
Ap English Literature Essay

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In 1914, culminating tensions gave rise to a war unlike anything that the world had ever seen prior. World War I, also known as “The Great War” and “The War to End All Wars,” completely altered the Western world at its foundation. Nearly 65 million soldiers from 30 countries fought altogether. Not only were empires altered, but literature was altered as well. Overall, the Great War utterly revolutionized British literature and radically changed it at its core. World War I was a turning point in history. It began abruptly with the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand by a Serbian terrorist organization in 1914. However, tensions had long been culminating with increasing militarism, nationalism, and the corruption of the international treaty system (Bourne). This …show more content…

She pioneered the stream of consciousness, as well as displaying the character’s innermost thoughts (Cersonsky). She also challenged the literary concept of time. In her work, To the Lighthouse, Woolf relies on the course of everyday life more heavily than major events. In fact, part one covers only seven hours in the lives of the Ramsay family. It recounts the story of a family that lives across the bay from a large lighthouse. It concludes with the realization that her vision was attained.
The staggering death toll and violence experienced during the war left many returning soldiers unable to readjust to their society (Stevenson). The effects of rebuilding the nations heavily impacted those left on the home front also. In many circumstances, the people were left with a sense of hopelessness and their own mortality. Nature lost its healing effect during the course of the war. For many, seeing their scenic homes war torn and in a state of turmoil completely destroyed the ways of the past. This deep rooted disillusionment would present itself for years to come.
T. S. Eliot articulated the views of a post-war generation. Born in America

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