting an all-time record.
For Andrew Hawkins, he remembered how tough it was when he was a young boy. He decided that it should not be that way for these kids. He recalls being raised by his mother with other kids in the house. He details how his mom put all of them through private schools, as reported by Pro Football Weekly.
Brown had a great faith in God. Success had eluded him up to this point. He had sired 20 children and had gone through two wives, but he still felt unfulfilled. In 1846, Brown was working as a wool merchant but nothing ever came of it. Before 1855, Brown had gone through a series of lawsuits and bankruptcies that halted his success. Gerrit Smith, a philanthropist friend of Brown's, was persuaded into giving a portion of the 120,000 acres of land he owned in upstate New York to Brown. This land would be open to refugee negroes. Brown lived on this land as a farmer for some time before realizing that people were just taking advantage of him.
John Brown had an ordinary life before he became embroiled in the antislavery movement. Brown was born in 1800 and he grew up in Ohio. Due to him working with his father in a tannery, he later wanted to start one of his own when he was seventeen. “The young man soon master the rural arts of farming, tanning, surveying, home building, and animal husbandry, but his most conspicuous talent seemed to be one for profuse and painful failure.” (Chowder, 333) When he was twenty, he got married, but later became a widower due to his wife passing away eleven years after their marriage.
“It's really one thing that my parents instilled since I was young,” he said. “They always taught me how to work hard and how to really just be the hardest worker on the field and off the field. So, that's really how I try to attack every day. I'm playing receiver now and haven't been doing it as long as some of the other guys. I felt that I was a little behind. I just had to work a little bit harder to get to where I am now and be the best that I can be.”
Some could call Brown a pioneer in being a civil rights activist for social and economic justice in this time period. Other people saw Brown as a mad man out for his own cause to be a hero and a martyr for equal rights and freeing the slaves. According to David King that Brown was crazy with the statement –“on the subject of slavery he was crazy” (Davidson p. 129). King was quoted saying this after he meet Brown after the Kansas fight. King described Brown as “an instrument in the hands of God to free slaves” and that Brown thought of his self as the person pick to free people from slavery (Davidson p. 129). Historians researching for answers for the clues if Brown was really insane might use this to back up their claim that Brown was crazy.
As Brown's life goes on, it is questionable that if Brown is sane. Considering that he had a religious epiphany. Which had a large role in his criminal actions. Even he thought he was doing God's will. But still his acts were criminal. Most importantly, if Brown wasn't sane he shouldn't have been followed by so many. Yet, he was followed blindly into battle with pro-slavery. It is needless to say that evidence suggests that Brown is nowhere near being
At the end of the story brown can’t even come to believe that people by nature are capable of more good over evil, but because they live “fake” lives they are incapable of good. It is then he crosses the final threshold of optimist to pessimist because from this point on everyone is lying and his life becomes unbearable. He even comes to think that evil is more powerful in the mortal world. Brown becomes so gloomy and distrustful that he couldn't believe a good gesture from anyone and this affects his relationship at church and with his wife. At church he wishes ill will on the minister “When the minister spoke from the pulpit, then did Goodman Brown turn pale, dreading, lest the roof should thunder down upon the gray blasphemer and his hearers.