Temple of Apollo By: Saleh Al-Raeesi For: Professor Knutson April 26, 2015 CON 101 Abstract The Temple of Apollo is found in Greece; it is viewed as one of the most important structure in the Apollo sanctuary in Delphi. The Temple has been rebuilt four times with the first one built of laurel tree branches by Trophonios and Agamedes the two legendary architectures in the 7th c. B.C. It was rebuilt around 6th c.B.C after it was consumed by fire. In 330 B.C after an earthquake destroyed it in 373 B.C was rebuilt for the third time by architectures from Corinth. Today only the Temple ruins stand. The Temple of Apollo Building The Temple of Apollo is well seen from the Gulf of Corinth. It is an archeological site in Greece …show more content…
15 kilometers southwest of the Delphi town is the Kirra harbor city on the Gulf of Corinthians. It is Doric in style. It had fifteen columns at the sides and six columns in the end. It was rebuilt four times due to various natural destructions or improvements. The Temple passed through many historical changes until it remained the way currently is. The Temple of Apollo was at the first time built by two legendary architects, Trophonios and Agamedes around the 7th c. B.C. The Temple of Apollo was built to be used as place of worship. It was mostly known as the center of the world or the dwelling place of Apollo (Desscoeudres, Paul 12). Many prominent people of kings, generals, and other ranks visited the Temple of Apollo for advice regarding war, love, politics and other family …show more content…
The pieces of limestone sometimes failed to meet the measured requirements this called for them to be placed and be covered with a substance known as stucco. Stucco was obtained by crushing marble, limestone, gluten-like substrate, and water. The stucco sometimes would have color stains, which would match with the roof of the structure. Materials The Temple of Apollo used various materials that were demanded by the priests. All its architects and constructors worked under the instructions of priests as this was to be a holy place. For special buildings like this, materials would even be imported to make sure they get the right structure The materials included; limestone and marble, which were locally available though some marble was imported, wood was available from the forest, and stucco was also, used which was made from varying pieces of lime and water. From this, it is clear that every material was obtained locally, and manual work was greatly applied. It could shock to know that the building was strong even with the use of manual work in construction. It was built the ordinary way of placing the limestone one after the other and may be adding a coat of stucco, which was simple to believe it could result in such a strong
By the 7th century BCE the site had been rededicated to the worship of Apollo by the Greeks. ”(Illustrated History of Landscape Design, pg 8) The designers engrave seats along the slopes of the mountains
What kind of materials did the castle used? The main materials that were used were just stone and wood, the defensive wall would be stone,
The Temple of Athena Nike was built where it is for various strategic and religious reasons. Pericles rebuilt it as part of an effort to increase morale and renew culture during wartime. It was built over a previous temple to Athena, which was used for similar things. Utilized continuously by Bronze Age Greeks, the temple also served as a military base. References to Nike, the goddess of victory, also strengthened the luck associated with this structure and, therefore, its appeal as a fort. It also was arranged to face an altar to the east. Furthermore, the location affected the use of stone, as the natural shapes and quality of local marble inspired the Doric and Ionic orders. Thus, the Ancient Greeks had reasons for placing the Temple of Athena Nike where it still stands today. (Ancient-Greece.org)(Reidel, Brown.edu)
The Temple of Apollo at Didyma is located in the country of Turkey which is located in present day Eastern Europe. The Temple of Apollo is located south about 17.70 Kilometers from the costal town of Miletus. The Temple of Apollo was built in the sixth Century B.c..Which is on the western coast of the country. This temple is the tallest and the slimmest built of the ancient Greek world. The temple served a huge role in the social ,religious, and political lives on the Mediterranean coast. I am comparing and contrasting this historic temple to the Our Lady Queen of Angels Church in Newport Beach, California.
The main monument of Ancient Corinth was the Temple of Apollo that stood tall among all the other ruins. The particular temple was built around 540BC. Originally, the temple had six limestone columns along the front and back and fifteen columns down each side, but now only 7 columns remain in total. Behind this monument in the distance, was Acrocorinth residing on a hilltop. My family and I didn't personally visit the fortress, as the path was raw and quite dangerous, but it is home to the Temple of Aphrodite and a mosque built by the Ottoman
Most of these materials were not that rough. They used low grade limestone to build the pyramid core, and fine white limestone to employ for the outer casing as well as to cover interior walls, also pink granite was more often used on inner walls. Basalt was one of the most common material used for flooring, it is a volcanic stone formed because of a quick cooling of basaltic lava.
After perfecting the formula for this concrete, they had achieved a cement that could help construct durable buildings. By laying the concrete between bricks and then covering the facade of the building with marble slabs, the Romans made well constructed buildings that gave the appearance of pure marble (Connolly).
In the article, “The temple of Apollo at Bassae: New Observations on Its Plan and Orientation”, by Frederick Cooper, makes an analysis of how the architecture is both problematic compare to future Greek temple standards but is also an “imaginative experimentation”. Cooper, compares many researchers and writers who have several theories of how and why certain elements within the temple are. For example, Cooper, compares his own experience of being at the temple of Apollo at Bassae, by analyzing the rising and setting of the sun and reveals that, “the beam of light which falls on the center of the south adyton wall was clearly intended to be masked, so that only the beam which strikes the corner could be seen” (104). Cooper, reinforces his theory
Athens and Sparta dominated the Hellenic world with their cultural and military achievements. These two cities rose to power and gained victories over the invading Persian armies (Cliff Mugnier, 2002). Cities displayed their allegiance to Sparta or Athens by donating to the reconstruction of the Temple of Apollo after its destruction by warfare. Archaeologists, Willie Rowbotham, Meg Morden and Gayle Gibson (Edinburgh University, Villa Archaeological field school, University of Toronto 1999) decoded inscriptions on the temple including one concerning its second restoration in 510 BC and how it was completed using funding provided by the Alcmeonids, a powerful Athenian family. The political triumph of the Athenians was shown by the use of Persian shields as decoration on the temple wall, war trophies taken at the Battle of Marathon. The largest Delphi treasury was built in the 5th century BC as a symbol of democracy and freedom as Athens had just been liberated and the inscription to this effect was on the southern side of a treasury, recorded by an ancient traveller and geographer Pausanias (180 AD). The Delphi temples displayed visual representations of various city-states such as the statues of ‘Tholos of Sikyon’ (500 BC), built by Kleisthenes after the First Sacred (1998 - 2015 Ellen Papakyriakou/Anagnostou). Delphi was very
and glass. While the Greek’s used marble, which is still applied today. They both built big,
The Greeks finished building an exquisite temple to their beloved goddess, Athena in the year 432 BCE. (Sayre 60). The name of this enriched, unique temple was the Parthenon. The Parthenon took the Greeks approximately fifteen years to complete and as Pericles stated, it was built to give gratitude to their goddess Athena for the salvation of their city, Athens and all of Greece in the Persian Wars (Sayre 60). It was also a symbol of their power and superiority among other cultures. It was something the Greeks took great pride in and recognized it to a great extent. The Parthenon was built on the highest point of the city of Athens to look over the precious Greek city. On the exterior walls of the Parthenon there was beautiful artwork that
The site was originally called “Pytho” after the guardian serpent. It was renamed Delphi after “dolphin” (delphis in Greek) because Apollo took this form in order to bring Cretan sailors to Delphi so that they might become his first priests in his new temple. Through the politically astute endeavors of its priests (spies throughout the provinces), Delphi became Apollo’s major prophetic shrine by the seventh century BCE.
Greek and Roman temples are very similar in structure, however they have their differences as well. Lets
In the tenth century B.C.E., Greek temple was made of ephemeral materials such as wood and mud brick. In the eighth century B.C.E., the Greek architecture begins to move from ephemeral materials to permanent material like stone. In the fifth century B.C.E., the Greek city-states were engaging in the show of resources. An example is the Athenians that invested substantial resources in the building of their temple to honor their gods. In addition, architecture was affected immensely in the process of uplifting the temple in the later century. Greeks re-used temples by remodeling it. Building a new structure on existing
Any material which is used for construction purposes is called building material. Every country uses different kinds of building materials because of different geographic conditions. Most of these are found in nature like rocks, wood, leaves, clay etc. Apart from these, some man made materials are also widely used like plastic, glass, etc. There are many types of building materials, some of these are described below