
Anxiety Argumentative Essay

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“Anxiety disorders are the most common mental illness in the U.S., affecting 40 million adults in the United States age 18 and older” (Facts & Statistics). The most common type of treatment for people suffering from anxiety is prescription medications. I think that many people experience anxiety to a point that requires medication to treat it is because of increasing levels of stress in everyday life, increased pressure to succeed, and the convenience of taking medication instead of alternative treatments. Anxiety disorders have been around for a while, but why has it become so large in recent years that it affects over 40 million U.S. adults? Anxiety was first recognized as a disorder in 1980 by the American Psychiatric Association (Tracy, Natasha). “An anxiety disorder is a serious mental illness. For people with anxiety disorders, worry and fear are constant and overwhelming, and can be crippling” (Anxiety & Panic Disorders Health Center). As anxiety disorders have become more prevalent in the past couple of decades, more people are seeking out treatment to relieve their symptoms. …show more content…

In today’s society, we are expected to take on so many different activities and be successful at all of them; it becomes a constant struggle to meet everyone’s expectations. Most parents not only have to work forty hours a week, but also are required to be the Little League coach, Cub Scout leader, Sunday school teacher, Parent-Student-Teacher Association President, and the chauffeur. Spending quality time with the family easily gets pushed aside, which adds more anxiety. Whether it is succeeding in school or work, or even just being a conscientious parent, it becomes easy to let being successful at something consume you. When for some reason you are not able to perform well, it causes additional stress and pressure to do

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