
Ap Psychology Application Essay Sample

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My Junior year AP Psychology course didn’t just teach me about the human brain, social patterns and mental disorders -- it taught me about myself. By the end of the first semester of that class, I knew that I had found my calling: to study the human mind and give professional aid to those who suffer from mental disorders. I am confident that the University of Wisconsin-Madison will help me fulfill this goal with its world-renowned Psychology program. UW-Madison is the home of numerous breakthroughs in Psychological science and students who have changed the course of the history of Psychology, such as Abraham Maslow (Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs) and Harry Harlow (Harlow’s Monkey Experiments). The idea of studying at such an esteemed university is thrilling to me and I’m eager to pursue my education there. …show more content…

I have been independently studying Italian, German, French and Norwegian for the past two years beyond the limited choices offered by my high school’s World Language program. I am absolutely ecstatic to finally be able to take challenging World Language, Linguistics, and Culture Study courses with experienced professors and Graduate students. UW-Madison also boasts an impressive study abroad program that I am eager to take part in for a semester after my Sophomore year.

UW-Madison also offers a number of extracurricular activities and clubs that I intend to participate in. I’m very interested in joining UW-Madison chapter of the National Alliance on Mental Illness, Psychology Club, Badger Crafters Club, Italian Club, Badger Acts of Kindness organization, Badger Cheese Club, Under-A-Rest A Capella choir, and the Botanical

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