To start off, I would like to say that I am interesting in taking AP English Literature and Composition for a variety of reasons. I believe it would be a great class to get me ready for collage, which would be the main reason. I love to read and I want to become better at analyzing my reading and learn strategies to get better at that skill. I want to continue to grow in the areas of analyzing literature and to transcend in that area of expertise. Also, not to mention, it would look good on collage applications. Lastly, I know that there is a lot of reading in the class and I want to explore more novels and read more of the olden classics.
Secondly, it is hard to choose my favorite piece of literature. Based on the classic novels, I want to say that Of Mice and Men by John Steinback is definitely one of my favorites. I love how Steinback is able to make this loving character, who is mentally ill, and get him to be an absolute favorite. To contradict myself, I hated the ending, but I also loved it. It had one of those scenarios where there could be another life for Lenny, and it was the hope that there would be; in the end, who does not love a happily-ever-after. However, George killing Lenny made the book more legendary; it made it more tragic
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Due to Mr. Perry, I have excelled greatly as a writer over the years and it has gotten me to the college level preparation for writing. I am buoyant with my level of reading. I know I can always get better at the skills I need to have for the future, but at this known time I am decent with the analytic skills I need to have.
In conclusion, I feel like I am qualified for talking the AP English Literature and Composition class. I am always trying to make improvements in my reading skills. I am willing to try out new strategies and read new, interesting novels. Overall, I see myself as a hard worker and very diligent, which makes me a great applicant for the
Looking back at the amount of writing I’ve done for AP Literature, I can see growth in my understanding of poetry and of literature. There are skills and concepts that I need to focus on and refine as I continue on through the class, but I am confident in the abilities that I have picked up so far.
I am really unsure about having to take an English composition course because I am not a writer and the field I am studying for is not one that I would have to write for. I am going to put my all into completing this course to the best of my ability. My plan is to be able to strike a good balance between this class and others that are more in line with my field of study. My hope is that I do not get an apathetic attitude towards the course as the curriculum goes on.
“Of Mice and Men” by John Steinbeck was a very unique book to say the least. I believe that’s why it drew me in. I found myself gasping, “awwing”, and even getting slightly teary-eyed at the end. Many different factors of the book stood out to me.
English language techniques are used in many writings to help the readers to have a better understanding and for the writers to express more. It is also same for an argumentative writing. In this particular essay, the writer had used language techniques to persuade readers that Australia should not become a republic country. This essay will discuss about what kind of language techniques the writer had used to persuade the readers that the writer’s opinion is correct.
Ms. Czapski’s 1st, 2nd, 5th, and 6th Hour Advanced Placement English Language and Composition Classes
In preparation for the Advanced Placement Literature and Composition exam, high school students must read many kinds of literature during the year-long course to familiarize themselves with different time periods, movements, philosophies, and genres. Advanced Placement students must learn to think critically, and be ready to find, analyze, and express literary connections through written analysis. The biggest challenge of teaching and learning Advanced Placement English is the difficulty covering the entire scope of literature in two semesters. Twentieth century literature often gets neglected. The pace of the curriculum can also limit
In the words of Samuel Adams, “It does not take a majority to prevail but rather a tireless, irate minority, keen to set brush fires in the people’s minds.” I do agree to the statement that it takes a minority to make the people realize what changes must be brought but I do not confirm to the views that it does not take a majority to prevail. According to me most process to start changes are started by a small group of people but if the group does not enjoy the support of the majority, the revolution is doomed for failure. In my opinion, it is not feasible for a minority to go against the wishes of the larger group and bring a
It’s been a great three years of being mentored by you in speech, debate, and finally, AP English Language and Composition. Through those three years of rigorous public speaking and academically challenging work, I can say with sincerity that I am a different person. Now, I know tenfold of what I knew before of high fructose corn syrup, trigger locks, and IRCA. It’s been an unequivocal honor to have met someone with such an intellectual arsenal as you and I have to wonder if I’ll ever meet anyone as knowledgeable even in college. You fended off every single argument that either the Debate Team or the 14 member fifth period AP English coalition threw at you with such ease and class. Wherever you decide to go next, I have no doubt in my mind that you will have the same scintillating impact you had on Suffern High School. Be sure to hoist that Tampa Bay Rays banner proudly for all those poseur Yankee fans to see!
This English Composition II class has educated me so much on how to write better, write in different formats, schedule my time better, and how to improve my writing. Learning more about all of these categories will help me in the future when I need to write other essays for future college classes that I will have. I am very happy that I took this class when I did, because of it I am more prepared for college this fall. I just hope my future professors are as funny and kind as Mr. Stout has been towards
There are many supporters in favor of English being the only recognized language spoken in America and there have also been many opponents. The debate has driven many states to pass their own laws concerning the English language. As we know, the United States is a nation known as a “ Great Melting Pot” built by immigrants whom many can not speak and parse English. Most immigrants faced difficult barriers by being discriminated against and the cause of their cultural name. If an immigrant name was stenuous to pronounce, they changed it. Immigrants brings their cultures and languages, as well as their customs and traditions. Making English the official language of the US
Based on your existing knowledge of American Indian–colonial relations in North America, write an argument to use as the basis of your research.
One of the challenges high school seniors face is to choose whether to further their education or not. Many students choose to go on to college to get degrees or certificates, but many do not. College certainly is not for everyone. College is important though for people who want to obtain jobs that require getting a degree. I am a person who wants to get a career that requires a quality college education. I will experience many challenges and obstacles throughout my college education. I know taking a Composition and Rhetoric class will be one of these challenges. I am taking English 1101 because I have to in order to get my degree, because I want to get ahead, and because I expect to develop better writing and communication skills.
Students taking AP Language & Composition have generally taken Honors English I and II, this prepares students who are taking the class and makes the class easy for them.
My entire life, I have looked forward to math class; it has always made sense to me. Plugging numbers into an equation and solving for x always came easy to me. Outside of school, I enjoy reading. Easily, I could pick up a book and read the entire thing as time just flies by me. The books I don’t like to read are the ones that I am forced to read in a constricted amount of time. Before this year, I’ve never taken an honors English class; I was the smartest one in my CP class. I never challenged myself which is the reason I decided to take AP English. I didn’t put this on my schedule have my transcript look good, or to boost my GPA, I want to become a better writer. In 20 years, the skills I learn throughout this year will be more important
In that case, I decided to switch classes. AP English Literature is such a great class because we get to study literature. Studying literature is important because we gather more knowledge, we learn lessons, and we get some entertainment out of it. These are also reasons why you should join the class.