
Anybody's Son Will Do Summary

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In reading Anybody’s Son Will Do, I found out that U.S. Marines are somewhat heartless when it comes to socializing their recruits. And they normally get very young guys to join them as the text says; “There recruits usually have no more than twenty years’ experience of the world, most of it as children, while the armies have had all of history to practice and perfect their techniques” (27). In saying this Gwynne Dyer is saying that the armies have perfected getting young men and basically brainwashing them, while the young men go to the military for other reason as they are basically just beginning to experience the world as human beings. Dyer also started this story off with a quote from a solider who was disgusted after he killed a Japanese soldier who was trying to kill him as the text says: “I felt remorse and shame. I can remember whispering foolishly, “I’m …show more content…

As the text says, “When the buses finally come to carry them the seventy-six miles to Parris Island, it is often after midnight—and this is not administrative oversight. The shock treatment they are about to receive will work most efficiently if they are worn out and somewhat disoriented when they arrive” (29). In saying this the text is saying that this is a well-known method that the military uses to shock the new recruits and to let them know that they are about to catch pure hell. Dyer then goes on to speak on how the marines truly brainwash young men to behave the way they want them to. One USMC drill instructor is quoted saying: “I can motivate a recruit and in third phase, if I tell him to jump off the third deck, he’ll jump off the third deck” (30). By adding this quote Dyer is showing the reader that the Marine Corps really have these young recruits so messed up in the head that they are basically robots by the end of

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