Answer the following questions after reading Chapters 1 and 2 in the text book.
1. List the three factors that are described in chapter 1 that create a need for screening. Discuss the significance of each one as to why they are key factors. (3 pts)
Three factors that create the need for screening are side effects of medicine, comorbidities and Visceral pain mechanisms (Goodman & Snyder, 2013). Physical therapists as direct access providers, have the responsibility to communicate with attending physicians when one of these factors are obvious or even suspected in a patient. Each factor can affect the outcome of a plan of care.
The side effects of medicine can be as mild as a headache or as dangerous as coma and death. A personal example
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Goodman and Snyder (2013) states that according to the Guide to Physical Therapy Practice, “the Systems Review is defined as a “brief or limited exam of the anatomic and physiologic status of the cardiovascular/pulmonary, integumentary, musculoskeletal, and neuromuscular systems” (p.20). The System Review is completed as the examination and assesses communication and cognitive ability, affect, language and learning style (Goodman & Snyder, 2013). The Review of Systems (ROS) looks at the history and clinical presentation for conditions that may point to systemic disease and is completed after conducting an interview and assessment of pain. (Goodman & Snyder, 2013). The systems review looks at the “whole person” while the ROS looks at possible symptoms of systemic disease (Goodman & Snyder, 2013). In other words, the System Review briefly exams the health status of a system. The ROS looks for a cluster of symptoms and signs that may point to a systemic disease. The Systems Review is more in line with what a physician would check in a basic exam. In the ROS, the therapist may uncover information that a patient has forgotten or does not think is important (Goodman & Snyder, 2013). The Systems Review checks for specific information during an examination. The ROS is a way for a therapist to determine if a cluster of signs should initiate a referral to a physician for further analysis (Goodman & Snyder, 2013). Therapists do not identify a specific disease in an ROS; however after classifying the clusters may determine a problem outside the scope of practice. (Goodman & Snyder, 2013). The physician may begin with a Systems Review when the patient is referred back with the addition of the cluster signs found in the Review of
This frees up the physician’s schedule to see only the medically necessary patients, whereas PTs can share the load of musculoskeletal evaluations. Mitchell and Lissovoy published a study in 1994 on the cost effectiveness of direct access to PTs. They found that the costs for PT visits were 123% higher when patients were first seen by a physician as compared to when they were seen by a physical therapist directly. Establishing close working relationships between medical doctors and PTs, with a 2-way referral of patients, is essential to reduce not only unnecessary referrals, but also improve patient satisfaction and create an efficient process for reducing overall medical costs.
This data is reliable as there were multiple trials that were conducted during the span of one class period with no interruptions. The data was also collected in the same way each time and with the controlled variables of strength of gravity and mass of the weight on the string kept to a constant as they were unchanged during the experiment. However, the poor and difficult to use apparatus and the errors in the data show that this experiment is unreliable and cause the controlled variable of the degree of the swing difficult to keep consistent.
Have you ever stopped and thought about how incredible and confusing the human brain can be? Psychologists think about it all the time. It is their job to be a pro on the human mind. Their research helps us understand behavior, memory, and mental health disorders. My mother and my brother both got their masters’ degrees in Psychology, so I have been learning about it for almost my whole life.
The desire for perfection on college applications has caused many to stray away from non-traditional or rigorous subjects, however, my curiosity finally overwhelmed my hesitation and with a mixture of boldness and rashness I circled the words "AP Psychology" for the 2015-2016 school year. By far, Psychology was undoubtedly my favorite academic subject I have ever taken. This wasn't because I earned a 5 on the AP test or enjoyed the mood of the room, but rather because I genuinely craved to learn unlike ever before. To clarify, for the first time, I could utilize the subject into in my daily life. Even for an AP course, I continued to flourish because I wouldn't see assignments as work, but rather as an opportunity to satisfy my own curiosity
1) Distinguish between operant conditioning, observational learning, and social learning. How are these different kinds of learning utilized in the work place? Give specific examples for each one.
All I wanted was a duck eraser. When I was younger, my older cousin would ask me to be a part of her psychology research for college. She promised that if I did what she asked I could get the duck eraser I wanted. During my junior year I had space for an extra class. Remembering how much fun I had being apart of my cousin’s experiments and learning about her research, I decided on taking AP Psychology. I am extremely glad that I took the class because I learned a copious amount and had so much fun. My favorite project I did involved interviewing people and psychoanalyzing myself to understand the stages of development by various psychologist. During the project, I was astounded to learn that the interactions we as a species have affect our
In Psychology 101, you learn about a personal fable; something that I have not lost. I have always wanted to change the world that I was destined for greatness and teaching elementary school students gives me that power. In the words of Nelson Mandela, “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.”
Freud introduced us to unconscious motivations and how they determine our behavior. The study of the unconscious mind became a base and paved the way for other therapists. Also, the psychosexual stages were introduced which explain the biological and instinctual drive of children. The structure of personality is the foundation of our impulses, behaviors, and our interactions in our mental life. These include the id, ego, and superego. The superego prevents actions the id wants to accomplish; which is important because we all have irrational impulses and the superego saves us from those. It is important to look at the weaknesses of psychoanalysis and Freud’s ideas. The psychosexual stages stop at the age of six when development happens throughout someone’s lifetime. These psychosexual stages are his main focus and there is not much of a focus on how important social factors are on our mental health and development. Psychoanalytical therapists can sometimes be seen as subjective. The therapist analyzes the dreams and that is subjective. There is no empirical research to support his psychodynamic model, although the theory does explain reasons for irregularities in development. A common criticism is he blamed for inadequate parenting on mothers while the father was not in the equation. The time
Hi Ravien, It takes a special person to work with at risk teens and young children. Not only is it important to understand human behavior, but having a major in psychology will also help with critical thinking and problem solving. A Psychology degree will also help with teaching effective communication skills and how to come up with persuasive arguments based on the information
The section in this chapter that I found fascinating is when the authors discusses intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. Before this section, I only heard of these words in my behavior modification psychology class third semester. In this section however, I especially enjoyed the example about the children playing math games. I was not surprised to see that the children spent more time playing the games when a reward was at stake. I feel, people in this day and age work or participate in activities majorly for the prize at the end (whether that be a paycheck, trophy, recognition, etc.). Of course there are many exceptions to this statement, and many people participate in certain things for the self-validation or pure interest.
When I started this class this pass September I had a little knowledge of psychology. In my junior year of high school I took Psychology as an elective class. I really enjoy it alot, it amaze me how much there was to know about our brains. This September I came with the feeling that this psychology class was going to be way different from my psychology class from high school. And that my knowledge from my class before wasn’t going to be useful at all. But I was wrong, this class has actually been better than my other class. Because it has help dust off some of the concepted that I had learn before. But it has also made gain more knowledge about psychology that I didn’t knew before. For example the next concepts are the ones that had impacted me the most: critical thinking and the eight essential, implicit learning, short term and long term memories. I chose these concept because they have not only taught me more about psychology, but they have made a big impact on me.
mom is more affectionate and I depend on her for warmth and love when I am going through tough times. My father is more logical and I depend on him when I need practical advice.
As I walked into my first class of college I was unsure on what to expect, luckily my first course was psychology. Coming into this course I had no knowledge of psychology and to be completely honest, I was unsure if I was going to like the class. Surprisingly, it did not take long to enjoy this class, to look forward to each class, and to become intrigued about psychology. I would have never thought this course would have made such an enormous impact on my everyday life. Importantly psychology has helped me with two situations for example, my relationship with my mother and my fear of planes. Reading the book we are assigned and hearing all the important information my professor had taught us I was convinced to change the way I had looked at everyday life situations to improve my future.
This paper contains a brief annotated bibliography of research articles selected on the specific research topic of the perceived institutional ethical behavior of US-based multinational corporations and its relationship with organizational longevity. Following the five peer-reviewed qualitative research articles.
Attributions are our explanations of the behavior of ourselves and others. When you make an internal attribution you blame personality, attitudes, or some other dispositional factor for the action. For example, if you’re waiting for a bus, and the bus passes you by, and you blame it on the possibility that the bus driver doesn’t like you, you’re making an internal attribution. When you make an external attribution, you attribute situational factors for the action. Maybe the bus driver passed you up because he has to go to the gas station to fill up the gas tank of the bus (Feenstra, 2011).