
Aphasia Movie Analysis

Decent Essays

Watching Aphasia the Movie, in class was in my perspective the best part of this class. I particularly liked it because it showed how the work of SLP’s affects such a vulnerable population. This movie brought in multiple subjects previously talked about in class. Even though the movie showed glimpse of what an SLP’s job would look like with patients like Carl; we were still able to see how the code of ethics and scope of practice played out in a real life scenario. This movie was especially perfect for this class because it showed how the WHO model is used to organize the treatment plan. The first area it takes in to account is the health condition of the patient. Participation, body function, and structures are all part of this are (Aphasia). Because …show more content…

As previously stated in class the second aspect to consider for training is the contextual factors, which must be considered through out the entire process. As detailed in the ASHA scope of practice SLP’s that work with patients who have suffered from a stroke, have and important task in screening, assessing, diagnosing and treating patients with aphasia. As stated in the roles and responsibilities an SLP is expected to work to prevent and advocate for patients. They should work to education patients, their families and the community in order to create a more excepting and enriched environment for the effective treatment of the patient. The SLP should also be capable of performing administration tasks and continue his or

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