
Ap Interview Conference Structure

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All conference notes, agenda and minutes are due to me via email on the 15th of the month following the conference or group meeting.  Monthly Conferences with APCWs:  Diane according to your 2018 Objectives you will be required to perform the below task. • Communicates with subordinate staff regarding work performance on a regular basis. • Completes individual conferences with accompanying documentation (including additional conferences with probationary employees) and provides written and/or verbal feedback to all employees regarding job performance. (Please try to give conference notes to your staff within 72 business hours of having the conference) • Takes necessary action when staff’s performance indicates need for improvement after …show more content…

o Roger Andrews on 04/02/2018 o Burt Ramsey AP interview on 04/10/2018 o Pedera Douson on 04/13/2018 o Gloria Monahan on 04/16/2018 o Sherri Richardson with Linda Clemons on 04/25/2018. o Jack Weber on 04/27/2018 Quality Assurance Calls:  Conducts quality assurance telephone calls at least quarterly to customers and others with whom APCW has visited to ensure appropriate behavior and case actions, and provides feedback to APCW.  Currently you have a 100% performance rate in this area. o Diane your first report will be due April 15, 2018. I have added the fillable document above if you need it.  Diane I received QA forms from you on February 8, 2018 for the below calls. • QA call on 01/10/2018 • QA call on 01/12/2018 • QA call on 01/17/2018  Diane I received QA forms from you on March 4, 2018 for the below calls. • QA call on 02/21/2018 • QA call on 02/26/2018 • Security Mentor Trainings: The requirement is that these be completed within 72 business hours of receiving the …show more content…

Diane the below trainings will need to be completed by you and your staff by June 30, 2018. Required Annual Online Training • Continuity of Operations • Adult Abuse • Fixed Assets • HIPAA • Sexual Harassment • Time Coding- (Audio Required) Other Department Online Training • Customer Service • Dementia • DSDS Missouri Community Options and Resources • Effective Client Interactions • Home and Community Based Services • Active Shooter Training Video (.mp4 - Running time: 6 min.) Diane’s Required On-Line Trainings: o Diane you have completed all of the required On-Line trainings for 2018. I also encourage you to view all of the ENGAGE videos and the Active Shooter Training videos if you have not done so yet. o Diane you reported with your conference notes that you and your team completed the Engage Video and Active Shooter video.  Diane you reviewed the Engage Videos on the following dates: 02/08/2018, (2) on 02/23/2018, 02/15/2018, 02/26/2018, 02/14/2018, 02/16/2018, 03/18/2018, 02/247/2018, 03/30/2018, (3) on 02/28/2018, (2) on 03/22/2018,(2) on 04/03/2018, 04/10/2018, 04/30/2018, 05/04/2018  Active Shooter Video:

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