In Chapter 7 of our What Is Psychology textbook, we learned about the importance, details and strategies of memory techniques. One type of memory is Short Term, which only last up to thirty seconds before forgetting. Whenever has to remember a number or a name, they often repeat the information multiple times so that the Short Term Memory can transition into Long Term Memory. In order for this transition to occur, the information must be constantly repeated, or important enough to be held in the permanent memory, which helps create a “folder” with all retaining information and reminiscing. Another way short term can become long term is using a method called Chunking, this breaks the bigger pictures into smaller ones for the brain to remember,
Chapter Four 1. What is a variable? List at least five different variables and then describe at least two levels of each variable. For example, age is a variable. For adults, age has values that can be expressed in years starting at 18 and ranging upward. In an actual study, the age variable might be measured by asking for actual age in years, the year of birth, or providing a choice of age ranges such as 18-34, 35-54, and 55+. Sentence length is a variable.
Paula is apart of the target student group in her class. She does lack the cognitive capabilities as her peers in the higher cognitive functioning groups.Though Paula does show eagerness to perform as well as her other peers, there are many things, including her low cognitive ability, that keeps her from catching onto the information he is taught. During the initial pre-test, Paula, scored with a 33.34%,one of the two lowest scores in the class. Like her peers, Paula was not able to finish the test, and the test fairly measured the information that she was able to answer before getting highly frustrated with the pre-test like her peers. Paula was able to correctly identify the questions that asked about the needs of a plant. Paula was
1. What is the nurse's highest priority for a patient experiencing sleep deprivation? What would we teach them about this? What treatment would be expected? Safety would be highest priority; sleep deprivation causes psychomotor deficits. Interventions that can help with sleep deprivation would be avoiding stimulating activities in the hours before bed. Avoid exercise, caffeine, and screen time just before bed. It’s also a good idea to avoid eating a large meal, as this can interfere with healthy sleep. Create a comfortable sleep environment. One medication that the patient can be prescribed on would be Zolpidem is a short-acting hypnotic that will help the patient initiate sleep and awaken without untoward symptoms of drowsiness. Also, Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) and galanin are sleep-promoting neurotransmitters that can be used as a treatment.
10. If you are avoiding a specific food because of a bad memory, it is called food aversion. Which brain region is associated with food aversion?
A: Hi may I help you? B: Yes what is the name of this jewerly?
Introduction This case study pertains to a 39 year-old African American male named Tony Taylor who has been diagnosed as having antisocial personality disorder (hereafter abbreviated as “APD”). After a difficult childhood of neglect and abuse, Tony turned to substance abuse (illegal drugs, alcohol) and crime. He has a history of failed relationships and joblessness, and has been reported as having regularly minimized his responsibility for his actions. Diagnosis Since Tony’s report indicated that he has never exhibited manic symptoms and that he has never had delusions or hallucinations, diagnoses of schizophrenia and bipolar spectrum disorders were eliminated.
A hypothesis is an explanation that can be tested based on observation. A statistical hypothesis is testable explanation based on observation and different variables. A null hypothesis explains what the results of the experiment will be if the original hypothesis is wrong. An alternate hypothesis is the opposite result if there is or isn’t a null hypothesis. Semmelweis hypothesized that bacteria/virus filled extremities resulted in higher death rates.
A.1. “The lives of the street-oriented are often marked by disorganization. In the most desperate circumstances people frequently have a limited understanding of priorities and consequences, and so frustrations mount over bills, food, and, at times, drink, cigarettes, and drugs.” (page 108) A.2. The factors of disorganization and a misconception of priorities along with their consequences make it difficult for “street” families to become “decent.”
In module 1. pages 3-6, Myers discusses the different regions of psychology and also credits scientists, philosophers and students who developed psychology into what it is now. According to Myers, mental processes are subjective experiences. When a person has these mental processes such as beliefs or dreams, how do psychologists link specific behaviors to them considering these mental processes are subjective? Are there any past scientists, philosophers or students that should not be considered a psychologist anymore because our definition of psychology has changed? As psychology is always changing due to new advances of information, should past psychological theories no longer be considered as more appropriate ones are being
October 22nd, 2012 Chapter 1- What is psychology? [pp. 1-23] LO1: Psychology as a Science (p. 4) * Psychology is the scientific study of behavior and mental processes.
Poetry and spoken word help students. Some improvements are more advanced writing skills and a better social conscience. It helps with overcoming of shyness, develop literate individuality, self-confidence, and self-esteem. It can be very a therapeutic experience, and students show more confidence in learning. (Weinstein, Susan p.1, Jocson, Korina p.1) Students start to act on their self-perception as writers. Their self-confidence and self-efficacy skyrocket. (Weinstein, Susan p.2) A student named Edward describes this feeling of belonging. “When we’re going to meetings, we’re all in the van talking about our problems and stuff. I was like ‘Oh my gosh, I never knew
The researchers believed that after the online communication and chat rooms became viral, the adolescents will have no social connectedness and well-being. They then figured out that they were wrong. They found out that online communication helps the adolescents social connectedness and well-being rather than reduces it. The researchers came up with three assumption about online communication and how it affects the adolescents. First, online communication stimulates online self-disclosure, second, online self-disclosure
In the book Introduction to Psychology by Plotnick, and Kouyoumdjian, there were many topics I read about that were interesting, but module 7 was the one that cute my attention. The module is about dreams. According to the definition in the book dreaming is a unique state of consciousness in which we are asleep, but experience a variety of astonishing visual, auditory and tactile images, often connected in strange ways and often in color. People blind from birth has only auditory or tactile dreams. Sleep and dreams play important roles in human life. Sleep is divided into two major categories called non-Rem and REM. According we spend 80percent of our sleep time. Sleep consists of five different stages. I will be discussing three of the stages.
When I started this class this pass September I had a little knowledge of psychology. In my junior year of high school I took Psychology as an elective class. I really enjoy it alot, it amaze me how much there was to know about our brains. This September I came with the feeling that this psychology class was going to be way different from my psychology class from high school. And that my knowledge from my class before wasn’t going to be useful at all. But I was wrong, this class has actually been better than my other class. Because it has help dust off some of the concepted that I had learn before. But it has also made gain more knowledge about psychology that I didn’t knew before. For example the next concepts are the ones that had impacted me the most: critical thinking and the eight essential, implicit learning, short term and long term memories. I chose these concept because they have not only taught me more about psychology, but they have made a big impact on me.
Interference of other material also plays a role in the short-term forgetfulness. It is hard for the brain to focus on committing more than one thing memory at a time. The old stuff is bumped out by the new stuff, which is a big contributor to why you forget. Our short-term memory seems to have a limited amount of places to hold this temporary data. This is an area that has been studied a lot. There are different theories about how much we actually retain before it is pushed out by the next thought. Chunking makes remembering easier as well. It involves grouping information into familiar stimuli so it can be stored as a single unit. This takes up fewer memory slots and makes remembering smoother. The chunks are effective when they are associated with something familiar to the individual. This ties into the long-term memory because that is where you draw the familiarity.