
Apaaxia Adventure Essay

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Sadly, an Apraxia Adventure doesn't only consist of endless hours or speech therapy and mispronouncing words, it has its bullies. I'd be a liar if I said that the bullying wasn't that bad. If I had to pinpoint my worst, defeating Apraxia moments-it's definitely the bullies.

First grade, about seven years old, I was attending after-school daycare. There was a Trio of Trouble, a group of fourth-grade boys that seemed to stir up chaos wherever they went. They'd rough around, steal toys, and laugh at people. Unfortunately, these boys were popular just for being trouble makers.

Desperate for social interactions, I would accept any sort of treatment not knowing that I deserved to associate myself with those who cared about me. If only I knew better at seven, right? One day, when these boys decided to speak to me, I was actually naive enough to see them …show more content…

I choose a hot pink cast that I wore for several weeks and I even missed school the next day!

I returned to school the following Monday and was excused from my PE classes, from playing on the playground, and everyone asked to sign my cast. For once, I felt popular! I was actually cool for getting a cast and people noticed me because of the cast, not my funny voice.

As far as the Trio of Trouble, they also signed my hot pink cast. One of them even drew a happy face on it. As an adult, I probably would not have let them sign my cast, but I suppose that's the beauty of being a child. We are naive and forgive easily. Surprisingly, the Trio didn't make fun of me for falling and breaking my arm, they just left me alone from there on out.

Do not misinterpret this, I still did not like this Trio. But, it was easier to tolerate them just as long as they didn't talk to me. I still would be anxious and nervous, afraid that they'd say or do something to me when I saw them

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