It’s December 2014 and it’s Christmas time in Newcastle. As usual the grey sky lays like a cozy blanket over the city. Somewhere around the Christmas madness a boy is walking around. Among the smell of cinnamon and food from the Christmas market, the sounds from people, cars and buses. Little noises are heard from pigeons fighting over a piece of dirty bread. As the boy navigates trough the crowds of people he is completely unaware of something life changing that is about to happen. This wonderful boy has sandy blonde curly hair that is partially covered by a grey woolly hat, he’s wearing a black cozy warm jacket with grey sweatpants and worn out vans. Wrapped under his shirt the wires from his headphones are just hanging loose on his chest …show more content…
The boy who's eyes shift colour depending on the light, who has dark defined eyebrows that I'm jealous off, puffy lips and vampire-like pale skin. His most noticeable trait to me when I met him for the first time was his deep, sad eyes. A bit like a sad dog. His eyes told a story of a person broken down by experiences, who didn't expect anything anymore but the worst.
But not today. Today his eyes are sparkling with happiness and he has a big grin on his face. Life is good. He just suffered trough his last day of college before the Christmas holidays begin. He is so excited about just sitting by his desk all day and night drinking Dr.Pepper, eating pizza and playing Grand Theft Auto. He cant wait to sit up at night just looking at the moon and ponder life as he watches everyone come and go from their lovely Christmas decorated houses. He will have his cat and best friend Koda on his lap of course. He found Koda in a box in the street when he was a kitten. Koda is now 6 years old, sort of overweight and insanely
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Before I moved from where I was born - a small city in Sweden just to be with him and turned his life completely upside down. Just a couple of days after this story took place both our lives changed forever. We met and 6 months later I moved to Newcastle to be with him. I had to get used to the language/accent, the food, his family and getting around a big city when I came from a small town. I was 16 when I moved to a strange country by myself. My family and friends are still in Sweden and I miss them a lot. It is very difficult to have a boyfriend from a different country, to move in with him at a young age but we have really faced every type of issue a couple can have and we handled it and are still together and i know that we will be togheter for the rest of our
I ran, my feet bloodied and aching, my ankle unsteady and shrieking in pain. I ignored it, gasping
1. In a compared map of the Holy Land and the state of New Jersey, there are not a lot of differences in the amount of land. Although the Holy Land does not provide important resources, people have been fighting over it throughout history.
1. As latitude increases, the intensity of the solar energy that strikes an area decreases, and climates become cooler.
In chapter 3, it discussed the different territorial states of Egypt, Southwest Asia, East Asia, and the South Pacific. During the early developments of these territorial states, climate played a big role in each states. Farmers were largely affected by the climate changes, and long period of droughts occurred throughout the lands. Due to the radical changes of climates, “powerful warming and drying trend”, it was hard for many territorial states to continue to grow enough crops to feed their people or raise animals (textbook pg 93). Thus, causing them to move and try to find a better place to live where there is more water, and this migration caused many developments to occur. An important development that I would say is the most important that led to the growth of the these early territorial states is the development of the
Centralized Government made to establish rules and maintain order; as well as handle diplomatic matters.
1A.1.) A nation is a unified group of people with a common culture. An example of a nation without a state is the Kurds.This is because the Kurds do not have a state of their own since the Kurdish land includes parts of Iraq, Syria and Armenia and the Kurdish people are often the majority in cities in this region.
1. The reasons why some buildings are in the floodplains is because of agricultural industry. Another reason is population growth and expansion into those areas where people felt safe because of improvements of levees. Even though people were told about the dangers most people relied on disaster insurance instead of flood insurance. There should be laws that prohibit further development of these areas because it is costing the taxpayers lots of money for people that want to live in these areas that know the risks. If there were laws in place they could use some of the land as soccer fields and football fields as overflow ponds if they do want to build in a floodplain they need to raise the ground up by hauling in soils that will let the water pass through into those overfill ponds.
1. A metropolitan area is a core urban area of 50,000 or more people together with nearby counties that have mainly urban populations with close ties to core urban area as measured by traveling patterns. Its less-occupied surrounding regions, distribution business, organization, and housing.
1. The factors that are listed in 1.2 are world population growth, ecological disturbances, technological advancements, microbial evolution and adaptation, and human behavior and attitudes. World population growth can impact the spread because if we are looking at just one area of people that is extremely crowded and one of them has a disease; by person to person contact it can spread more easily compared to an area of people that is less compacted with people. Ecological disturbances such as climate changes, and natural disasters, can increase spreading of Zika because climate has a lot to do with where the mosquitos, and they also need places to live. If we had a natural disaster such as a flood, that is a lot of water and that’s what mosquitos
Turning off the TV, Andrew grabbed his keys and rushed to the garage, angry for not being more cautious. Driving down the street as fast as he could to get to the cleaners, he said, “I wonder if Margaret has her phone. I will call it,” he said, pushing the buttons, he waited, and said, “Oh, no; it went directly to voice mail. She must have turned it off, but why would she do that?”
There was a sense of impeding doom that turned my stomach. Although I couldn't bear to look at the mask I held outreach to you, my eyes were tempted to look to you. I side-swiped a glance at you before you took the mask. My eyebrow arched as you looked at me, visibly distraught. My eyes did a double take, and my gaze fell curiously back on you. I sensed a feeling of unease from you, and became immediately confused. “Your master never teach you Torture 101, Mr. Ren?” Although I was mocking you, there was a sense of concern in my voice, as I looked over to the Dug and then back at you. “You look like you've seen a ghos-” Holding out the mask in front of you, I watched you intently as your eyes fixated on the item. My eyes narrowed at that reaction, and suddenly, it made sense to me. Perhaps you had seen a ghost. Fully educated in the many various connections within the Force, I wondered if in this moment you had seen anything. If in this moment, his darkness had fallen on you. I pondered the horrors you had witnessed... and if any one of those horrors was my own. I wondered if it was pain you experienced, and even... if that pain was my own.
When I was a kid, about 5 to 8 years old, my hands would always get cold whenever the surrounding air is chilly. My dad would always tell me to rub them together, like you would in order to make fire. And so I did it. I rubbed and rubbed and rubbed. My fingers grind against each other from the tips of my little fingers to the base of my palm, but none of this worked. My hands still are cold, stone cold. Then my dad said after watching me rub for a whole 3
I don’t know why I’m doing this, but this senseless woman or as she says ‘psychiatrist’ said the only way I’m going to get over these past couple of days is to recap. So here goes I guess
I glance over at the clock it reads 3 AM, my mind buzzing with stress makes me stay awake.My eyes dart around my bedroom, trying to find something to focus on and go to sleep. My mind runs over the long, boring conversations of the day and what I should have said at what specific time and keeps running on, the only thing breaking me from my stress filled thoughts is a sound unfamiliar to me. It sounded like a creak in the floorboards, which happen 24/7 but it still left me baffled.
As I'm walking into this creep hotel I see this very nice old lady knitting. She walks up to me with her cane. She asks me what my name is and I say Billy, what's your name? My name is Dianna now come this way ill give you a room. She gives me a room and all that's in it is a bed and a sink nothing else. She says you can do your own laundry down the hall, but go to bed we leave a curfew.